


英語 高校生


B 次の各組の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、 (1) He sings as if he were a rock star. He sings a rock star. (2) I am sorry that I spent all the money. I wish I not spent all the money. (3) He was able to buy a car because he won the prize money. The prize money him to buy a car. に適切な1語を入れなさい。 (4) Thanks to calculators, we can add large numbers easily. Calculators it easy for us to add large numbers. (5) Please tell me when you will arrive. Please tell me the time of C 日本語の意味になるように〔 〕内の語(句)を並べかえ,その語順を記号で答えなさい。 (1) 彼がその本を盗んだという証拠が何かありますか。 Do you have [① stole ② that ③ any ④ evidence ⑤ he ⑥ the book] ? (2) それをもっと綿密に調べていたら, 新事実が出てきただろう。 [ⓘa new fact ② of ③ might have ④ it ⑤ a closer examination ⑥ revealed ] . (3) もう一度やっていたら, その学生は成功していたでしょう。 [ⓘhad ② another ③ made ④ the student ⑤ attempt ⑥ he ] would have succeeded. (4) この電車に乗れば空港に着くでしょう。 yoy poids for [ⓘthe airport ② this train ③ to ④ will ⑤ you ⑥ take 〕. (5) もしあなたの助けがなかったならば、彼は失敗していただろう。 [ⓘfor ② your ③ not ④ had ⑤ it ⑥ been ] help, he would have failed. ① 次の日本語を英語にしなさい。 ただし〔 〕内に与えられた語はそのままの順序で用いること。 その歌手は日本だけではなくアメリカでも有名だ。 〔 is / only / America]

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英語 高校生

赤丸をつけたところが分かりません。ちなみに、【】は副詞句・副詞節、()は形容詞句・形容詞節、〈〉は名詞句・名詞節です。 1つ目の赤マルは、なぜthat以下が副詞節なのか(自分は名詞節だと思った) 2つ目はの赤マルは、何のofか

[At the turn of the twentieth century, a remarkable horse (named Hans) was paraded [through Germany] [by his owner Wilhelm von S M Osten, a horse trainer and high-school mathematics teacher. Not only could "Clever Hans" understand complex questions (put to him 同格のカンマ 「すなわち」 V S in plain German) 構文図解 M M O 過去分詞の名詞修 [If Tuesday falls on the eighth of the month M - but he could answer them by 0 M M what date is the following Friday?" not only A but (also) B S C S tapping out the correct number] [with his hoof]. [Using this simple V M with 「~を使って」 分詞構文「~して」 M response], it appeared [that Hans could add, subtract, multiply, and S V M add, subtract, multiply, divide divide, tell the time, understand the calendar, and both read and add ~ divide, tell the time, understand the calendar, both words spell words]. Suspicious, the German board (of education) appointed S M M V Being 省略の分詞構文 a commission, (including circus trainers, veterinarians, teachers, and 0 「~を含んだ」 M circus trainers, veterinarians, teachers, psychologists psychologists), to investigate the situation. Surprisingly, they to do C M S concluded [in 1904] <that no trick was involved>. This did not satisfy V V M S O 名詞節のthat the board, and the case was passed [to psychologist Oskar Pfungst) O S V M [for experimental investigation]. [Braving both the horse's and M 名詞節のthat observer of human behavior >. M owner's notoriously bad tempers], Pfungst finally was able to 分詞構文 「~して」 S M V demonstrate <that Hans was no mathematician, but rather a fine not[no] A but (rather) B[ATTB 20 t を使っ 教育

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