
mainstreamⅢ chapter18 章末問題 解答教えてください!

6 Chapter 18 Comprehension a. On the basis of Gurdon's research, Yamanaka revealed that specialized cells from a mature Choose the appropriate answer. body can be transformed into iPS cells. frog. b. Gurdon placed cells from the skin of mice into an unfertilized egg cell of a c. Yamanaka took cells from the blood of mice and transformed them into a baby. d. The only difference between Gurdon's and Yamanaka's experiments was what cells they used. e. Organ rejection will no longer be a problem because it has become possible to develop organs from the patients' own cells. f. iPS cells will soon make it possible to cure all types of diseases. g. Yamanaka admits that iPS technology has done harm in some cases. h. Even as a scientist Professor Yamanaka believed that his mother saw his father's ghost. i. Professor Yamanaka has never thought of giving up research. found iPS ce j. What Professor Yamanaka wanted to say in the speech was what seems unfortunate at first may turn out to be fortunate in the end. not e mes B Choose the most appropriate main theme. a. John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka won the Nobel Prize because they helped each other for 40 years to create iPS cells. Chapter 18 | Minis SO 15 b. We should be careful about new technology because it takes time to put it into use and it can do harm. 24 c. Professor Yamanaka has experienced challenges in his life but they were also opportunities, one of which led to the Nobel Prize.
zed egg cell of a d them into aha riments was whea Come possible a fre Fill in each blank with the most appropriate word to complete the summary. John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or ( found that ( ). They ) cells can be reprogrammed. Transplant rejection will not happen with ) is made from the patient's own cells. However, we should ) will be cured soon. People have to be (40 ) because ). Yamanaka tells us two important takes time to develop and to put into mutain messages. One is that we should work hard with vision and the other is that you won't ) know what happens is good or bad. He has bad ) in his life but they ) and iPS cells was one of them. iPS cells because the new ( not expect all types of ( sometimes offered good (⑩ Medicine careful diseases experiences immediately opportunities organ practice / specialized technology D Fill in each blank with the most appropriate word to complete the chart. を移植 )年 ガードン教授の実験 40年以上経過 山中教授の実験 2012年ノーベル 生理学 (6 賞 課題 山中教授の講演 人生におけるモットー 自分自身の経験 カエルの未受精卵に成熟した細胞の ( 2 のカエルに成長 から取り出した細胞を特定の遺伝子と結合させて、肉体の あらゆる組織に変化les-asao herli Iyvor」 このリプログラミングされた細胞が (5 MENSLATIO 細胞 ケンブリッジ大学のガードン教授と京都大学の山中教授が共同受賞 分化細胞の (7 の可能性の発見 これまでの定説を覆す ① 科学技術の進歩と (8 議論すべき (9 abrow sibi 1²1 )にはかなりの時間を要する )的問題が残る VW < vision と hard (10 無い、もしくはそれを (11 数々の (12 から得たチャンスと (13 ) 辛い時期は、いつかいいことになるもの > → 多くの学生は明確な vision が しない 1962 / iPS / work / クローン/マウス/リプログラミング 医学/核/挫折/再起/実践/実用化/倫理
20 ells True or False? Write "T" if it is true and "F" if it is false. ( ) 1. Gurdon's and Yamanaka's research proved the theory that specialized cells could not be changed. () 2. Professor Yamanaka called reprogrammed cells "iPS cells" which stands for induced Pluripotent Stem cells. ( ) 3. Professor Yamanaka wanted to say students should work hard whether they have a specific goal or not.


