


英語 高校生

what it did to succeed.の部分でitはなんですか?? 分かりません、、( -᷅_-᷄ ) 上から4行目です。

ぐ」 ces 第3段落 To learn from an experience, an organism must have a memory to store information to be used later. 2Memory helps an organism learn through trial and error. 3In trial-and- error learning, an organism tries to do a task again and again, sometimes making mistakes, didato but other times succeeding. Eventually the organism figures out what it did to succeed, 5A mouse will learn how to get through a maze to find food at the end by trying different routes again and again. The mouse eventually remembers which routes don't lead to food and which do. 理解するが分かる ut 経験から学ぶためには,生物は後で使えるように,情報を蓄える記憶力を持っていなければ ならない。2記憶は生物が試行錯誤を通じて学習を行うのを助けてくれる。 3試行錯誤による学 習においては,生物は、何度も繰り返して1つの作業を行おうとするが,時には失敗し、ま 時には成功をおさめる。 4やがてその生物は, 成功するために自分が何を行ったのかを理解 る。 5ハツカネズミは異なるルートを何度も試すことによって, 終点にある食べ物を見つける めには迷路をどのように通り抜ければよいかを学習する。 ハツカネズミは,どのルートが食 物のところまで通じていないのか、どのルートが通じているのかを最終的に覚えるのである

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英語 高校生

写真1枚目の英文(上から4段目)についてです。 When they ran〜の文に energy it transferredとありますが、訳を見たらすごいtransferから修飾してるっぽくみえるんです、、でもitって後置修飾なしのはずだしどうなんだろうと思いました。わか... 続きを読む

6 2023年度 英語 防衛医科大学校 -看護 marine organisms like squid or jellyfish that get around in a similar 移動する way. (10) aquarium Then, one by The researchers began their study, which was published Wednesday) (in Royal Society Open Science, by liberally sprinkling an with minuscule floating particles of aluminum oxide Th one, they put five chambered nautiluses into the tank, and let them jet about.[/ that //In the They used high-speed cameras, a laser that lit up the particles software that could record the particles' movements. constellation of specks, they saw the animals sucking in water, then forcing out in the direction they were moving away from, with the pocket of ( 11 ) water and the nautilus shooting apart at velocities they could readily calculate. [[ om.) When they ran the numbers, the researchers saw that the nautilus was able to use 30 to 75 percent of the energy it transferred to the to move. ater to > it 後置修飾 That was much higher than other similar swimmers. "Squid, they tend to be about 40 to 50 percent efficient," said Dr. Askew. Bell-shaped jellyfish, which pulse their bells to squirt out water, also tend to have lower than 50 percent efficiency. 問7 下線部(7) the chambered nautilus とは何かを選びなさい。 (1) ダイオウイカ (2) ジュール・ベルヌの 「海底二万マイル』 に出てくる潜水艦 (3) オウムガイ (4) アンモナイト

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英語 高校生

最後の方に、 嚢胞繊維症の遺伝子を欠いたマウスを作った とあり、そのあと、 人間の病気を模すために とかいてありますが、 なぜ嚢胞繊維症患者のためにわざとそれを欠いたマウスを作るんですが?あまりうまく想像できません。 癌に例えるなら、悪性のがん細胞を持ってないマウスをわざと... 続きを読む

握り Evans's lab learning the techriology. // へと競う Every biologist soon wanted a favorite genpunched out, and a Chandful of companies quickly began competing with places such as the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine, to provide knockout strains Have knocked out at least 11,000 genes in mice, observing what goes wrong to drug companies and academic labs. To date researches 77 生中 今日に至るきび in 70 development or adulthood and thereby gaining a sense of what the gene does/ By deactivating specific genes this way, for example, Capecchi and his colleagues went on to identify ones that shape limbs, organs, and the overall mammalian body plan/ Both Smithies and Evans /developed mice lacking the cystic fibrosis gen one of many kneekoat gene mouse 75 strains oreated to mimic a human illness/ Indeed, there is now a worldwide effort to knock out every mouse gene. 成熟期 (Science, October 12, 2007 より引用 一部改変) 筑波大) * in fact : 実は,それどころか cystic fibrosis:嚢胞性線維症 人間の病気を模すために

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