


英語 高校生


2 そん の中に当てはまるもっとも適切な語句を下の①~④から選んで、文全体を言ってみよう。 ) in Osaka. ④ had grown up Exercise 1) Though he is from Tokyo, Takeshi speaks as if he ( ② had grew up ① grow up 3 grown up ) to the store. 2) It's raining today; otherwise, 1( walking ② walk ① am 3 walked 3) If you should win the tournament, I ( ② bought ① buy ) you dinner. ③ will buy ④ had bought の語句と仮定法を使って、 イラストを表す文を言ってみよう。 なお、 必要に応じて単 語の形を変えること。 例 (1, be, to, go abroad, I, will, go to Egypt) ④ would walk If I were to go abroad, I would go to Egypt. 1) (1, be, to, have a pet, I, will, have a rabbit) 2) (Billy, talks, he, know, everything) 3) (Kate, looks, she, have, see, a ghost) 1) SHIN 2) 3) ( )の語句を使って、日本語の意味を表す文を言ってみよう。 なお、必要に応じて単語の 3 形を変えること。 例 両親のサポートがなければ、私は大学に通うことはできなかったでしょう。 (my parent's support, attend college) 対して表現する • Without my parents' support, I could not have attended college. 80 1) 仮にあなたがヨーロッパに旅行するとすれば、 あなたはどこの国に行きますか。 (be, to, travel to Europe, what countries, you, go to) hib ynum mon 2) 彼の助言がなければ、 私は高価な車を買っていたでしょう。 ellp03 (his advice, buy, an expensive car) け加えよう。

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


入試問題で 復習 & 力試し 5 1 ( )内に入る最も適切な語句を ① ~ ④ から選びなさい。 (1) It ( ) me a few minutes to realize that his email was a kind of joke. 1 consumed 2 lasted 3 spent (2) He seemed to be unfriendly, but I've ( 1 become 2 come (3) Please ( 1 allow ) me have a look at the picture. 2 force (4) Our school allows students ( 1 use 2 to use 4 took ) to realize that he is kind at heart. 3 imagined (6) We should have the patient ( ) by a doctor. 1 examine 2 examined (8) I like it when I can feel the rain ( 1 ran 2 runs 3 let smartphones after all the classes end. 3 to using 3 to examine Tooh Word Gift viksva (7) The waiting room was so noisy that I didn't hear my name ( call 2 calls 3 called (9) Many residents saw the car ( be stopping (10) ( (5) The light in the stairway was broken for months. It took way too long to get ( 1 someone 2 someone to (3) someone who ) in the middle of the street. 2 been stopping 3 to stop ) down my cheeks. E3 running () showed up for the politician's speech. Little person 2 Little of people (12) A good education will ( 1 enable ). ) you to have your own view of the world. 3 make 2 let LESSON 13~15 (13) A face shield might ( ) you from getting infected with viruses. 3 lead 1 bring SHONEntie sidin (2) cause (14) You are not ( ) to talk loudly in the library.JEY @better (3) capable 4 suggested 4 permit 4 into using 3 Few of person 4 gets (11) Listening to late-night radio programs (on) them relax after a long day. 1 kept 2 took 3 helps 4 to run (関西学院大) 4 someone will 4 stop (同志社女子大) (同志社女子大) 4 to be called 4 to be examined 4 take fix it. (慶應義塾大) (東京歯科大) 4 Few people (関西学院大) 4 supposed ayod) (杏林大) (群馬大) (獨協大) (芝浦工業大) (神奈川大) (宮城学院女子大) 3 (1) (日本大) gits be found ohsnt fid 4 prevent bue funds LadW ( 長崎県立大) (2) (3 (4

解決済み 回答数: 1