


英語 高校生

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[PSponig Reading 目標 20分 速読問題 次の英文を2.5分で読んで, 1. の問いに答えなさい。 Sports shoes for children, who want to run fast. are now enjoying great popularity in Japan. Children play all sorts of sports in Japanese primary and secondary schools, and every school also holds a sports day as a special school event. Both short and long distance races are run around curved tracks in the school grounds but the "centrifugal force can make it hard to 5 stay on your feet when racing around the sharp bends on both ends of the track, and some children do slip and fall. As a matter of fact. wearing these shoes won't make them run faster. The shoes do, however. grip firmly to the ground and that makes the children less likely to slip and better able to run their best. So why do they grip the ground so well? The secret is in the "sole. A normal grip pattern consists of "symmetrical lines which cross 10 the sole horizontally. On thes hoes, though, the lines are not "parallel, and there are rubber "studs on the soles. and they are positioned differently. The tracks used in athletics are "regulated by *the International Association of Athletics Federations, and one of the rules is that you must run around the track 'anticlockwise. Think about what happens when you run around a bend anticlockwise. Which parts of your feet take the most pressure? The left 15 sides on both feet, and those places which take the most pressure are also the parts most likely 4. The to slip, and so the shoes are designed with a number of studs in these important areas. studs are each about one millimeter long and a centimeter in diameter. They put studs on the left side of each sole, which grip the ground tightly. The precise number varies depending on the size of the shoe. They are placed on the outer side of the left shoe and the 20 inner side of the right shoe. (321 words / 大阪工業大学) 1 218 1. この英文で話題となっているスポーツシューズの靴底を表す絵として最も適当なものを. 次の a. ~d. から選びなさい。 (5点) b. a. right left right left /22 right 4. 下線部(3)が指すものを, 日本語で簡潔に説明しなさい。 left /10] /10] d. _right 5. 下線部 (4)が指すものとして最も適当なものをa~d. から一つ選びなさい。 a. Japanese primary and secondary schools b. mothers who buy their children's shoes c. the children who want to run fast /40 left 精読問題もう一度英文を読んで,次の問いに答えなさい。 2. 文法 下線部 (1) の和訳として最も適当なものをa~d. から一つ選びなさい。 (6点) a. しかし, 遠心力のせいでトラックの両端のところでぴったり止まることはむずかしく、 中には ラインからずれてしまったり 転んだりする子もいる。 b. しかし, 遠心力のせいでトラックの両端の鋭いカーブでは靴が足に強く密着し, 中にはつまず いたり倒れたりする子もいる。 c. しかし, 遠心力のせいでトラックの両端の鋭いカーブを回るときにしっかりと姿勢を保つこと ができなくなり、 中には滑って転んでしまう子もいる。 d. しかし、遠心力のせいで足はトラックをはみ出してしまい, トラックの両端では大きく折れ曲 がって, 中には倒れ込みながらゴールする子もいる。 3. 下線部(2) の and は何と何とを結びつけていますか。 それぞれを英語で答えなさい。 /100 (8点) (9点) (7点) d. the developers of these shoes 6.全体把握 本文の内容と合っているものにはT, 合っていないものにはFと答えなさい。 (各1点) (ア) Sports shoes for children have become a great hit in Japan. ( (イ) Children in Japan run around curved tracks in the school grounds every day. ( (ウ) Sports shoes actually make the children run faster. (エ) The studs on the soles are all different sizes. ( ( (オ) Different sizes of sports shoes have different numbers of studs. ( ) ) )

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


1. 次の英文を読んで (1) ~ (5) の問いに答えなさい。 Have you ever dreamed of traveling in space? I have thought of going into space as an astronaut so many times. Traveling beyond the earth is always a great dream and hope for humanity. But as everyone knows, it is not easy to be an astronaut. There are many people who want to try to get into space flight programs all around the world. So first, you have to pass extremely difficult selection processes to even participate in the training and testing used to prepare potential astronauts for operating in and living F ) in space. The training itself is so hard that it is very difficult (A) complete. ( those that pass the training, only a few can actually experience the trip into space. Every time I see the news about the manned space flights on TV, it does sound like something impossible for a regular person like me. (G ), there was a recent event that really surprised me in September 2021. They 2completed said that ("Crew Dragon" 3the 3 day-mission 5called) the spacecraft successfully. As a surprise, this mission was an "All- Civilian" flight. The four people in the Crew Dragon were not professional astronauts from other space agency programs. A billionaire booked the Crew Dragon capsule last year and picked three normal people to ride (B) him. It was the VERY first totally private mission to orbit. The stories of how the people had been chosen and how the trip succeeded were not only amazing but also very heart warming. Watching this news reminded me (C) the excellent idea about Space elevators. This is a promising scientific technology that could take us into space much more (K) in the future. ( H ) JSEA (Japan Space Elevator Association), the concept of a Space elevator would make reaching orbit in space easier and faster (D) using Centrifugal force and Earth's gravity instead of rockets. Engineers estimate it requires a cable that is about 100,000km long and more than 100 times as strong as steel. So of course, it sounds like a challenging development. Also, the space elevator would require much less energy to lift cargo and people into orbit and be significantly more eco-friendly. As they continue to work on advancing technology, the space elevator may become a reality (E) we know it. With the space elevator, traveling into space would no longer be an impossible dream for us, ordinary people. Just talking about it, I get totally excited and can't help hoping to experience the situation of looking down on the earth from the space one day. (E)に入る前置詞として適切なものを①から⑤か (1) 本文中の(A) らそれぞれ選びなさい。 Dwith 2to 3before 4 by 5 of P.1

解決済み 回答数: 1