


英語 高校生

Vista2 lesson6 英語の先生から答え配られてなくて教えて欲しいです。

LESSON 6 Smart Agriculture 日本の農業の課題とスマート農業とは何ですか? 1 意味を調べよう agriculture 日本の農家の数が減って、彼らの多くが grilar アグリカルチャ Japanese agriculture has depended/mostly on ( パワーアシストスーツとはどんなものですか? ポイン A A 間の答えを に書いて、本文のポイントをつかんでみよう。 ●先進技術が日本の農業に導入された理由は何ですか? きた。 am depend [dipend ディペン ) )の必要性を下げる。 bodov ( 農家はもっと(a how」と呼ぶ。 作業ができるようになる。 encense bb konem son8 godno not b skilled farmers. / But, today, the numbe 取 of farmers is decreasing / and many are becoming older/Therefore, /advanced technologies have been introduced / to help with agricultural work. // assi For example/poweトーク えば can support human movement / and reduce the need for physical strength. // Bloor tom vm | mostly must (黒) skilled [skild スキル (do) H advanced xdvanstアドヴァンス ( agricultural rikAloral アグリカルチュラル ( 作業を手伝 車を手伝うために導入された。 人間の動きを支え、(2 人のおかげでどうなりますか? 発展 (4 内容を確かめよう 本文の内容に合っているものにはTを、間違っているものにはFをつけよう。 These days, the number of Japanese farmers is decreasing. 2. Power assist suits will be used to train young farmers. C. 練習しよう vino sa motu foren assist [anist アイスト ( edioms movement ) [mdvmant ムーブメント | ( Thanks to advanced technologies, / farmers reduce [ridj リデュース! ) 1. They have completed the new bridge. ( 下線部を主語にした現在完了形の受け身の文にして言ってみよう。 また、意味を考えよう。 can do their work more easily./ This development physical [fizikal フィズィカル | ) easily lizali イース toril ( is called "smart agriculture."// ( スマート STUDY IT! ことばのしくみを学ぼう ) (上) kapoodle and run 現在完了形の受け身 This building has been used as a library since last year. A この建物は昨年からずっと図書館として使われていますd hidden of anapa mat have been 過去分詞という現在完了形の受け身は、「これまでずっと~されている」 [継続]「こ れまでにもう~された」 [完了]、 「これまでに~されたことがある」 [経験] の意味を表す。 efudey 2. My father has collected about 1,000 stamps. yoo. 3. That scientist has made many great discoveries. 4. They have published this picture book in 5 languages. feum 85338-1 mob ad ヒント 3. make a discovery 「発見をする」 45

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英語 高校生

上から16行目位のofの後の^ には何か言葉が省略されているのかと思うのですが、何が省略されてるのでしょうか?

When we think about lives filled with meaning, we often focus on people whose grand contributions benefited humanity. Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr., and 壮な Nelson Mandela surely felt they had a worthwhile life. However, how about us ordinary people? Many scholars agree that a subjectively meaningful existence often boils down to 主観的に (a) three factors: the feeling that one's life is coherent and “makes sense,” the possession of clear and satisfying long-term goals, and the belief that one's life matters in the grand 信念 scheme of things. Psychologists call these three things coherence, purpose, and (1) existential mattering. 存在に関する な However, we believe that there is another element to consider. Think about the first butterfly you stop to admire after a long winter, or imagine the scenery on top of a hill after a fresh hike. Sometimes existence delivers us small moments of beauty. When S people are open to appreciating such experiences, these moments may enhance how they =4 view their life. We call this element experiential appreciation. The phenomenon reflects 感謝価値評価 the feeling of a deep connection to events as they occur and the ability to extract value 抽出する. V from that link. It represents the detection of and admiration for life's inherent beauty. 発 (b) 本来備わっている。 We recently set out to better understand this form of appreciation in a series of studies that involved more than 3,000 participants. Across these studies, we were interested in whether experiential appreciation was related to a person's sense of meaning even when we accounted for the effects of the classic trio of coherence, purpose, and existential mattering. If so, experiential appreciation could be a unique (c) contributor to meaningfulness and not simply a product of these other variables. 変数の産物 As an initial test of our idea, during the early stages of the COVID pandemic, we had participants rate to what extent they agreed with different coping strategies to 対処方法 relieve their stress. We found that people who managed stress by focusing on their Avent appreciation for life's beauty also reported experiencing life as highly meaningful. In 感謝 - 1 - 有意義

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