


ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น


Climate change and school 1 Complete the rules with simple or continuous. 1 We use the present. to talk about... A our lives and things we do every day, week, etc. B how we think or feel about something. 2 We use the present. A things that are happening now. to talk about... B things that are happening around now (today, this week, etc.). 2 Choose the correct alternative. Then match to the rules (1A, 1B, 2A or 2B) in Ex 1. 1 Siri works/is working very hard at the moment.. 2 We travel/are travelling to school by bus every day. 3 'Where's Jamal?' 'He writes / is writing an essay in his bedroom.'. 4 "Whose bag is that?" "I think it belongs/is belonging to Amy.'_ 5 Every year, some students fail/ are failing their exams because they don't revise / aren't revising.. 6 A Do you like / Are you liking netball, Anya?. B No, it's boring. I prefer/are preferring basketball. 7 Our science lessons are always interesting - this week we study/are studying the water cycle. _ 8 Nasser wants / is wanting to be a climate scientist when he grows up.. 6 3 Complete the interview with the present simple or present continuous form of the verb in brackets. A So Tariq, what' (think) of your new classroom? Having your lessons on a boat seems strange. B It is a bit strange, but 12 3 school on a boat is really cool. (like) it. Going to (understand) why the boat is necessary? B Yes, of course. It's because of climate change. We (learn) about it in our science class this week. The climate (change) and it means there is more water in the river. So we can't get to school by road. A What is it like to study on a boat? B It's exciting. At first it was strange, but now it (get) easier. It 7 (have) desks, chairs and whiteboards - just like a normal school. And there are exams soon. Sometimes I A 9 (forget) I'm on a boat. B Yes, 10 moment, I (work) hard for your exams? (revise) for my exams at the (want) to go to university and study climate science, and 1 12 (know) it's 7 important to get good grades at school. Introduction

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น


ham award many laces to elp them mristina in an ne d hurt Vietnam 1 201 d alone h opened and the lems of Vocabulary A. Complete each sentence with the correct word. award dream education invited orphanage 1. My parents think that to go to university. 2. Eddy won the 3. Last night I had a bad 4. After his parents died, the boy had to go and live in an 5. I was to Jo's party, but I was sick so I couldn't go. NIHI 17 A special award is important. They want all their children for being the best student in the school. I woke up feeling very afraid! B. Choose the correct word or phrase with the same meaning as the blue words in each sentence. the time when she was a child made him agree place where doctors and nurses work 1. Paragraph 2. Paragraph 3. Paragraph afraid children without homes 1. A new medical centre has opened in the city. Now many sick people can get help. 2. I hate spiders. When I see one I feel very frightened! 3. Grandma often talks about her childhood. It was many years ago! 4. My father didn't want to buy me a bike, but I persuaded him. 5. Children who don't have a family to live with often become street children In other words A. What is the main purpose of the passage? Circle 1, 2 or 3. 1. To tell the story of how Christina Noble went to Vietnam to help street children. 2. To describe Vietnam and its streets. 3. To explain how medical centres help people. B. Match each heading to the correct paragraph in the passage. Christina Noble's life and her dream. Christina wins an award. How Christina helps the street children. HELPING 87

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