


英語 高校生

写真2枚目の和訳についてです。石を斜面路に向かって持ち上げる(イメージ図3枚目)かと思ったんですが、日本語では、傾斜路を運び上げるために と書いてありよくわかりません。これはどういうことなんでしょうか?

傾斜路 1~15 次の英文を読み,設問に答えよ。 Archaeologists have long wondered exactly) Egypins) Constructed th how. the ancient a)(b)(c the world's biggest pyramid the Great Pyramid Now, they may have discovered the system used to )massive stone blocks into place Some 4,500 years ago. ・採石場 システムとして残ったもの遺構 Shank 運ぶ、引きずる They discovered the remains of this system at the site of Hatnub, an ancient quarry in the Eastern Desert of Egypt The contraption E would have been used to transport heavy alabaster stones up a steep Nam according to the archaeologists (working at the site, from the Institut français d'archéologie orientale (French Institute for Oriental Archaeology) in Cairo and from the University of Liverpool 東洋の 階段 in England // And it was (possibly) (how Egyptians built the Great Pyramid, in the name of the pharaoh Khufu. の名において AV BAR "This system is composed of a central ramp 法 ~の脇に立つ flank~側面に位置する by two staircases with numerous post holes," Yannis Gourdon co-director of 3. the joint mission at Hatnub old Live Science. Using a sled which carried a stone block and was attached with ropes to these wpoden posts, ancient Egyptians were able to pull up the alabaster blocks out. very steep slopes of 20 percent or more." of the quarry 合同の そり fout of ~から 引き上げた。運びたせた

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

代名詞の範囲なのですが添削をお願いしたいです ちょっとした解説もしていただけるとありがたいです! お願いします! 1-1 13-3 2-3 14-2 3-2 ... 続きを読む

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (7) -8) 0) 1) 2) -) I gave her a book, but she didn't like ( (2) it ) ( one "Would you like a cup of coffee?" "I've just had ( (1 it (2 that 3 My computer is old-fashioned. I want ( a new one ( (1) new one The population of Beijing is larger than ( 1 it is that is His report is better than ( you I don't like this bag. Would you show me ( 1 (2) other one They enjoyed playing tennis ( 1 each other She has two dogs. One is white and ( 1 another 2 other Some people like hot weather; ( another ). your ) who drive too fast will have to pay a heavy fine. Those 2 Anyone 3 ). (2) one another To know is one thing, and to teach is ( (1) (2 another one I have three boxes here. One is full of books and ( 1 other (2) the ones A my friend other ) told me about the school. (2) ). 3 My a friend She showed me two pictures, but I liked ( (1) none (2) neither 3 new computer ) London. 3 )? 3 ) is black. (3) some ) don't like it. )." 3 one 3 that of 3 with each other Someone yours another others ) are empty. the other others other A friend of me ) of them. (3) some (4) 4 any 4 those of them 4 Everybody another ones (4) 4 4 something that of you (4) each another the other the others the other the other (4) A friend of mine all

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


1 SUPPLT 14 前置詞(1) A at / on / in / about ① at 〈点〉 のイメージ .We will arrive at the airport at 10:30 am. 私たちは午前10時半に空港に到着するだろう) 60 ・The cat was looking up at a bird in the tree. (そのネコは木にとまっている鳥を見上げていた) I was surprised at my uncle's sudden visit. (私はおじの突然の訪問に驚いた) ・My mother must be at work now. plad * at work 「仕事中で」 cf. at school 「授業中で、学校で」 (ジョンソン氏はおおいに奥さんに頼っている) ・Their show will be broadcast on the internet. (彼らのショーはインターネットで放送されるだろう) ③ in 〈内部〉 のイメージ . I lived in Saga in 2020. (私は2020年に佐賀に住んでいた I'll be back in thirty minutes. / (2) Isawa movie ( (3) My brother is staring ( (母は今、仕事中にちがいない) ② on 〈接触〉 のイメージ ・I noticed the stain on the ceiling on Sunday morning. (私は日曜日の朝、 その天井のしみに気づいた) 特定の日の「朝に」は in ではなく on で表す。 of. I'm busy in the morning. (朝は忙しぃ) ・Mr. Johnson depends on his wife a lot.net midded on 「~に頼って」 * 「~の上に」だけではない点に注意。 EXERCISES 1 ( に at, on, in, about のいずれかを入れなさい 。 (1) Lisa lived ( at ) Los Angeles (at (4) Our plane arrived ( (5) Almost all of us depend pp.604-610, 615 at : 「~の状態で,~に従事していて」| at:動作の目標となるもの at : 感情が向かう先 * rely on ~ count on 〜はいずれも「〜に頼る」。 ) 2021. at : 場所・時 ) President Kennedy ( ) an insect ( ) its destination ( (my) our parents ( on : 場所・特定の日 @from/to It's a ten-m (ここから駅 Alot of pe 毎年大勢の 場所・時(ある程度の広がりのある空間内部や時) in : 時間の経過 「~後に」 ( 30分で戻ります) *「~以内に」ならwithin。 ・Dan is in love with the girl over there in the white dress.us in : ある状態・服装 「~を着て」 (ダンはあそこの白い服を着た少女に恋をしている) * 「恋愛」という状態の中にいるイメージ。 「服装」 は衣服に包まれているイメージ。 靴や帽子などの 「着用」にも in を用いる。 about 〈周辺〉 のイメージ UITS AL They are talking about the movie. (彼らはその映画について話している) ・The expedition team has been wandering about the desert for three days. about : 場所の周辺 ( 探検隊は3日間砂漠をあちこちさまよっている) 「~のあたりに,あちこちに on: 手段「~を使って〜」 ) the wall. ) Saturday evening. B from ) 11:32 a.m. ) childhood. . His opin (その問題 It was! (とても for . My s 姉は about : 「~について」 ・Wh (3 .W (

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


ジュンは電話でミカと話をしながら、鳥の絵を描いていま Jun was drawing a bird, on the phone with Mika. 2 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ内容を表すように、 空所に適語を入れなさい。 ☐(1) As he was encouraged by his friends, he began to run again. by his friends, he began to run again, |Since he didn't know what to say, he kept quiet during the meeting. 口(2) what to say, he kept quiet during the meeting. JAs I didn't have an umbrella with me, I got wet in the rain. (3) 3 次の日本文の意味に合うように,空所に適語を入れなさい. 口 (1) 美しいメダルをもらったので、その少年はほこらしい気持ちになった. a beautiful medal, the boy was proud. 口 (2) 母親に叱られて, その女の子はしょんぼりしていた. an umbrella with me, I got wet in the rain. The girl looked disappointed, 口 (3) 忙しくなかったので、私は彼の仕事を手伝った. busy, I helped him with his job. 口 (4) 突然君に背中を押されて, 私は本当にびっくりした. on my back by you, I was really surprised. by her mother. 4 次の英文の空所に、後の()内の動詞を適当な形に変えて入れなさい . (1) 口 (2) ロ (3) The woman was sitting on the bench, (4) 口 (5) ☐(2) (3) 口 (4) near the station, Takashi was spoken to by a foreigner. (walk) sick yesterday, my brother was in bed all day long. (be) her children playing. (watch) 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように,空所に適語を入れなさい. 「When we looked up at the sky, we saw thousands of stars, (1) up at the sky, we saw thousands of stars. 「As I had little money, I couldn't buy the notebook. from a distance, the building looks like a robot. (see) much about the topic, Makoto remained silent. (not know) little money, I couldn't buy the notebook. 「The rock looks like a lion when it is seen from here. lThe rock looks like a lion, from here. in Hakata at 11:30. [John left Shin-Osaka at 9:00, L John left Shin-Osaka at 9:00, arriving in Hakata at 11:30.

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