

g Point The Bitter Truth about Chocolate ートの原料 > (t) 60,000 50,000 〒144,529 0,000 0,000.... 000 000 0 Chocolate is made from cacao beans. They are mostly grown in West African countries such as Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire. About 3,200,000 tons of cacao beans are grown there every year. Japan imports about 40,000 tons of cacao beans annually on average, and more than 70 percent are from Ghana. Many people enjoy the sweet taste of chocolate, but have you ever thought about where chocolate comes from? 52,169 51,059 3 2010 2011 2012 www 40,976 ***** 31,759 How 2013 2014 (年) ・・・その他 ・・・ カメルーン ・・・コートジボワール ・・・ベネズエラ I... エクアドル …ガーナ Côte d'Ivoire Ghana 出典: CCAJ 統計 「日本の主 要カカオ豆国別輸入量推移」 e cacao beans mostly grown in Asian countries? many tons of cacao beans does Japan import annually on average? Reading Point In West Africa, cacao farmers are very poor because their cacao beans are sold at low prices. Therefore, many parents cannot send their children to school. Also, they often make their children work on cacao farms to help them. T ? Questions price pra According to UNICEF, the number of such children is about 50,000. Moreover, the children working on the farms do heavy physical labor. For example, they carry twenty-kilogram baskets full of cacao beans on their heads all day long. 1 Why are the cacao farmers in West Africa ve 2 Do the children working on cacao farms do
system. partnership A solution to this issue is the fair trade This alternative system is based on a for between producers and companies that buy their cacao beans. It guarantees a minimum price f the beans, so the trading conditions are better for poor farmers. This allows them to receive a higher income and improve their lives. As a result, their children do not need to work on the farms and can go to school. 生産者 sell give assistance, buy at fair trade price ODODO Dohta tas フェア トレード 団体 企業 ショップ など sell buy fair trade products 消費者 Consumers also play an important role in the fair trade system. It offers them a way to reduce poverty through everyday shopping. Fair trade products are usually labeled with a fair trade mark. Therefore, you can find them easily at shops, and sometimes even at convenience stores. Your wise choices through everyday shopping can make a difference. When you buy chocolate next time, you should give a little more thought to its bitter truth. B Un about Chocolate LEGOL 1634 Celebrating the first 5 years Read フェ 71 a FAIRTRADE better deal fnir trade products
5. 次の各問に英語で答えましょう。 1. Why are cacao farmers in West Africa very poor? ir cacao beans are sold at low prices. 2. Do most of the children working on the cacao farms know that chocolate is made from cacao beans? Yes I do


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

(1) Because their cacao beans are sold at low prices. なぜなら、彼らのカカオ豆は低価格で売られているからです。
(2) Probably, they don't. 恐らく、彼らは知らないでしょう。
← 2ページ目に、カカオ豆栽培農家はとても貧しく、多くは子供を学校に行かせることができず、その数は5万人程と書いていることから推測



Thank you


You're welcome!😊
