


英語 高校生

写真1枚目の英文(上から4段目)についてです。 When they ran〜の文に energy it transferredとありますが、訳を見たらすごいtransferから修飾してるっぽくみえるんです、、でもitって後置修飾なしのはずだしどうなんだろうと思いました。わか... 続きを読む

6 2023年度 英語 防衛医科大学校 -看護 marine organisms like squid or jellyfish that get around in a similar 移動する way. (10) aquarium Then, one by The researchers began their study, which was published Wednesday) (in Royal Society Open Science, by liberally sprinkling an with minuscule floating particles of aluminum oxide Th one, they put five chambered nautiluses into the tank, and let them jet about.[/ that //In the They used high-speed cameras, a laser that lit up the particles software that could record the particles' movements. constellation of specks, they saw the animals sucking in water, then forcing out in the direction they were moving away from, with the pocket of ( 11 ) water and the nautilus shooting apart at velocities they could readily calculate. [[ om.) When they ran the numbers, the researchers saw that the nautilus was able to use 30 to 75 percent of the energy it transferred to the to move. ater to > it 後置修飾 That was much higher than other similar swimmers. "Squid, they tend to be about 40 to 50 percent efficient," said Dr. Askew. Bell-shaped jellyfish, which pulse their bells to squirt out water, also tend to have lower than 50 percent efficiency. 問7 下線部(7) the chambered nautilus とは何かを選びなさい。 (1) ダイオウイカ (2) ジュール・ベルヌの 「海底二万マイル』 に出てくる潜水艦 (3) オウムガイ (4) アンモナイト

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


英語 ( 70分) 1 次の文章を読んで 1~7の問いに英語で答えなさい。 It's Christmas Eve, December 24, 1914. The night is clear and cold/ Moonlight illuminates the snow/covered land separating the British and German trenches outside a small town in northern France. British military command feeling nervous sends a message to the front lines: it is thought possible the enemy may attack during Christmas or New Year. Extra caution will be maintained during this period. The military command has no idea what's really about to happen. Around seven for eight in the evening/ British soldier Albert Moren blinks in disbelief What's that on the other side? Lights flicker on./ one by one. Lanterns. he sees, and torches, and... Christmas trees? /"Stille Nacht, That's when he hears it - soldiers singing in German/" heilige Nacht." Never before had the Christmas music sounded so beautiful. I shall never forget it," Moren says later. It was one of the highlights of my life. Then, in response, the British soldiers start singing The First Noel." The Germans applaud, and counter by singing "O Tannenbaum." They go back-and-forth for a while, until finally the two enemy camps sing "O Come, All Ye Faithful" in Latin, together. "This was really a most extraordinary thing." soldier Graham Williams later recalled, "two nations both singing the same Christmas music in the middle of a war." Events just north of a small town in western Belgium go further still. From the enemy trenches, Corporal John Ferguson hears Someone call out, asking if they want some tobacco. "Come towards the light," shouts the German. So Ferguson walks out into no-man's land into the field between both armies. "We were soon speaking as if we had known each other for years." he later wrote. "What a sight little groups of Germans and British talking together almost as far as the eye can seel Out of the darkness we could hear laughter and see lighted matches.... Here we were laughing and chatting to men who only a few hours before we were trying to kill!" The next morning. Christmas Day, the bravest of the soldiers again climb out of the trenches. Walking past the barbed wire, they go over to shake hands with the enemy. Then they wave "come on!" to those who'd stayed behind. "We all cheered." remembered soldier Leslie Washington of the Queen's Westminster Rifles. "and then we all came out together like a football crowd." (A Gifts are exchanged. The British offer chocolate, tea and cakes: and the Germans share cigars, sauerkraut and schnapps. They make jokes and take group photographs as though it's a big./happy reunion/ More than one game of football is played./using helmets for goal posts. One match goes 3-2 to the Germans, another goes to the British, 4-1. In northern France/the opposing sides hold a joint burial service. "The Germans formed up on one side." Lieutenant Arthur Pelham- Burn later wrote./"the English on the other, the military officers standing in front, helmets off, heads bowed in respect. As their friends are laid to rest friends killed by enemy bullets - they sing in English "The Lord is My Shepherd" and the same song in German mein Hirt" their voices in unison. "Der Herr That evening, there are Christmas dinner parties up and down the lines. One English soldier finds himself invited into the German held zone to a wine cellar, where he and a soldier from southern Germany pop open a bottle of 1909 French champagne. The men exchange

解決済み 回答数: 2
英語 高校生

高校英語の比較のよくわからなかった問題です 答えとできれば簡単な解説をお願いします

5) blugp,bluow). 2 Complete a new sentence with a similar meaning. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. No other sport in the world is as TIJE popular as soccer. is as popul in evi 1) Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. 4) 命ほど大切なものはない。 URSORS) +2+N [asw] stow AKO led Furth nbluow nifee POSICIER tikk. Jenif and on bein [nothing, life, precious] stel omso er ti ld is more. No other sport in the world is more 2) Makoto can jump the highest in our team. No one in our team can jump as 3) Sae finished the test the quickest of all the students in the class. sest of all 1 Jeroe2 ria it.E O Sae finished the test noom llut s moge ever blyos ew tripin tesi benis ton bad ti ll.A the test quicker t 3 Choose the better option. 1) Which is (the better / better) of the two plans? 2) Unfortunately, no (more/less) than fifty people were injured in the accident. 3) This village is very small. There are not (more/less) than twenty houses in it. 4) Getting enough sleep is no (more/less) important for health than nutritious* food. nee bonutritious 「栄養のある」 AND! an 11 4 Put the Japanese sentences into English. Use the word in the brackets. 1) アラスカはアメリカのどの州よりも大きい。 [any, state] Unca JASNOST Alaska is 2) 雨が降っているので、 外出するより家にいたい。 [prefer] It's raining, so 3) ジャックはたった1年でスペイン語を習得した。 [more, master] pniwanb (▶6 (▶5-2) in the US. od now I reiw 1.8 new1.c RX KERAL PO HEWOR gniwerb to boop lon mis I (tarii) yrios ma 1-a

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

青い線を引いた所の英文について質問です。 A,B and C となってると解説に書いてあるのですが、これができるのは同じ品詞のもの同士ですよね、? でもfromやaroudと違ってback toは前置詞じゃないと思うのですが、なぜ違う品詞でA,B and Cをやってるのです... 続きを読む

p. 10). Sの同格 2 3 Gene Kranz, the flight director, grabs a piece of chalk and draws a simple S 4 illustration (on the blackboard). It shows the damaged spacecraft's path [from would S V (10) outer space, around the moon, and (hopefully) back to the earth's surface].5 The goal is clear: (To get the astronauts home safely), Mission Control has to keep soeqe コロン(:) →具体化宅 50g quab V SVC 語句 S them alive and on the right course (for every minute [of that journey]). 0 C C 5 3 飛行主任のジーン・クランツは、1本のチョークを持って黒板に簡単な図を描く。 4それは,損傷を負った宇宙飛行船が大気圏外から、月を周回し, そして ( 願わ くは) 地球上に帰還する航路を示すものである。 目的は明確だ。 すなわち宇宙 飛行士を無事に帰還させるために, 宇宙管制センターは彼らが死なないように、 また飛行中に彼らが一瞬たりとも正しい航路を外れないようにする必要がある。 3 flight director 飛行主任/grab つかむ/chalk 名 チョーク/illustration 名

未解決 回答数: 2
英語 高校生

when poor environmental health and reduced quality of life are actually good for the economy の理由が 低下した自然サービスと戦うために必要な活動や製品がGDPを増大させるから な... 続きを読む

第3・4段落 1So how do we reconcile our economy with ecology? The Earth provides us with essential natural services like air and water purification and climate stability, but these aren't part of our economy because we've always assumed such things are free. 3But natural services are only free when the ecosystems that maintain them are healthy. 4Today, with our growing population and increasing demands on ecosystems, we're degrading them more and more. Unfortunately, remedial activities and products like air filters, bottled water, eye drops and other things we need to combat degraded services all add to the GDP, which economists call growth. Something is terribly wrong with our economic system when poor environmental health and reduced quality of life are actually good for the economy! 「それでは,私たちはどのようにして経済と環境の折り合いをつけるのだろうか。 地球は空 気や水の浄化、気候の安定性といった必要不可欠な自然のサービスを提供してくれるが,私た ちはこれまでずっとそういうものは無料だと思い込んでいたので,それらは経済の一部とはな っていない。 しかし、自然のサービスが無料なのは, それを維持する生態系が健全なときだけなのであ る。 4今日,人口が増加し生態系への負担が高まるにつれ,私たちは生態系をますます傷つけて いる。 5残念なことに, 環境改善のための活動や製品,たとえばエアフィルター, ボトル入りの 水,目薬や質が低下したサービスに対処するために私たちが必要とするその他のものはすべ て GDPを増加させるが, それを経済学者は成長と呼ぶ。 環境が不健全になり、生活の質が低 下していることが実は経済にとってよいことなら、私たちの経済システムは何かがひどく間違 っているのである。 □ecology 「環境,生態」 2□essential 「必要不可欠な」 □ stability 「安定性」 30ecosystem 「生態系」 4 demand on A 「A への要求, 負担」 □ purification 「浄化」 □ climate 「気候」 □ free 「無料の」 | degrade 「を悪化させる, の質を低下させる」 99

解決済み 回答数: 1