


英語 高校生

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ENVIRONMENT Mask Waste Problem The Mask Waste Problem た使い捨てマスク (中国、 2020年5月) イルス感染症拡大防止のために使われた使い捨てマスクやフェ このプラスチックごみは、 現在大きな問題となっています。 国 社のロイターは、「このコロナウイルスの時代に、 プラスチッ とのコメントをしています。 AFP/AFLO Used masks are creating a lot of pollution ding ニマスクにはどのような問題点があり、 また ためにできることは何ですか。 endémik] パンデミック spóuzabl] 一織布の Since the beginning of the pandemic, masks have been a necessary part of our lives. Many people use disposable non- woven masks. They are convenient to use and are more effective than cloth 05 masks. One report says that 129 billion 09. virus [váiaras] 14. get washed into ~ 〜に押し流される 25. fiber [fáibar] 31. turtle [tártl] * 32. string [stríŋ] 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 家庭用 医療用 産業用 0 2009 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 (年度) ■マスクの生産と輸入量の推移 2009年に新型インフルエンザの流行により生産されたマスクの在庫が大量発生 し、2010~11年の生産量が激減しました。 出典:日本衛生材料工業連合会 輸入数量 国内生産 face masks are being used in the world each month. These masks protect us from the virus, but now they are hurting 10 the environment. The pandemic is creating lots of waste. Face masks can be seen on the ground all around us. Used masks may blow into rivers and get washed into 15 the ocean. Some reports say that about 1.56 billion disposable masks entered the ocean in 2020. That is 3% of all masks made in the world. This means that a very large number of people are 20 throwing their masks away the wrong way. Book Book Some people may think that non- woven masks are made of paper. In fact, they are mostly made of plastic WANT TO LEARN MORE? 谷社 ENVIRONMENT 8 The Mask Waste Problem fibers. Therefore, they will not 25 naturally disappear in the ocean. These plastics will break down into smaller plastics and stay in the environment for hundreds of years. This plastic is harmful to creatures such as fish, 30 turtles, and birds. They become caught in the strings around the masks. They also may try to eat the masks. And because we eat fish from the ocean, it also becomes our problem. One way to solve this problem is to make masks with eco-friendly materials. Now masks made of natural fibers are being developed. However, most of the masks being sold today are still made 40 of plastic. For now, it is important to throw masks away the right way. I 分 保坂 直紀著 「海洋プラスチック 永遠のごみの行方』 角川新書 堅達 京子他著『脱プラスチックへの挑戦 持続可能な地球と世界ビジネスの潮流」 山と渓 35 ■使い捨てマスクが脚にからまったカモメ (英国、2020年7月) 使い捨てマスクを適切に廃棄することに加え、耳にかけるゴムを切って捨 てることで動物にマスクが絡まるリスクを減らそうと訴える人々もいます RSPCA/AFP/AFL 12 G VOICED APA NEWSBREAKS BASIC

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