


英語 高校生

代名詞の範囲なのですが添削をお願いしたいです ちょっとした解説もしていただけるとありがたいです! お願いします! 1-1 13-3 2-3 14-2 3-2 ... 続きを読む

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (7) -8) 0) 1) 2) -) I gave her a book, but she didn't like ( (2) it ) ( one "Would you like a cup of coffee?" "I've just had ( (1 it (2 that 3 My computer is old-fashioned. I want ( a new one ( (1) new one The population of Beijing is larger than ( 1 it is that is His report is better than ( you I don't like this bag. Would you show me ( 1 (2) other one They enjoyed playing tennis ( 1 each other She has two dogs. One is white and ( 1 another 2 other Some people like hot weather; ( another ). your ) who drive too fast will have to pay a heavy fine. Those 2 Anyone 3 ). (2) one another To know is one thing, and to teach is ( (1) (2 another one I have three boxes here. One is full of books and ( 1 other (2) the ones A my friend other ) told me about the school. (2) ). 3 My a friend She showed me two pictures, but I liked ( (1) none (2) neither 3 new computer ) London. 3 )? 3 ) is black. (3) some ) don't like it. )." 3 one 3 that of 3 with each other Someone yours another others ) are empty. the other others other A friend of me ) of them. (3) some (4) 4 any 4 those of them 4 Everybody another ones (4) 4 4 something that of you (4) each another the other the others the other the other (4) A friend of mine all

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

これらの問題なのですが、正解以外の選択肢はここの形に当てはまらないから間違いだと認識すればすぐに終わることだと思うのですが、なぜ間違いなのかが具体的に分からないと頭がモヤモヤして先に進めなくなる現象が起きています、、、 どうすればいいかの対処法とそれぞれの問題の解説(正解以... 続きを読む

比較 ~するほものではない 2662 You ought to ( ) than to go to such a dangerous place. 1 have better know better kn 4 turn better 3 make better First 7063 イディアム Ba 副を含む イディオム a 語法 Tils 1064 065 066 代名詞068 の語法( Bor Bor イディオム 067 069 070 071 072 の語法 073 He is ( responsible 3 the source に対して責任がある for the damage, so he must pay for the repairs. the origin ときどき -(- sometimes) They are good friends although, of course, they argue ( ). Devery now and then for the occasion 3 from day to day The teacher gave each child ( タム可算にしかつかない I guess ( 1 almost 2 many I'll have a cup of coffee and ( three toasts 3three pieces of toast 4 guilty ~に席をゆずる、場所をあける He kindly made ( ) for a man with an injured leg. oom place 3 seat 4 to the occasion (= once in a while, at times, on occation ) advice. 3 one + 2 (Step 1 不可算 ) of them went home. most 3 mostly ・所有格がくる "Have you ever seen a panda?" "Yes, I saw ( 1 that Cone one We looked at four cars today. ones were reasonably priced. Danother 4 some + o ・不可算名 hree piece of toasts 4three pieces of toasts position いくらかの~ 4 the most others 4 another doctor (センター試験) Part 2) 13 4 those the+ ) in China last 4 them ( 東京電機大) ⇒ the+半数 a+可算名の単数 5 三人称複数の目的格 I have two watches: one was made in Japan and ( ) in Switzerland. another others 3 the other 4 the others 4 relatives (日本大) (近畿大) from time to tique) (千葉商大) (駒澤大) * There is no room form ~の余地はない Some doctors insist that vitamin C prevents cancer and helps to heal injuries, and () believe that it helps to avoid colds. ℗ the all doctors some doctor (拓殖大) (京都精華大 ) year." 24/2 The first two were too expensive, but ( 2 other 3 the other 可算名の単数 They have been on bad ( ) ever since the holidays. 1 terms rela relation 3 friends ( 京都学園大 ) (拓殖大) 残り2台 (京都産業大) 名城大)

解決済み 回答数: 2
英語 高校生


文の主要素の把握 2 ① 前置詞句()に入れて文章をつかり 次の英文の下線部を訳しなさい We all know from a study of history the progress of the slavery, serfdom and later individual freedom. In the early days of human history the wants of the masses were few and simple. | working people from the stage of barbarism to that of s 「解」 法息をついている皆さんの姿が目に浮かびます。 とにかく, from や of など、首 最初から手ごわい英文が出てきました。 英語って本当に難しいなあ、とため 置詞がたくさん目に入ります。この前置詞がじゃまになって文章がなかなか読みとれ (東京経済大) ませんね。 こんなときは、じゃま者は消すのみです。〈前置詞+名詞>を( )に入れてしまう のです。その理由は後回しにして, さっそく試してみましょう。 私たちは皆 を知る により研究すること We all know (from a study) (of history) / S (同格語) Vt M M の 労働する人々 ( of the working people) / from... M 主格のof ひと目でわかったでしょう。 〈前置詞+名詞>を( に入れて、 残った部分をま とめてみると, We know the progress. 「私たちは進歩を知るのだ」という文意が 単にとれましたね。 このように文の主要素は, 主語 (S) や述語動詞 (V), さらには目 的語(O) や補語 (C) なのです。 〈前置詞+名詞〉 は 「前置詞句」 と言います。 この前景 詞に支配される名詞は前置詞の目的語と呼ばれていて, 前置詞といっしょになると, 形容詞や副詞の働きに変わるのです。 上の例文で言えば、 「何によって知るのか」「ど んな進歩か」 を説明する修飾語 (M) にすぎないのです。 ですから,これらを( くくってしまうわけです。 the progress 0 【例題:語句 barbarism 圏未開/ slavery ③ 奴隷の身分/sertdom 農奴 (制) / wants 圏必要なもの / the masses 一般大衆

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

この文の第二段落のamid calls for ~のcallsは、名詞でしょうか?前置詞のamidとcalls forのつながりが、なぜこのような訳になるのか理解できません。このcalls が名詞だと仮定して直訳すると、管理下において大規模に火を放つことを求める要求の最中に... 続きを読む

王 jon 【目標解答時間 15分 配点 37点 15 次の英文を読み, 下記の設問 (A~D) に答えなさい。 Fire is "a good servant but a bad master." In my house, in summer, I smell the air for the faintest hint of smoke as keenly as any horse or dog or kangaroo. I watch for columns of smoke, visualising again and again how fire could rush( 1 )the hill towards us. But if you are philosophical about it, fire is a natural 5 part of the Australian environment and has been for millions of years. Living with the threat of fire in the bush, or in the wild, is like living with sharks when diving, or with snakes while walking, or with traffic accidents on a city street. The idea that we should remove every shark from the sea, or every snake from the land, and control- burn, or deliberately set fire, to prevent any risk of 10 bushfires is a recipe for making the environment even worse. As Phil Koperberg, head of the New South Wales Fire Brigades, said ( 2 ) the Sydney bushfires of 1994, amid calls for massive control burning, “Do you want to concrete over all the bush? If you choose to live in the bush, you choose to accept the risk. f It is often claimed that some Austratian plants and animals have actually adapted to fire, evidence of an extraordinarily long period (millions of years before human arrival) during which fire has been more significant in the Australian environment than it has been on any other continent, but this is probably not strictly true. Many plants have adapted to the environment in 20 ways that also happen to be valuable in times of fire. ( 3 ), animals have adapted to a variety of different habitats, and can therefore survive during different periods of vegetation regrowth after a fire (or after, say, a cyclone, a flood, or just a tree falling in a forest). A tree that has the ability to regenerate from roots or lower trunk when the 25 upper tree dies as a result of being broken off in a storm, or falls over, rotten to the core, will also be able to respond when the upper part is killed by a fire. Seeds adapted to long hot droughts, and requiring a combination of heat and water for germination", will also find a fire, if followed by rain, a good stimulus for growing new plants. There does appear to be evidence that chemicals in 30 smoke can help promote growth in plants, but whether this is a direct 可能性があるかを 何度も が続いているのだ。 森林地帯, ダイビングのときにサメ, そやカンガルーにも負けな の匂いを嗅ぐ。 私は,どのよ 暮らすようなものである。 海 しき主人である」( れば, 火事はオーストラリア >> のヘビを取り除くべきだと 意図的に火を放つべきだ , 1994年のシドニー ている真っ只中 と言った。 入れるこ

未解決 回答数: 0