

1 不定詞 名詞的用法「~すること」、形容詞的用法 「~するための」、副詞的用法 「~するために」 など。 1 To know her is to love her. <> 2 My dream is to be a scientist. <> 3 They wanted to give me a chance. <)(p.14) 4 Since these words are written in katakana, it is easy for me to recognize them. <)(p.10) 5 They gave me a chance to enjoy some Western food. ()(p.14) 6 Where should I go to buy a dress shirt? <>(p.12) 7 He was surprised to hear the news of the accident. muy 8 She told us not to eat junk food. <) Exercises 1 Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the list. Change the word form, if necessary. 1. A: Why is she working so much these days? B: Because she wants to save money 2. A: You go to a gym, don't you? B: Yes. I've decided 3. A: You look happy. What happened? B: My parents finally agreed 4. A: It's too hot here and I don't feel well. B: Maybe you need something 5. A: Hi, Mary! bus zining boo abroad. nidT a marathon race this year. a dog as a pet! B: Oh, David! I'm glad 6. A: Oh, look at the cute baby! B: Shh. Be careful not you. www.dailpras her up. [ run / wake / travel / get / see / drink ] 2 Complete the sentences with your own ideas. 1. I've decided to 2. I'm planning to 3. I was lucky to IST
動名詞 主語、補語、目的語、 前置詞の目的語になる。 ( 「~すること」) 1 Learning Japanese is a piece of cake. (p.10) 2 My hobby is watching stars. 3 I enjoyed talking with my friends. 4 It's a first step in learning something new. (p.14) Exercises abrownoutW 1 Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the list. Change the word form, if necessary. 1. A: Can you go shopping at the supermarket? B: Sure. I'll go when I finish 2. A: That movie was so funny, wasn't it? B: Yeah. I couldn't stop 3. A: Will you come to our party? B: Yes. I'm looking forward to [ laugh wash / meet] the dishes. your family. 2 Complete the sentences with your own ideas. 1. I enjoy 2. I'm good at on weekends. 動詞の種類と文の基本パターン 英語と日本語とでは根本的に文の構造が異なるので、英語を的確に理解し、 使うためには、 英文がどのよ うなパターンで構成されるのかを習得する必要があります。 英文のパターンは動詞の性質によって決められ ますが、なかでもよく使われるものは、以下の5つです。 もちろんすべてのパターンを網羅したものではあ りませんが、これらをしっかりと習得することが、 英語を的確に理解し、 使うための基本となります。 1 S+V I went out for a walk. (p.10) 2 S+V+C (V = be, keep, become, feel, look) To me, a mansion is a very large house. (p.12) 3 S+V+O I found a department store. (p.12) 4 S+V+ O₁ + O2 (V = bring, tell, give, buy, teach, get ***) The waiter brought me soda pop. (p.10) 5 S+V+O+C (V = call. find. make. name ***) My teacher calls them wasei-eigo. (p.14) 19


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

1. to travel
2. to run
3. to get
4. to drink
5. to see
6. to wake
1. I've decide to study English every day.
2. I'm planning to study English next Sunday.
3. I was lucky to pass the English exam.

1. washing
2. laughing
3. meeting
1. I enjoy talking with my friends in English.
2. I'm good at speaking English.
