
写真 2枚目の 英文のshooting apart は、jetのことなんでしょうか?

Ⅱ 英文を読み、下記の問いに答えなさい。 (7) Like a tiny submarine, the chambered nautilus speeds through the ocean on little jets that it creates by sucking in water and spitting it out. However, as ways of movement go, jet propulsion is not usually a (8) very good use of energy. In the ocean's depths where oxygen gets thin, the nautilus seems to be putting itself at risk by expending so much effort on movement. Fish use far less energy by pushing at the water with their fins. So how does it manage to jet around unscathed in the ocean's depths? Graham Askew, a biomechanics professor at the University of Leeds, set out with a graduate student, Thomas Neil, to understand better how this shellfish moves. They found that the nautilus is actually a (9) highly efficient jet-propelled creature, wasting much less energy than
marine organisms like squid or jellyfish that get around in a way. The researchers began their study, which was similar published Wednesday in Royal Society Open Science, by liberally sprinkling an aquarium 10 with minuscule floating particles of aluminum oxide. Then, one by one, they put five chambered nautiluses into the tank, and let them jet about. They used high-speed cameras, a laser that lit up the particles and software that could record the particles' movements. In the constellation of specks, they saw the animals sucking in water, then forcing it out in the direction they were moving away from, with the pocket of ( 11 ) water and the nautilus shooting apart at velocities they could readily calculate. jetのこと? When they ran the numbers, the researchers saw that the nautilus was able to use 30 to 75 percent of the energy it transferred to the water to move. That was much higher than other similar swimmers. "Squid, they tend to be about 40 to 50 percent efficient," said Dr. Askew. Bell-shaped jellyfish, which pulse their bells to squirt out water, also tend to have lower than 50 percent efficiency.
彼らはハイスピードカメラ, 粒子を照らすレーザー,粒子の動きを記録 することのできるソフトウェアを使った。 小さな点の集まりの中で、その 生物たちが水を吸い込み、それからその水を自身が離れる方向に吐き出す と吐き出されたひとまとまりの水とオウムガイが、難なく計算できる速 度で別々の方向へさっと動いていくのを彼らは見た。 計算してみると, オウムガイは水中に送り出した30から75%のエネル ギーを移動に使うことができることをその研究者たちは知った。 それは,水中を移動する他の似たような生物よりもずっと高かった。 「イカは約40から50%の効率になる傾向にあります」とアスキュー博士 は語った。 釣り鐘型のクラゲは自身の釣り鐘状の部分を脈動させて水を噴出するの だが、それもまた50%を下回る効率になる傾向にある。 解説


