


英語 高校生

高一です。 受動態の問題がわからないので教えて欲しいです🙇🏻‍♀️‪‪🙇🏻‍♀️

1 各文の下線部が話題の中心となるように, 受動態の文に書きかえなさい。 1. The famous actor wrote the novel. A ← ・The by the famous actor. The novel is 2. They closed the airport because of noise polution, hlona gasi anna gott 10 because of noise pollution. 3. The research team solved the problem after many meetings. blu navig euw yunit → by the research team after many meetings. This per blog adT 4. Eddie put the paintings on the walls of his house. -> 5. The moon hid the sun this morning. by Eddie on the walls of his house. The per by the moon this morning. Sun is Andden (人 6. People make mistakes when they are careless. when people are careless.ses are+maka 2 次の各文を,( )内の指示に従って書きかえなさい。 B id good rodombiary 1. The professionals didn't repair these old pianos. (下線部を主語に) 2. Did the children feed the rabbits the day before yesterday? (下線部を主語に) 3. The vase was broken by Ted. (下線部が答えの中心となる疑問文に 4. Lisa was greeted by the host of the party. (下線部が答えの中心となる疑問文に) 5. Her suggestion is accepted. (「~され得ない」という意味の文に) (ded od 6. We ought to obey the laws of the country. (下線部を主語に) 3 ( ~する義務がある従う mild has age at moor zilo moon air aquos sH )内の語句を並べかえて, 英文を完成させなさい。 C 1. (has/the new museum/opened/just/been). The new musum has been 2. (will / to / the patient/carried/be/a bigger hospital). The 3. By the time he arrived there, (had/taken/the last/been/seat). 4. (will / the song/by/be/a famous singer / sung). Ye ill be can S B 5. (I reached/was/cleaned/the room/being/when) the hotel. The raw is the wona daiw zoo ai busot adT 4 下線部の内容を主語にして,適切な語句を補って英文を完成させなさい。 総合 NP 1. 今この瞬間にも,たくさんの水が世界中で使われている。 basual agwoH around the world at this very moment. 2.子どもは危険から守られなければならない。 マスト使う 3. 彼の言葉は誰にも信じてもらえないだろう。 will by anybody. from danger. C Tug od Write! 1. あなたの財布はどこで見つかりましたか。 2.りんごはたった今食べられたところだ。

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