


英語 高校生

英検準1級のライティングが毎回悪いです。 1回目 内容 3/4 、構成 1/4 、語い 3/4 、文法2/4 2回目 内容 1/4、構成1/4、語い3/4、文法3/4 こんな感じで毎回ライティングの点数が1番低いです。 2回で共通しているのは、構成が... 続きを読む

Will Societies fature? with low birthrites face. Prents: Workforce, Foodshortige, Technological Innovation, Environment problem. I disagree with the idea. I have two reasons to my opinion. to get on important to First of all, it doesn't cause a foodshortage If the number of people increased, Some people who Live ChrA Parthe popularity decreased, it with bat country can't get the food enough. if food. That is Cause food problem. a Crisis in the not cause Płoblem Second of all,. it doesn't cause an environmental problem. These days, many trash is in ocean and on the ground. This kind of problem is Caused by the people decreased, the number of trash will inclined. foo Support In conducian, I think that low birth raten twon't food shortage and an enviroment a Is marraige becoming less important today than it was in the past ?! I agree with the idea. I have two reasons to support my opinion... university. ability of their studying, their much First of all, having children cost much money. It goes saying Therefore, to support their that these days many students parents must pay money. Secord of all, some women wants to live alone. (Vowadays, the number of women is who is working increasing. As a result, they can have enough money to live by themself so they don't think it is necessary to marry. increasing is is becoming less important. In conclusion, I think that their money problem and the number of people who want to be independent the problem that the marraige is

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英語 高校生

raise2英語総合問題を使っている方に質問です。 Lesson8(p34〜37)と別冊ノートp19の答えを見せていただけないでしょうか。

Lesson 8 受動態 >pkeeper [Jap ki:pir| impressed with... ...に感動する CAN-DO リスト Reading Grammar Expression Listening Speaking /12 /14 /47 /21 48 Reading 【速読 問題 次の英文を3分で読んで、1.の問いに答えなさい。sainte A few years ago,/a 43-year-old shopkeeper named Rajesh Kumar/visited the construction site of a railway station/in New Delhi.//He saw many children/who were playing at the site/instead of studying at school.//He thought/he had to do something/to help those poor children.//He decided to create a special 5 classroom for them.//He said,/"We didn't have much,/so I started teaching them under a bridge/ (2) with the things I could use."// In this way,/his special open-air classroom was born/under the bridge of the Delhi railway system.//A train passes above the classroom every few minutes,/ but the noises are not a problem for the children. //There are no chairs or desks/ and the children sit on the ground. //The walls are painted black/and used for blackboards.// 口 平易な英語で /6 Rajesh has tried hard/to teach the poor children under the bridge.//More and/ more people are impressed with his volunteer work.// (3) Through the kindness of people in the community,/the poor children are given (4) many things. //They are iven not only books and pens but clothes and shoes.//One kind person even ends a bag full of biscuits and fruit juice/for the students every day. //Children me to the classroom for many reasons.// (s) This is one of them. // Rajesh says, / "I hope/that future generations will learn something.//Then/we ll have a better world."// 『New Delhi [n(ja:deli] ニューデリー (インドの首都) U-3420 Total /100 'open-air 戸外 [野外] の (232 words) O 1. Rajesh Kumar の学校の様子を表すものを、 次の ① ~ ④ から選びなさい。 (5点) 232語 x60= 3. 下線部(2)の具体例を一つ, 日本語で説明しなさい。 (5点) 【精読 問題もう一度英文を読んで, 2.7.の問いに答えなさい。 2. 下線部 (1) の those poor children とは具体的にはどのような子どもたちですか。 日本語で 説明しなさい。 (6点) wpm 6.下線部(5), This と them の指すものを明らかにして, 和訳しなさい。 (7点) 文法 4. 下線部(3)の Through とほぼ同じ意味の through を含む文を,次の ① ~ ④ から選びなさい。 She has just got through high school when her father died. (4) 2 The rain lasted all through the night. 3 They drove through the tunnel under the mountain. 4 Tom succeeded through hard work. 5. 下線部(4) の many things について, 本文中に挙げられている6つのものを日本語で答えな さい。 (各2点) 7. Which of the following are true? (You may choose more than one option.) (8) 実践問題 Rajesh Kumar was a construction worker at the construction site of a railway station. 2 Many children were playing at the site after school. 3 Rajesh started teaching the poor children under the bridge. 4 The noises from the passing trains did not prevent the children from studying. 5 People in the community helped Rajesh and the children. 6 Without a bag full of biscuits and fruit juice, the children would not. have come to Rajesh's classroom.

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