


英語 高校生

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10 *** 5 Dances Around the World This is a student's report about dances around the world. Section 1 Setting 生徒が世界のさまざまなダンスについてレポートしています。 How did the hula begin? There are many dances around the world. Each of them has a unique background. Here, let's look at three styles of dancing: the hula, Irish dance, breakdancing. and The first dance is the hula in Hawaii. It comes from the indigenous religion there. In ancient Hawaii, people showed their respect for gods by dancing. They also danced to pass on important values from generation to generation. That was because they had no formal writing system at the time. In other words, the hula was more than a leisure activity. In the hula, dancers use their hands to express G emotions and things in nature. The dancers believe that they can communicate various messages through 15 the hula. background [bækgrȧund] hula [hú:lǝ] ♦Irish láiriЛ] breakdancing [bréikdænsin] religion [rilidzǝn] ancient [éinfant] generation [dzènǝréifn] leisure [li:3ǝr]) TF Su Read 世 フラダンスを踊るハワイ先住民の女性 (1938年) 1. Does each of the dances have a unique background? & 2. What did people in Hawaii show by dancing? 1 2 13 .text ⚫ new words A 3. What do hula dancers believe? 8 pass on ~~を伝える 8 from generation to generation (t 10 at the time 10 writing system 書きことばのしくみ

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英語 高校生

9行目のitが何を指しているかということと、have been thinkingが完了進行形の受動態として使われているのか、be動詞の完了形でthinkingが名詞として使われているのかわからないので教えて頂きたいです。 よろしくお願いします。

10 5 おかれる a 不気味 71 1/In a disgusting series of experiments in the early 1960s, a surgeon in America cut open the heads of monkeys and removed their brains. サ ◎Then he placed each brain on an apparatus specially designed to V3 C 機能する supply it with nutrients that would keep it alive] It seemed to work. (1) VS 0 C Brain waves were produced as they would be from a living brain 文理由 (付帯も precace 「被っているので省略さ ことが多 lasは前のもので内容が However deprived of any kind of sensory input no sights nor sounds, つまり no tastes nor smells, no touching nor feeling, no pleasure nor pain its thinking must/necessarily have been limited to memories and したにちがいない abstractions. Indeed, it may not have been thinking at all. <In most してないかもしれない animals, partial sensory deprivation can lead to hallucinations*, and ☆文を切りはす 狂気 extreme deprivation to madness, the “thoughts” of the monkey's brain can Fed lead to よくこびmay not have been meaningful or clear thoughts, but nerve cells firing randomly. M XC 1つの出来事 動名

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


入試問題で 復習 & 力試し 5 1 ( )内に入る最も適切な語句を ① ~ ④ から選びなさい。 (1) It ( ) me a few minutes to realize that his email was a kind of joke. 1 consumed 2 lasted 3 spent (2) He seemed to be unfriendly, but I've ( 1 become 2 come (3) Please ( 1 allow ) me have a look at the picture. 2 force (4) Our school allows students ( 1 use 2 to use 4 took ) to realize that he is kind at heart. 3 imagined (6) We should have the patient ( ) by a doctor. 1 examine 2 examined (8) I like it when I can feel the rain ( 1 ran 2 runs 3 let smartphones after all the classes end. 3 to using 3 to examine Tooh Word Gift viksva (7) The waiting room was so noisy that I didn't hear my name ( call 2 calls 3 called (9) Many residents saw the car ( be stopping (10) ( (5) The light in the stairway was broken for months. It took way too long to get ( 1 someone 2 someone to (3) someone who ) in the middle of the street. 2 been stopping 3 to stop ) down my cheeks. E3 running () showed up for the politician's speech. Little person 2 Little of people (12) A good education will ( 1 enable ). ) you to have your own view of the world. 3 make 2 let LESSON 13~15 (13) A face shield might ( ) you from getting infected with viruses. 3 lead 1 bring SHONEntie sidin (2) cause (14) You are not ( ) to talk loudly in the library.JEY @better (3) capable 4 suggested 4 permit 4 into using 3 Few of person 4 gets (11) Listening to late-night radio programs (on) them relax after a long day. 1 kept 2 took 3 helps 4 to run (関西学院大) 4 someone will 4 stop (同志社女子大) (同志社女子大) 4 to be called 4 to be examined 4 take fix it. (慶應義塾大) (東京歯科大) 4 Few people (関西学院大) 4 supposed ayod) (杏林大) (群馬大) (獨協大) (芝浦工業大) (神奈川大) (宮城学院女子大) 3 (1) (日本大) gits be found ohsnt fid 4 prevent bue funds LadW ( 長崎県立大) (2) (3 (4

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

1がなぜ答えが②になるのか分かりません。 1996から1997と1997から1998は同じ売り上げの差なのになぜ②とわかるのでしょうか。 また、どこからパーセントが分かったのかも教えていただきたいです。 よろしくお願いします🙇

速読問題 enim OA: omit ⑥6 グラフと英文について問いに答えなさい。 bonsigneono ad oels U.S. Computer and V and Video Game DOLLAR Sales Growth 2 A 8.0 -7.4- 7.0 7.0 7.1 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 -2.6--- nabh 9M0390 2.0 1.0 simsbico san 0.0 7 There has been growth in the sales of computer and video game units in the United States for the past 12 years. Perhaps the largest growth was between [ ] and […], when the sales of computer and video game units increased about 42 percent. After 1998, there has been a steady increase in the sales except in paded ], when there were fewer units sold than in [ an in [2]. In 2006, the US compu and video game software sales grew six percent. [ Billion dollars COD 4.8. ##0+ 3.7.. -5.5---- 5.6. Chuqu O 6.1 That 7 + OK-HO A-43 (関東学院大) (各4点) OVA 【目標時間5分】 Ishl+ut 7.0 1. 83 本文の空所に入る年の最も適切な順番を示した組み合わせを1つ選びなさい。d 1996 1997 - 2004 - 2005 and 2 1996 - 1997 - 2005 - 2004 3 1997 - 1998 - 2004 - 2005 to nl1997 - 1998 - 2005 - 2004 gniols.cz gnirbsmoz otni sgaugnal own adı zim yam vodi 10 sual e19sinolos 2. 本文の内容に一致するように、次の質問に対する最も適切な答えを1つ選びなさい。 120101-200 TO REMUNTigento Visht oele is of wen From this article, how high would the bar for 2006 for the total number of Ladiso ao ammlA non ni botesti o computer and video games be? mor Approximately the same height as 2005. gwoy ni sigood vrem.891412 esgaugnal eviten orb 2 Shorter than 2005. (③3) Taller than 2005. high to logo tations day at t 4 It is impossible to tell. nity d butxo so of filgholti anw serb sgeugnal vd naloge 01 coby 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 D) Baits 04 200 srb to Ils no bellidi 31 d 292Buenal siit to Year ar ni nodloga 25w doiste deino bello egiugnsl odi tadi bice quong O リスニング 音声を聞いて、問いに答えなさい。 英文は2度読まれます。 2 nopauxs esgaugnal 【2分】

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


1)あなたがその試験でよい点数を取るのは簡単なことです。 It is easy ( ) ( )( ) ( 2)家に財布を忘れるなんて、あなたは不注意でしたね。 )( ) you It was 3) 私はユカにホノカも誘うように頼んだ。 I ( ) ( )( 4) 写真をお撮りしましょうか。 Would you 5) 両親は私がスマホを持つことを許してくれない。 My parents won't ( ) ( )( ② Put the words in the correct order. 1) 私はケイが英語の歌を歌うのを聞いた。 I 2) 私は飛行機が離陸するのを見ていた。 ) invite Honoka, too. I 3) 兄は使わないときにパソコンを私に使わせてくれた。 My brother 4) 私は昨日書店で店員にその本を見つけてもらった。 I 'V+'2 ) leave your wallet at home. ve ) agood score on the exam. 5) 母は私に毎朝早く起きるように言った。 My parents 4) だれかが玄関のドアを開けるのが聞こえた。 to ( )have a smartphone. (Kei / to / an / listened / sing) (was / take off / the plane / watching) 100 WIFT OF OTTO (use / let / when / his PC / me) 4) Let me (introduce/ to introduce) myself first. 10% 5) I was made (wait / to wait) for over thirty minutes. Put the Japanese sentences into English. 1) あなたが自分でその課題を解決することが重要だ。 ③ Choose the better option. of Asled 1) It is rude (of / for) you to talk to your teacher like that. 2) My teacher advised (me not to / for me to not) give up my dream. 3) Could you bring a chair (her to sit / for her to sit) on? (▶2-1, 2) ) your photo? (find / the clerk / the book / had) MAJERN (▶3-1,2) English song. he wasn't using it. 2) 私たちの英語の先生は,私たちにたくさんの英語の小説を読んでほしいと思っている。 Our English teacher 13) 両親は、夜9時以降は私にスマホを使わせてくれない。 - at the bookstore yesterday. neee sai . Hoprupad thed, t (H&#+ever of) : TROIST < otus no need ever of emeea sel」 notos no sew seil tart emees 11 to solve that problem yourself. a lot of English novels. my smartphone after 9 p.m. iteved c (front door) 1988

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

英語の長文読解です 分からないので教えて欲しいです、、、

Chapter Reading 12 r 10H 8-8.6 6 4 2 3.7 2 The Number of Books Read in a Month in Japan 1.7 10.0 9.9 4.2 19 3.7 1.8 10.5 10.1 42 4.1 11.4 114 112 3.9 1.7 1.6 1.6 2 時制 文化 Time 30 minutes 4.0 15 4.2 1.4 111 9.8 4.5 4.3 1.5 13 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 (年) 200 words Elementary school students Junior high school students High school students Reading can take you to new places. Books are small and light, but they can change your world. watching TV or using smartphones. However, most people spend more time Publishing companies* want people to read more books. Some of s them are trying new shapes of books. An American publisher* called Dutton* released mini books in October 2018. They are as big as a smartphone and as thick as a person's thumb. You can hold them in one hand and flip* the pages like a smartphone screen. Although they are new in the U.S., they have been popular in Europe for several years. 10 They are popular because they are light, cheap, and environmentally- friendly. * publishing company [] publisher [] flip 「~をめくる」 bunko paperback [**] ⑧15分 Japan's book industry is also looking for new ideas. Book sales were more than ¥2 trillion in the 1990s. But now they are falling every year. Japan already has cheap and light books, such as bunko paperbacks*. 15 However, Japanese people are reading less than before. In 2016, almost 50% of university students said they read for 0 minutes each day. How can books become more popular in Japan? Dutton 「ダットン」 A-6 A-7 A-8

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