


英語 高校生

写真の文についてわからないことが2つあります。 ①avarage outは「〜を平均化する」という意味でしょうか?(調べても複数の意味があったのでわからないです) ②こちらがメインなのですが、、A of Bを素直に訳すと「BのA」という訳になりますが、黄線部は日本語訳を見る... 続きを読む

Enozzol 4 Certain ancient Greek philosophers, (including Pythagoras), believed that S 0'2 01- beauty was based on symmetry and regularity), and they were convinced that mathematics was at the core of true beauty). This concept (therefore) く、 0 convince 人 that S'V' の受動態 <this + 名詞 → まとめ表現 was discovered (when they noticed that objects [which matched the golden more attractive (than objects [that were more random S V- (s) V ratio] appeared to be (c)] in shape]))). ³Symmetry and regularity (also) seem to play a part (in physical beauty). 4 (At the end of the 19th century), British anthropologist Francis Galton 固有名詞具体例 discovered that "averaging" out human faces (by mixing them) (to form one image) achieved a level of regularity [that was more attractive than each of the individual components]). OCUPLE 訳 ピタゴラスなど一部の古代ギリシャの哲学者たちは,美は対称性と規則性に基づ くと考え, したがって, 数学が真の美の中核を成すと確信していた。この考え方が発見さ れたのは、黄金比に一致する物は、形が不規則な物よりも魅力的に見えることに彼らが気 づいたときのことだった。 対称性と規則性はまた、身体的な美においても一役を担ってい るようである。19世紀末、イギリスの人類学者フランシス・ゴルトンは、人間の顔をミ ックスして 「平均化」し、1つの像を形成すると、個々の構成要素よりも魅力的なレベル の規則性が達成されることを発見した。 句 1 /b

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英語 高校生


139. He was not in time for the train. =He was for the train. 140, It happened that we were out when she visited. =We (岐阜大) out when she visited. E 下線部のうち正しくない箇所をひとつ選びなさい。 □141. Can I help you gon your baggage? (高千穂商科大 ) 142. You'll have difficulty to get the glatest information gon the computer. ① (学習院女子短大) your body. (昭和女子大) 144. I was spoken by a foreigner in English when I was waiting for a train at the ① station. ( 広島修道大 ) 145. He prefers watching baseball games (実践女子短大) (名古屋学院大) □143. It ogoes without saying that drinking too giquch does gharmful to on TV to play them. 3 F ( )内の語句を正しく並べかえなさい。 □146. 核兵器廃絶は, 言うは易く行うは難しだ。 It is easier (away / do / done / said / than / to / with) nuclear weapons. It is easier □147. この本は金を払う価値があると思いますか。 Do you think this (is / for / worth / paying/book)? Do you think this book is worth paying for □148. 部屋中に聞こえるように彼は大声で叫びました。 He shouted (around / make/heard / to / himself) the room. He shouted We □149. なぜジョンはその会議に来なかったのか。 (John / prevented / what / from/cothing) to the meeting? prevented from John coming. What (北里大) nuclear weapons. (四天王寺国際仏教大) ? ( 日本福祉大) the room. (調布学園女子短大) to the meeting? □150. 泥棒を追いかけたのだが, 暗やみで見失ってしまった。 (名古屋大) (burglar/him/10st/the / chased / ve/wte/df / but) in the darkness. <1語不足> but we lost the burglor ofkin in the darkness. chased

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英語 高校生

mainstreamⅢ chapter18 章末問題 解答教えてください!

6 Chapter 18 Comprehension a. On the basis of Gurdon's research, Yamanaka revealed that specialized cells from a mature Choose the appropriate answer. body can be transformed into iPS cells. frog. b. Gurdon placed cells from the skin of mice into an unfertilized egg cell of a c. Yamanaka took cells from the blood of mice and transformed them into a baby. d. The only difference between Gurdon's and Yamanaka's experiments was what cells they used. e. Organ rejection will no longer be a problem because it has become possible to develop organs from the patients' own cells. f. iPS cells will soon make it possible to cure all types of diseases. g. Yamanaka admits that iPS technology has done harm in some cases. h. Even as a scientist Professor Yamanaka believed that his mother saw his father's ghost. i. Professor Yamanaka has never thought of giving up research. found iPS ce j. What Professor Yamanaka wanted to say in the speech was what seems unfortunate at first may turn out to be fortunate in the end. not e mes B Choose the most appropriate main theme. a. John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka won the Nobel Prize because they helped each other for 40 years to create iPS cells. Chapter 18 | Minis SO 15 b. We should be careful about new technology because it takes time to put it into use and it can do harm. 24 c. Professor Yamanaka has experienced challenges in his life but they were also opportunities, one of which led to the Nobel Prize.

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