


英語 高校生

(2)の、They have easier to access.のhaveはここではなんの働きをしているのですか?

Lesson Our Lost Friend ➤ p.150 Vocabulary discuss~L/B) ~を話し合う The British Museum welcomed the delegation/ and discussed their proposal In the end, / the museum offered to let Hoa Hakananai'a return, / but only as a 2 loan. // They refused to give it back permanently. // The museum did not deny / that the moai had been taken without the islanders` permission, / so why didn't they immediately agree to return it? // From the point of view of the museum, / there are good reasons to keep the statue. // the security and controlled Since Easter Island does not have ② environmental conditions that the British Museum has, the statue is safer in London. // The statue can now be seen by many more people than on a remote island. // Scholars have easier access to the statue. // Moreover, some people argue / that the moai deserves to be a world heritage object. // 5 These reasons make sense. // However, the fact remains / that Hon Hakananai'a was taken without permission and is still held against the people's will. // So, many people / -not only the Rapa Nui- / question the museum's reasoning. // proposal lóan dený point of view good reasons. 貸与物 を否定する ~を Section 3 正当な理由 Reading Points 以下のことを考えながら読んでみよう。 it back colo (2) 大英博物館が所有を主張する根拠に 多いのは、どのような事実があるからですか、 6 scholar access □argue動~だと主張する héritage object make sense (0) (167 words) their prom h the en offer to that 12 ★G-2 6 son des Will K €

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英語 高校生

所々分からない部分があるので教えて欲しいです よろしくお願いします🙏

Work Complete the sentences below to match the Japanese. If everyone ( ) best-before dates properly, we ( waste. ) all children ( I( 1. 誰もが賞味期限を正しく理解していれば、フードロスをいくらか防ぐことができるのに。 2. すべての子どもたちに食物の安全な取り扱いについて学ぶ機会があればなあ。 3. 水問題についてまるで他人事のように話すべきではない。 4. この最新のオーブンレンジがなければ、より多くのフードロスが生じるでしょう。 We should not talk about water issues ( business. ) ( ) ( ) not ( there would be more food waste. ) a chance to learn about safe food handling. ) prevent some food 3.〈状況〉水問題について議論するハルトの様子を描写します。[be] Haruto is discussing water issues as if he ) they were none of our B Complete the sentences below using the verbs in the brackets. 1. <状況> もし自分がお金持ちならどんなことをするかを述べます。 [be, donate] If I rich, I 2.〈状況〉フードロスを減らすためにできるとよいことを述べます。 [plan, avoid] I wish everyone _unog srij their meals and 4. 〈状況〉もしその村に井戸がなかったら,と考えます。 [be, have If it for the well, villagers ) this latest microwave oven, to fight against food waste. impulse buying. an expert. access to drinking water.

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