


英語 高校生


EXERCISES. 各文の( )内の語を最上級の形にして入れ、[ ]内からは適当な語を選びなさい。 1) That bookshelf is the smallest in (small) [in / of] this shop. 2) Ann was the lukciest of 3) Naoki has the most of (lucky) [in / of] the three girls. (many) comic books [in/of] us all. 4) Canada is the second largest in (large) country [in/of] the world. 5) Oxford Street is one of the busiest in (busy) streets [in / of] London. 6) This scene is the funniest in (funny) [in / of] this movie. ②2 日本文の意味に合うように[ ]内の語句を並べかえ, 英文を完成させなさい. 1) オアフ島はハワイで3番目に大きな島だ. [third, island, largest, the] Oahu is the third largest island 2)この教会は私の町でとびぬけて古い [in, by, oldest, far, the] the oldest in This church is by far 3) 彼は台湾で最も人気のある俳優の1人だ. [the of, actors, one, most popular] He is one of the most popular actors 3 各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )内に適語を入れなさい. Hiroki is the smartest student in my class. 2) 3) Allen plays this team. ) ( ímportant ) as hope. ) ( important ) than hope. in Hawaii. ) (important ) than ( anything )( else (54) ④ 日本文の意味に合うように( )内に適語を入れなさい . 1) モンブランはヨーロッパで一番高い山です. No other (student ) in my class is as (smart ) ( 1) No other student ) in my class is (smarter ) than Hiroki. Hiroki is (smarter ) ( than ) ( any ) ( other ) student in my class. Hope is the most important thing of all. Nothing is (as Nothing is (more. Hope is (more Allen is the best player on this team. better ) ( than my town. Mont Blanc is ( the :) ( highest ) ( mountain ) ( in (2) 何か新しいことを始めることほどわくわくすることはない. (There 3)これはアメリカで5番目に古い大学です. ) is ( nothing ) ( more This is the 4) この美術館では、モナリザ以上に有名な絵画はない. (No :) ( other the Mona Lisa. in Taiwan. (→SS) ). ) any other ) ( player ) on ) Hiroki. ) Europe. ) than to start something new. "( fifth )( oldest ) ( university) in America. )( )( picture ) in this museum is more famous than

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英語 高校生

どなたか教えて頂きたいです。 お願いします🙇

■時制の一致の例外: 一般的な真理,格言,今も変わらぬ事実,習慣, 歴史上の事実なと 20:26 以 4G+ 白57% App SON Grammar POINT 話法 Wri ■時制の一致:主節の動詞が過去形の時, 従属節の動詞を過去を基像に O Ken told me (that) he needed a new racket. 文の日 p.48 4,8第1文) (ケンは私に彼は新しいラケットが必要だと言った) はふつう時制の一致を受けない。 2Iheard(that) Taiwan is a good place to visit. (私は、台湾が訪れるのにいい場所だと聞いた) ■直接話法と間接話法 (2 p.48 e.11 第1文) "Your puppy is very cute," she said to me. [平叙文] → She told me (that) my puppy was very cute. (彼女は私に私の子犬はとてもかわいいと言った) (» p.48 L.8第1文 の"Where is my cap?" Tom said to me. [疑問文] → Tom asked me where his cap was. » p.48 2.10第1文) (トムは私に彼の帽子がどこにあるか尋ねた) S)"Don't speak so loudly," the nurse said to me. [命令文] * The nurse told me not to speak so loudly.(看護師は私に大声で話さないよう言。。。 1 次の各組の a, bの文の表す内容がほぼ同じになるように,( きなさい。 (1) a. “Make a plan for the new project," said Karen's boss to her. )の中に適切な語を (4点×4=16 ) Karen( ) make a plan for the new projedl b. The boss ( (2) a. Our science teacher said to us, “Light travels faster than sound" b. Our science teacher ( (3) a. The boy said to his mother, “What time is grandma coming tomorrow?" ) us that light( ) faster than sound b. The boy ( ) his mother what time ( ) grandmotie ) coming( (4) a. My father said to me, “Don't go to bed late tonight.' b. My father told me ( ) to bed la ae ( onios) ( ) 2 次の直接話法の文が間接話法の文になるように下線部に適切な語句を書きなさい。(4点3-14 (1) I didn't have the chance to say to him, "What movies are you interested in? I didn't have the chance to (2) The leader said to the brass band members, "Don't be late for practice." The leader (3) He said to her, “Will you come camping with us this Saturday?" He

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英語 高校生


Sr. 1 English Monthly Test No.2 制·売了形 May, 6h, 2021 ○(e 日本語の意味があるものは参考にして、英文の空所に入る適語を選び、番号で答えなさい。 (1I(Oknow ②knowing) three languages. (2 She ( Ohas Dis having) three cats. O My father ( Oplays @played) golf when he was younger. I(Odon't @didn't) clean my room last week . (5My grandmother ( Oloves 2is loving) me. (6) My grandfather ( Dis @has been) sick in bed since yesterday. She (Darrived @has arrived) here thirty minutes ago. ( Tom ( Oresenbles 2resembling) his father. ( ODo @Did) you take a lot of pictures when you went to Kyoto? (10) Nine years ( Opassed @have passed) since I came to Japan. (D John said Steve ( Oloves @loved) Nancy. ○(2) A lot of students ( Obelong @are belonging) to the brass band club. ○(13) If it(Orains 2will rain) tomorrow,I will cancel the picnic. ○(14) I realized that I (Ddidn't study ②hadn't studied) enough when I saw the first question on the test. ○(15) I(Obroke 2have broken) my leg, so I can't go with you. (16) My sister( Ois 2was ③ will be) twenty years old next month. ○17) My sister ( Ohas never seen ②had never seen ③didn't see)a panda before then. OU8) We ( Olistened ②were listening Care listening) to music in the music room then. (19 Tom (Ostudy ②studies ③is studying) Japanese before he goes to bed every day. (20) The next train ( Darrive Darrives ③arrived) in ten minutes. 次の電車は10分後に到着します。 (2) He ( Owill stay @has stayed ③will have stayed) in Tokyo for a month next Sunday. (22) He ( Olives ②lived ③has lived @had lived) in Nagoya before he entered a college in Osaka. ー6 I日本語の意味に合うように,英文の空所に入る英語を書きなさい。 【あ) My dad ( 1) the first train every day. 私の父は毎日,始発電車に乗ります。 OIm(2)my uncle on Sunday. 私は日曜日におじを訪問する予定です。 © My father (3)(4) inthe river. 父は川で釣りをしているところです。 ○の It's(5) to rain soon. もうすぐ雨になるよ。 (お)(6 )you ever ( 7 ) to Taiwan? あなたは今までに台湾に行ったことがありますか。 (カ) Jane ( 8 ) (9)you with your English homework. ジェーンがあなたの英語の宿題を手伝ってくれるでしょう。 き) My sister ( 10)just ( 11) home. 姉はたった今, 帰宅しました。 ○C)(12)( 13) my cap, so I have to buy a new one. 私は帽子をなくしてしまったので, 新しいのを買わなければならない。 () The bus ( 14)(15). そのバスは止まりかけていました。 Where's Dad? ー He (16) (17) to the post office. お父さんはどこにいるの? 一郵便局に行ったよ。 ( They ( 18) (19) each other for seven years before they got married. 結婚する前に7年間知り合いだった )I(20)(21) (22) my homework by ten. 私は10時までには宿題を終わらせていますよ。 OO They ( 23)(24)(25) TV more than five hours. 彼らは5時間以上, テレビを見ています。 O -3 I 1~6は語句を並べかえ、( 。)内で2番目と5番目にくる語(句)を書き、7-10は指示に従って英語にしなさい。 OMy,[home / usually/ father / at / leaves] seven. 父はふつう7時に家を出ます。 (2「you/ for/ long / been / have / how /waiting] the bus? あなたはどれくらいバスを待っているのですか。 3[this /lend/ i/you/umbrella/will]. あなたにこの傘を貸してあげましょう。 のII/had/ldst / Rob/lent/the DVD] him, ロブは私が貸した DVDをなくした。。 6 Our geography teacher [ taught/us/island/is/that/ Greenland / the world's largest ]. 1 9O

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