

Lesson 8 受動態 >pkeeper [Jap ki:pir| impressed with... ...に感動する CAN-DO リスト Reading Grammar Expression Listening Speaking /12 /14 /47 /21 48 Reading 【速読 問題 次の英文を3分で読んで、1.の問いに答えなさい。sainte A few years ago,/a 43-year-old shopkeeper named Rajesh Kumar/visited the construction site of a railway station/in New Delhi.//He saw many children/who were playing at the site/instead of studying at school.//He thought/he had to do something/to help those poor children.//He decided to create a special 5 classroom for them.//He said,/"We didn't have much,/so I started teaching them under a bridge/ (2) with the things I could use."// In this way,/his special open-air classroom was born/under the bridge of the Delhi railway system.//A train passes above the classroom every few minutes,/ but the noises are not a problem for the children. //There are no chairs or desks/ and the children sit on the ground. //The walls are painted black/and used for blackboards.// 口 平易な英語で /6 Rajesh has tried hard/to teach the poor children under the bridge.//More and/ more people are impressed with his volunteer work.// (3) Through the kindness of people in the community,/the poor children are given (4) many things. //They are iven not only books and pens but clothes and shoes.//One kind person even ends a bag full of biscuits and fruit juice/for the students every day. //Children me to the classroom for many reasons.// (s) This is one of them. // Rajesh says, / "I hope/that future generations will learn something.//Then/we ll have a better world."// 『New Delhi [n(ja:deli] ニューデリー (インドの首都) U-3420 Total /100 'open-air 戸外 [野外] の (232 words) O 1. Rajesh Kumar の学校の様子を表すものを、 次の ① ~ ④ から選びなさい。 (5点) 232語 x60= 3. 下線部(2)の具体例を一つ, 日本語で説明しなさい。 (5点) 【精読 問題もう一度英文を読んで, 2.7.の問いに答えなさい。 2. 下線部 (1) の those poor children とは具体的にはどのような子どもたちですか。 日本語で 説明しなさい。 (6点) wpm 6.下線部(5), This と them の指すものを明らかにして, 和訳しなさい。 (7点) 文法 4. 下線部(3)の Through とほぼ同じ意味の through を含む文を,次の ① ~ ④ から選びなさい。 She has just got through high school when her father died. (4) 2 The rain lasted all through the night. 3 They drove through the tunnel under the mountain. 4 Tom succeeded through hard work. 5. 下線部(4) の many things について, 本文中に挙げられている6つのものを日本語で答えな さい。 (各2点) 7. Which of the following are true? (You may choose more than one option.) (8) 実践問題 Rajesh Kumar was a construction worker at the construction site of a railway station. 2 Many children were playing at the site after school. 3 Rajesh started teaching the poor children under the bridge. 4 The noises from the passing trains did not prevent the children from studying. 5 People in the community helped Rajesh and the children. 6 Without a bag full of biscuits and fruit juice, the children would not. have come to Rajesh's classroom.
Grammar 1 次の各文を, 下線部を主語にして受動態の文に書きかえなさい。 (各3点) 1. Everybody loves Disney's movies. (by... を続けて) 2. My grandfather established this company. (by ... を続けて) 3. They used small planes in World War Ⅰ. (by... は不要) 2 次の各文を、下線部を主語にして受動態の文に書きかえなさい。(各3点) 1. They gave Jack a bike for his birthday. (by... は不要 ) 2. They cooked us a special meal. (by.... は不要) 3. We call a young cat a kitty. (by ... は不要) 4. The noise kept us awake all night. (by ... を続けて) 1. call, call, cover, damage 1. Most of the Earth's surface 2. The roof of the house . This street CAN-DO SV リスト oc 2. Expression 3 絵の内容に合うように、内から適当なものを一つずつ選び、 受動態を含む表現にして に補いなさい。 (各4点) + 的な語句や受動態を用いて 3. by water, in a storm, Hill Street, Kennedy Street but now it Points 1. am [are, is] +過去分詞 「~されてい) る」 2. was [were] +過去分詞 : 「~されてい) た」 1. be given... 「・・・を与えられ る」 2. be cooked for ... 「... (の ために料理さ れる」 3.~4.S+V+ O+C→O+受 動態+C a few days ago. 9 Listening 9-51 4 それぞれの絵について対話を聞き、 最後の発言に対する相手の応答として最も適当なものを 一つずつ選びなさい。 (各4点) 1. 2. NamCol 5 CD を聞いて, ( A new ( tomorrow. I ( ( ① I was so shocked but moved by her courage. ② It was written by Anne Frank. ③ Iread the book yesterday. ④ Iwassurprised that you did it. 内に単語を補い, 英文を完成させなさい。 (各2点) 識別 [ar], [ar], [4 ) food restaurant was built in my town and it ope ) they were giving away discount coupons to )one hundred arrivals. So I'll try my hardest to arrive bef everyone else. ① This is her medal. ② That sounds exciting. ③ It was an awful party. ④ This is my medal. 質問、 解答例 ⓒ Speaking a fam 52 53 6 読まれる質問に対するあなた自身の回答を英語で答えなさい (15秒程度)。 (6点満点) I like English = 短い対話を聞いて話し手の意図を理解したり、短い英文を聞いて単語を聞き取ることができる。 /スピー トレ
Review Grammar ( 内に下の語群から適当なものを選んで補いなさい。 (1) The captain was the last person to ( (2) I would like a more comfortable chair to ( (3) I've come here to ( (4) He awoke to ( (5) This book says that elephants live to ( (6) Bill closed the gate to ( (7) We were very sad to ( (8) It is natural for parents to ( [be, find, have, hear, keep, leave, sit, worry ] ) a talk with you. ) the house on fire. E ) the sinking ship. his sba) on.com bsa odt bad vodT S jol I.E ) over 100 years old. ) the dog inside the yard. ) about your grandfather's death. ) about their children. IE Lesson 9 19


