

2助動詞 22 We could not help but ( laugh ) at the sight. laughed 3 to laugh 23 We can't thank you ( ⑪very 2 too laughing ( 神奈川大 ) ) much for your kind help. We owe our success to you. ③ so ④as 24 彼はうそをついたのだから, アンが怒るのももっともなことだ。 He told a lie, so Ann ( ) get angry with him. Omay well 25 You might ( as well may as well ③may as (福島大) behnamob yo fiom might as well BE (浜松大) ceremony. ( 青山学院大) ) call a taxi. Then you will be on time for the wedding cere 2 as well as ③well so well to virus ☐ 26 You ( ) expect a river to flow backward as hope to persuade him into resignation. Omay well might as well had better would better (同志社大) 27 I would rather walk than ( ) a taxi. 1 take 2 taking ③3 to take ④taken ( 青山学院大 ) 28 One should not rely completely on first impressions, for appearances ( ) be deceiving. O shouldn't 2 have to 29 皆様のご多幸とご健康をお祈りします。 30 ③ mustn't it were no ) you all be happy and well! (a) It is not good that you didn't ask her name. (b) You ( ) have asked her name. ①ought to ②need 3 must ④can (大) work. OP ( 獨協医科大) (関西学院大) may 31 My sister ( ) here by now, for she took the early train. Omustn't have arrived 3 might arrive shouldn't have arrived ought to have arrived (上智大) "So the thief ( 32 "The window was unlocked and there is mud on the floor." come into the apartment that way." O might 2 must have ③ ought to A should have (学習院大) 33 Would you like ( ou like ) that work? 19 :以下 Ome to do to do to me O to me do 4 to me to do (名城大)


