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There was a famous highway in the United States called Route 66. It stretched from the city
of Chicago in the middle of the country to Los Angeles in the West. It was nearly 4,000
kilometers long. For decades, it was the country's most important highway.
Construction of Route 66 started in the 1920s. At that time, U.S. car ownership
5 fast. In 1910, there were 500,000 cars. By 1920, there were nearly 10 million! Route 66 was built
over many smaller roads between Chicago and Los Angeles.
As more Americans began driving, they explored their country. Therefore, Route 66 shaped
the U.S. economy and popular culture. Many businesses started in towns along Route 66. These
included gas stations, fast food restaurants, and hotels. There were songs and television shows
10 about Route 66. It appeared in books by famous U.S. authors like John Steinbeck.
However, Route 66 was more primitive than today's highways. Heavy traffic from cars and
large trucks damaged the two-lane highway. This made Route 66 unsafe. By the 1950s, the U.S.
began replacing it with modern, four-lane highways. In 1984, the last section was replaced.
Today, people can ( A ) drive on parts of former Route 66. They can also visit museums or
15 look at old photographs of Route 66. But most of the kicks on that famous highway are ( B ).
問1 本文の内容に合うように、次の質問 1.2に対する答えの空所を英語で埋め, 文を完成し
1. How did Route 66 shape the U.S. economy ? ルート66は米経済とどのように形作ったのか
Many businesses, such as
started along the way.
2. How did Route 66 shape U.S. popular culture?
about Route 66 helped to shape it.