

5) blugp,bluow). 2 Complete a new sentence with a similar meaning. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. No other sport in the world is as TIJE popular as soccer. is as popul in evi 1) Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. 4) 命ほど大切なものはない。 URSORS) +2+N [asw] stow AKO led Furth nbluow nifee POSICIER tikk. Jenif and on bein [nothing, life, precious] stel omso er ti ld is more. No other sport in the world is more 2) Makoto can jump the highest in our team. No one in our team can jump as 3) Sae finished the test the quickest of all the students in the class. sest of all 1 Jeroe2 ria it.E O Sae finished the test noom llut s moge ever blyos ew tripin tesi benis ton bad ti ll.A the test quicker t 3 Choose the better option. 1) Which is (the better / better) of the two plans? 2) Unfortunately, no (more/less) than fifty people were injured in the accident. 3) This village is very small. There are not (more/less) than twenty houses in it. 4) Getting enough sleep is no (more/less) important for health than nutritious* food. nee bonutritious 「栄養のある」 AND! an 11 4 Put the Japanese sentences into English. Use the word in the brackets. 1) アラスカはアメリカのどの州よりも大きい。 [any, state] Unca JASNOST Alaska is 2) 雨が降っているので、 外出するより家にいたい。 [prefer] It's raining, so 3) ジャックはたった1年でスペイン語を習得した。 [more, master] pniwanb (▶6 (▶5-2) in the US. od now I reiw 1.8 new1.c RX KERAL PO HEWOR gniwerb to boop lon mis I (tarii) yrios ma 1-a


1) No other sport in the world is [more popular than soccer]. サッカーよりも人気のあるスポーツは他にない。
2) No one in our team can jump as [high as Makoto]. 私達のチームの誰もマコトほど高く跳べない。
3) Sae finished the test quicker [than any other student in the class]. サエはクラスの他の誰よりも早くテストを終えた。
1) Whichi is (the better) of the two plans? その二つの計画でより良いものはどちらですか?
※特殊な例:the+比較級(~) of the two … その二人の・二つの中でより~な人・もの
2) Unfortunately, no (less) than fifty people were injured in the accident. 残念ながら、50人もの人達がその事故で負傷しました。
※no less than … …ほど多くの / no more than … わずか…(しかない)<否定>
3) There are not (more) than twenty houses in it. この村はとても小さい、そこにはせいぜい20軒の家しかありません。
※not more than … せいじ…しかない<否定>/not less than … 少なくとも…はある<肯定>
4) Getting enough sleep is no (less) important for health than nutritious food.
十分な睡眠をとることは、栄養のある食べ物と同じ位大切です。 ※no less A than B Bに劣らないほどA、Bと同じ程度にA
1) Alaska is [larger than any other state] in the US.
2) It's raining, so [I would rather stay at home than go out].
※would rather ~(動詞・原形) than …(動詞・原形) …するよりもむしろ~したい
3) It took Jack no more than one year to master Spanish. ※it take 人 時間 to ~ 人が~するのに時間かかる
4) Nothing is as precious as life. ※Nothing is more precious than life. でもOK

