
1-1 13-3
2-3 14-2
3-2 15-2
4-3 16-3
5-2 17-4
6-4 18-2
7-2 19-2
8-3 20-3
9-1 21-2
10-4 22-1
11-3 23-1
12-1 24-3

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (7) -8) 0) 1) 2) -) I gave her a book, but she didn't like ( (2) it ) ( one "Would you like a cup of coffee?" "I've just had ( (1 it (2 that 3 My computer is old-fashioned. I want ( a new one ( (1) new one The population of Beijing is larger than ( 1 it is that is His report is better than ( you I don't like this bag. Would you show me ( 1 (2) other one They enjoyed playing tennis ( 1 each other She has two dogs. One is white and ( 1 another 2 other Some people like hot weather; ( another ). your ) who drive too fast will have to pay a heavy fine. Those 2 Anyone 3 ). (2) one another To know is one thing, and to teach is ( (1) (2 another one I have three boxes here. One is full of books and ( 1 other (2) the ones A my friend other ) told me about the school. (2) ). 3 My a friend She showed me two pictures, but I liked ( (1) none (2) neither 3 new computer ) London. 3 )? 3 ) is black. (3) some ) don't like it. )." 3 one 3 that of 3 with each other Someone yours another others ) are empty. the other others other A friend of me ) of them. (3) some (4) 4 any 4 those of them 4 Everybody another ones (4) 4 4 something that of you (4) each another the other the others the other the other (4) A friend of mine all
(15) ( 1 (16) ( (17) ( (18) ( 1 (19) (20) (22) (23) 24) ) of the boys has his own room. Every 2 All (21) (0 All ) actor wore a mask. Most ) the students did badly on the test. Most Most of one ) the students did badly on the test. Most (2) Almost of ) students did badly on the test. Most of I wanted to drink some beer but there was ( I think ( (1) SO We are Both She always tries ( (1) a new something 3 the something new some surprising that no one has objected to the plan. It is ). During the summer I spend every ( other Each another (2) 4 Each Almost ) surprising that no one has objected to the plan. that 3 it Almost 3 Almost all ) in the refrigerator. (3) no one 3 There is new something something new ) weekend at my cottage. (3) each (4) Some 4 None 4) Every 4 4 Every Almost every none (4) That is ④4) them either


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

1. ② it=the book 【参考】one=a book
2. 〇
3. 〇
4. 〇
5. ①  those who = the people who
6. ③ yours = your report
7. ③ another(an ひとつ+other 他の) = another bag 一つ他のバッグ
8. 〇
9. ④ two dogs(2匹の犬)=one dog(1匹の犬)+the other dog(残りの1匹の犬)
10. ③ three boxes(3個の箱)=one box(1個の箱)+the others(残りの2個の箱)
11. 〇
12. ② A is one thing, B is another. AとBは別のこと
13. ④ a friend(単数) of mine 私の(一人の)友人= my friend(単数) 私の友人
14. 〇
15. ③ Each(それぞれ・単数)(S) (of the boys)(M) has(V) his own room.
16. 〇
17. ① most students ほとんどの生徒 ②〇most of [the] students ✕most of students
18. 〇
19. ③ almost(副詞) all(形容詞) the students(名詞) ほとんど全ての生徒達
20. ④ beer(ビール):液体=物質名詞=不可算名詞 → ✕one(ひとつ)/no one(ひとつもない) 〇none(何もない):単数・複数どちらでも使うことが可能
21. 〇
22. ③ I(S) think(V) it(O 形式目的語) surprising(C) <that(接続詞) no one has objected to the plan>(真目的語).
23. ④ something+形容詞 → 〇something new(形容詞) ✕a new something ✕the+something
24. ① every other week 1週間おきに、隔週に





My pleasure!😊
