


英語 高校生


Grammar for Expression 3 LESSON 5 A 名詞について説明する現在分詞・過去分詞 a. The setting sun was really beautiful. b. They sell imported cars at that shop. c. Look at the baby sleeping on the bed. d. This is a picture taken in Okinawa. B 長い主語の代わりにItを使う①<It is ~ that....> It is certain that Bill will join our club. C 長い主語の代わりにItを使う ② <It is ~ to do ....) a. It is important to learn about foreign cultures. 外国の文化について学ぶことは大切だ。 君が彼に腹を立てるのは当然だ。 b. It is natural for you to be angry with him. (沈んでいく太陽→)沈む夕日は本当にきれいでした。 あの店では (輸入された車→) 輸入車を売っています。 ベッドで眠っている赤ちゃんを見てごらん。 これは沖縄で撮った [一撮られた] 写真です。 ビルが私たちのクラブに入ってくれるのは確かだ。 Read the following David's diary. Follow the example and complete the sentences Aug. 30th, 2022 I found a photo in my desk this morning. It was taken in Hokkaido when I was a high school student. In the center of the photo, there's the statue of Dr. Clark. My friend, Kaito, is smiling so happily in front of it. I'm also smiling next to him. This trip is still one of my best memories. statue Ex. The boy standing next to Kaito is David. [stand] 1. David found a photo 2. Kaito is the boy . in his desk. [take] the statue of Dr. Clark. [smile 2 Follow the examples and complete the sentences about yourself. 1. Ex. It is possible that I will go abroad next summer. It is possible that 2. Ex. It is difficult for me to get up early every morning. It is difficult for me LESS TOY A a. b C B C 1. 11

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英語 高校生

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g Point The Bitter Truth about Chocolate ートの原料 > (t) 60,000 50,000 〒144,529 0,000 0,000.... 000 000 0 Chocolate is made from cacao beans. They are mostly grown in West African countries such as Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire. About 3,200,000 tons of cacao beans are grown there every year. Japan imports about 40,000 tons of cacao beans annually on average, and more than 70 percent are from Ghana. Many people enjoy the sweet taste of chocolate, but have you ever thought about where chocolate comes from? 52,169 51,059 3 2010 2011 2012 www 40,976 ***** 31,759 How 2013 2014 (年) ・・・その他 ・・・ カメルーン ・・・コートジボワール ・・・ベネズエラ I... エクアドル …ガーナ Côte d'Ivoire Ghana 出典: CCAJ 統計 「日本の主 要カカオ豆国別輸入量推移」 e cacao beans mostly grown in Asian countries? many tons of cacao beans does Japan import annually on average? Reading Point In West Africa, cacao farmers are very poor because their cacao beans are sold at low prices. Therefore, many parents cannot send their children to school. Also, they often make their children work on cacao farms to help them. T ? Questions price pra According to UNICEF, the number of such children is about 50,000. Moreover, the children working on the farms do heavy physical labor. For example, they carry twenty-kilogram baskets full of cacao beans on their heads all day long. 1 Why are the cacao farmers in West Africa ve 2 Do the children working on cacao farms do

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