


英語 高校生


1 日本語に合うように,( )に適切な語を入れなさい。 A 1.私たちの常識は,私たちが今生きている社会によって確立されています。 Our common sense is established by the society ( )( ow 2. あれは彼が毎日世話をしている犬だ。WBEw beysta That is the dog ( ) he takes care ( Ho 3. これはあなたが名前を書くのに使った万年筆ですか。 Is this the fountain pen ( 4. 2年前の今日は私が彼に出会った日だ。 gredw lotoderT hadiah) ( ) you wrote your name? ) every day. vab end iedmerbils ) we live now. 4. 私たちが今できることについて話し合いましょう。 Let's talk about ----- the leave Two years ago today was the day (Lyrly ) (ed] n) I first met him. TE WOO PHOC FENCE en benogged Jasbisss edt wod andT Fnamer HT E at school is useful in her life. Herbsyste S SSIT 2 日本語に合うように、 関係代名詞 what を用いて下線部に適切な語句を補いなさい。 SLOTS U 1. あなたの担任の先生 (your homeroom teacher)が言ったことを覚えていますか。 Do you remember ? 2. あなたを悲しくさせたことを私に教えてください。同関 Please tell me ITS:8 3. スーザン (Susan) が学校で学んだことは, 彼女の人生で役立っている。 A B W.luhobnow asw [stor adT baysia aw oredw ston arT lpyste ow doid te stad sdT= ASET

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


Speed Reading The rainforest is not the only place where animals are How Can We Save Endangered Species? In the modern world, many animals die from causes that are not natural. the species living in the rainforest. Every day, more and more areas of rainfore are cut down or burned, and all of the animals living there lose their habitat. and dying. Around cities, animals are facing similar situations. As cities humans move into the natural areas surrounding them. This means that animal living near humans must move to other areas. Those animals-or in some cases those species-which are not able to adapt or to find new homes eventually die. In recent years, efforts have been made to protect certain lands in order to prevent killing plant and animal species native to the area. State and national parks along with special areas for birds and wildlife, have been established to protect the natural homes of endangered species. Also, wildlife management programs have helped bring back some species from almost certain extinction. For example, fewer than 50 years ago, the North American bald eagle was in serious danger of extinction because too many farmers used DDT, a chemical that kills insects. Farmers stopped 10P 15 >> using DDT, and the bald eagle is no longer endangered today.m Although protected lands have been established and wildlife management programs keep an eye on highly endangered species, scientists have yet to determine if these efforts are enough. Is it possible to save all the plants and animals that are endangered today, or is it already too late? (259 words) da siqag 000 259 words ÷ ( ) seconds × 60 = () wpm ~99 wpm ---Beginner 100~149 wpm Intermediate 150 wpm ~ dvanced QAnswer T (true) or F (false). 1. In the modern world, animals living in the rainforest are losing their place to live. ( ) 2. Animals living around cities do not have the same problem as those living in the rainforest. 3. Animals which have lost their habitat near the cities cannot survive unless they can adapt or find new homes. () 4. People in the US saved bald eagles by not using DDT; this is an example of a successful wildlife management program. 5. Some scientists believe that wildlife management programs are not necessary () anymore. New words adapt /ədæpt/ wildlife/wáildlarf/ chemical/kémikal/ management /mænidzmant/ bald /bó:ld/ eagle/i:gl/ 24 Speed Reading insect/insekt/ Lesson Consi losing their home b i t

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

この問題を教えて下さい。 できればすべてお願いします!

演習項目→BE 動詞と一般動詞の疑問文 9 0 演習項目→Be 動詞と一般動詞の否定文 Be 動詞の文では Be 動詞を文頭に移動します。一般動詞の文では Do か Does をメ Be 動詞の文では Be 動詞の直後に not を付け加え、般動詞の文では動詞の直前に don't か doesn't を付け加え、動詞は原形を用います。次の文を否定文に書き換えなさい。 付け加え、動詞は原形を用います。次の文を疑問文に書き換えなさい。 1. You area teacher. 1. That is an old piano. S 2. That boy is Tom's brother. 2. I am an English teacher. 3. These flowers are tulips and roses. 3. That is a good camera. 4. Her father is a doctor. 4. Her brother is a music teacher. 5. Mr. Smith is your 'teacher. 5. That cat is black and white. 6. Those dogs are very big. 6. Tom's father is a doctor. 7. I am Mr. Brown's' student. 7. Those flowers are very beautiful. 8. You are a Japanese girl. 8. Nancy's sister is a good pianist. 9. You havea nice bag. 9. I have English books in my bag. 10. Your mother likes red flowers. 10. My brother has an old bicycle. 11. Mr. Brown has a new car. 11. Those boys like this dog very much. 12. They have a white dog and a black dog. 12. Your mother has a new Japanese car. -ト-- 13. Jane and Lucy have beautiful flowers. 13. Tom's brother and sister have a nice dog. 14. Your sister wants the old guitar. 14. My brother wants a new bicycle. 15. Nancy plays the piano every day. 15. Those girls have beautiful flowers.

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