


英語 高校生

アップグレードの助動詞の問題です。 よければ教えて頂きたいです。

2助動詞 22 We could not help but ( laugh ) at the sight. laughed 3 to laugh 23 We can't thank you ( ⑪very 2 too laughing ( 神奈川大 ) ) much for your kind help. We owe our success to you. ③ so ④as 24 彼はうそをついたのだから, アンが怒るのももっともなことだ。 He told a lie, so Ann ( ) get angry with him. Omay well 25 You might ( as well may as well ③may as (福島大) behnamob yo fiom might as well BE (浜松大) ceremony. ( 青山学院大) ) call a taxi. Then you will be on time for the wedding cere 2 as well as ③well so well to virus ☐ 26 You ( ) expect a river to flow backward as hope to persuade him into resignation. Omay well might as well had better would better (同志社大) 27 I would rather walk than ( ) a taxi. 1 take 2 taking ③3 to take ④taken ( 青山学院大 ) 28 One should not rely completely on first impressions, for appearances ( ) be deceiving. O shouldn't 2 have to 29 皆様のご多幸とご健康をお祈りします。 30 ③ mustn't it were no ) you all be happy and well! (a) It is not good that you didn't ask her name. (b) You ( ) have asked her name. ①ought to ②need 3 must ④can (大) work. OP ( 獨協医科大) (関西学院大) may 31 My sister ( ) here by now, for she took the early train. Omustn't have arrived 3 might arrive shouldn't have arrived ought to have arrived (上智大) "So the thief ( 32 "The window was unlocked and there is mud on the floor." come into the apartment that way." O might 2 must have ③ ought to A should have (学習院大) 33 Would you like ( ou like ) that work? 19 :以下 Ome to do to do to me O to me do 4 to me to do (名城大)

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英語 高校生

アップグレードの助動詞の問題です よければ教えていただきたいです。

2 2助動詞 標準問題 )に入れるのに最も適切なものを選びなさい。 13, 16, 29は( )に適語を入れなさい。 ☑: 11 I'm awfully sorry, but I had no choice. I simply ( ) what I did. had to do 3 must do 12 You are too kind! You ( ) me a present. must have done ought to have done ✓ 13 didn't have to buy 3 must not buy (國學院大) hadn't to buy mustn't have bought (学習院大) ( 内に記入された文字に続けて, 単語を完成させなさい。 The horse refused to jump over the gate. = The horse (w ) not jump over the gate. (日本大) E AL 14 Linda doesn't dance much now, but I know she ( ) a lot. ①was used to ②used to ③ would A would have bleora (立命館大) 15 I never expected that she ( ) us. ①joins 2 will join 3 would join 4 join (東京家政大) ✓ 16 ジョンはいつも早起きするが,私はめったに早起きしない。 John always gets up early, but I seldom ( 17 Nancy ( ) in the office this morning, but we didn't see her there. and of juods (静岡大) O should be may not have been might have been might be (関西学院大) 18 George ( ) have said so, because he told me quite the opposite thing yesterday. I will not ②cannot 3 must A should (京都産業大) 19 It was not your fault. You ( 1 can might not have apologized on the spot then. ③ must 4 should not (京都女子大 ) I was 20 She requested that the door to her room ( 21 My father insisted I ( ) go to see Kyoto. ) left open. ②would be ③be 4 had been (同志社大) 01 eval 'nob O might 2 ought ③ should 4 would alif bluow Ieb (京都産業大) of nival xalq ☑

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英語 高校生

九州大学英語2019年の英作文の添削をお願いします🙇‍♀️ 大問4が要約と英作文、5が和文英訳です!🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

〔4〕 九州大-理系前期 Read the following newspaper article and follow the instructions below. (36) 16 2019年度 英語 in Engligi taul" According to the Kanagawa Prefectural Police Station, a 20-year-old female university student caused a traffic death. The student was riding on a power- She moved off from an assisted bicycle when the accident happened. intersection and started riding on the sidewalk. At that moment, a 77-year-old lady was walking on the sidewalk and moved toward the bicyclist. The student hit the lady. The collision caused the lady to fall and strike her head. She was transported to hospital, but died of her injuries two days later. At the time of the incident, the student was apparently holding a smartphone in her left hand and a drink in her right while steering the power- assisted bike. Moreover, she had an earphone in her left ear. Therefore, police arrested the student for breaking the new law and riding recklessly. Police are investigating whether the student noticed that the old lady was walking toward her. They suspect that she was not paying sufficient attention because she was operating her smartphone right up until the collision. Her court appearance date has not been decided yet. The Mainichi, December 16, 2017 Instructions: Write two well-developed paragraphs in English. In the first paragraph, summarize the main points of the newspaper article above in lo approximately 100 words. Use different vocabulary and sentence structure from the original passage as much as possible. In the second paragraph, write your opinion about what should be done to reduce accidents like this in approximately 50 words. hosidinlong unich lor, condadnoah

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


Akemi Hamano, a recruiting consultant at *Hays, says that, with the exception of blue-collar positions, companies are looking for a business level of Japanese ability sufficient for frequent back-and-forth communication and being able to make ( 1 ) together. David Price, client services director at *Robert Half, is more *succinct. "In most cases it's pretty simple - if your co-workers and/or clients can't or won't speak your language, then you must speak (and often read and type) ( 2 )," Price says. At the same time, whereas ( 3 ) for conversational level abilities are high, Alan Adkins, president of *The Refined Group, notes that there is more flexibility when it comes to reading and writing, due to an awareness that learning kanji is hard. The value placed on Japanese ability may not be only related to ease of ( 4 ) top communication. "Many companies also look at business level Japanese ability as a sign of ( 5 ) to Japan as well as solid work ethic as most Japanese people seem to understand how difficult their native language is,” says Anthony Blick, a senior consultant at *PowerUp Solutions. 注) Hays 会社の名前 Robert Half:会社の名前 succinct : 簡潔な The Refined Group : 企業グループの名前 PowerUp Solutions: 会社の名前 ( 1 ) 7. decisions X (2) 7. mine (3) 7. exceptions Y (4) 7. academic X (5) 7. command 7. illustrations 1. yours 1. expectations 1. business 1. commitment . quarrels 7. ours goog . experiences . daily . compassion pre prior 200 I. subscriptions I. theirs I. experiments I. professional I. competition

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