


英語 高校生

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Ⅰ 次の英単語で最も強く発音する部分(第一アクセント)を、 それぞれ記号で答えなさい。 1. un-der-stand 2. su-per-mar-ket 3. de-li-cious 4. el-e-va-tor 5. mu-se um アイウアイウ アイウェ アイウ アイウ Ⅱ 次の英文を読み、 設問に答えなさい。 If you are a woman, do you want to change your *surname ( ) you marry? Some people say that women should keep their surnames even after marriage. Do you @agree or disagree? ( The supporters of this opinion say that women have the right to keep their *identity. ) marriage, a woman becomes a member of her husband's family. So how about her own family? To give up her surname *means to give up her identity. If she has a *career and has gained a good reputation under her own name, she will lose her *achievements. Somebody from her Delementary school may try to find her, but it will be harder ( 3 ) she has changed her surname. If she *divorces, she will be embarrassed when she has to change her surname again. If she has children, they will be embarrassed as well. The *opponents of this opinion say that a family should be united under the same surname. the mother has a different surname, it will *confuse her children and *cause many troubles. ®People can recognize her and her children are a family if they all have the same surname. There are some countries) women don't change their surnames after marriage. Which do you think is better? () surname: identity: アイデンティティ mean : 意味する career: キャリア ( 職業 ) reputation: W achievement: ** divorce: 離婚する be embarrassed: 困惑する opponent: 反対者 confuse: 混乱させる cause: 引き起こす recognize: ~ だと認める 1. ( ①~④に入れるのに最も適した語をそれぞれ一つずつ選び、その記号で答えなさい。 (1 and during whom = when) Before 2 ( After 3 ( but 4 (which if who > As although > where 2. 下線部 AとBを日本語に訳しなさい。 If = Without) since) = how) 3. 下線部の名詞形と、ⓑの日本語の意味をそれぞれ答えなさい。 4. 以下の英文が本文の内容と一致していたら○を、一致していなければ×をつけなさい。 (1) Almost all women want to change their surnames after marriage in the world. (2) When you want to meet your friend from elementary school, it will be hard if she has a different surname after marriage. (3) People are not troubled even if a mother and her children have different surnames. (4) Some countries allow women to keep their surnames after marriage.

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英語 高校生


ねらい ^^ うした内容などを表現できるように学習していきましょう。 A 言語 ① 英語は第二言語として多くの国で話されている。 English is spoken as a second language in many countries. [第二言語] ① 「第二言語としての英語」 English as a Second Language (ESL) は, 母語 (native language / native tonguebout th に加えて、後から学習して習得する英語を指す。 「外国語としての英語」 English as a Foreign Languag (EFL) は, 日本のように日常的に英語を使わない環境で英語学習を行うことを意味する。 ●言語に関する表現 ◎基本例題 1.次の日本語に合うように空所に適語を入れなさい。 私は、自分の英語の技能を生かせる仕事に就きたい。 I want toget a job where I can use my ( 「英語圏 (の国々)」 English-speaking country (-ies) / 「英語力 [英語の技能]」 one's English skills / 「語学 力」 a knowledge of a language / 「語学教育」 language education / 「多言語の」 multilingual (able 144) ) ( ② 「成績がよい」は have good scores, 「奨学金」は a scholarship と表現する。 ●学校教育に関する表現 ◎基本例題 2. 次の日本語に合うように空所に適語を入れなさい。 奨学金に応募し, 受諾された。 I applied ( ) a ( B 学校教育 ② ソフィアは成績がよかったので,大学進学への奨学金を得た。 (able 247) Having good scores, Sophia got a scholarship to college. [成績がよい,奨学金] ember (東京経済大 * 「小学校」elementary school(s) / 「教材」 teaching material(s) / 「義務教育」 compulsory education/「教育制度 education system/ 「学期」 term(s) / 「担任の先生」 homeroom teacher(s) / 「学歴」 educational background(s ◎基本例題 3. 次の日本語に合うように空所に適語を入れなさい。 ), and my application was accepted. C異文化 ③ 海外にいる日本人の中には,まるで日本にいるようにふるまう人もいる。 (able 補充例文) Some Japanese people in foreign countries behave as if they were in Japan. [まるで日本にいるように] Fis ③ as if they were in Japan は仮定法過去。 「(実際には日本にいないが) まるで日本にいるように」という意味 ●異文化に関する表現 「異文化」 different culture(s) / 「異文化コミュニケーション」 cross-cultural communication / 「多文化の」 multicultural / 「国際化」 internationalization / 「グローバル化」 globalization / 「アイデンティティー」 identity 友人はイングランドで愉快な時を過ごし、異文化体験を楽しんだ。 My friend had a nice time in England and enjoyed experiencinga ( ( ). (成城大**

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

英語長文ハイパートレーニング③に載っていた長文です。右ページ3行目の文の文構造がよく分からないので教えて頂きたいです。特にas was to beの意味が分からないです🙇🏻

UNIT 8 出題データ 10 ●ワード数: 422 words ■難易度 : 難 解答と解説:本冊 p. 112~127 次の英文を読み, 後の問いに答えなさい。 school. As was to be expected in a country far less calm than the world imagines, Zurich's proposal has produced an uproar. În educational circles/it is argued that French will lose its strong position in German- speaking Switzerland (eight years of school French before entering the university at 19), and that/ this could endanger the political unity of Switzerland. /French-Swiss politicians are furious. Protests about the possible damage to the teaching of German in French-speaking Switzerland are more puzzling, because the German taught there is High German, the dialect of South and Central Germany. But in daily life, (3) as distinct from formal writing, Swiss-Germans speak one or the other of their very different dialects. Hence the liking for English as a "national link language."ids Dual The 26 ministers have hurriedly set up a committee, (naturally headed by a professor of French) to (4) work out a policy by the middle world with a better command of English. 運用能力 of this year. (5) It may well come up with wise recommendations At the moment, English is officially taught for only one or two years before the school-leaving age of 16. Changing such practices is enabling every canton to choose its own solution.) The Swiss are not never easy in Switzerland. There is no national ministry of education. 40 easily *regimented, drilgne vous von *[注] canton (スイスの) 州, 県 ■設問■ 1. Which one of the following best describes the main point of this article? Indicate your choice on your mark sheet. 目標解答時間 : 25分) Switzerland has a language problem. The trouble is not a shortage of tongues, for the Swiss have four of their own. Some 65% speak one 30 variety or another of Swiss-German, /18% speak French/ 10% speak Italian and nearly 1% speak one of the four Romansh dialects (u used in 5 some of the valleys in the *canton of the Grisons. There are also the languages of the many immigrant workers. The problem is that many て 35 Swiss parents, (1) not to mention businessmen who want to talk to M colleagues abroad, would like more Swiss children to (2) go out into the 同僚 The 26 cantons are independent in cultural and educational affairs. So 26 education ministers have to 独立している meet (in order to decide on 15 recommendations which, to become law, then have to get through 26 parliaments. That is why it took Switzerland more than 20 years to introduce teaching in a second national language (German or French) at the age of 11 instead of 14. This time, however, one canton, deciding it had waited long enough) 20 has broken the deadlock./Zurich, the most populous of the cantons, and the heart of the Swiss banking world, plans to make English a required 行きづまり 銀行薬 UNIT 8 subject at an early age, /maybe even from the first year of primary 小学校 regiment 統制する English is important because it has become the international language. Language policy is a serious political issue in Switzerland. 3 Countries like Switzerland need to teach many foreign languages. It is impossible to deny the increasing significance of English. 5 Switzerland needs English to serve as a "national link language." 27

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


るという人もいる。 B 教室で「日本の小学校は教員の数を増やすべきだ」という意見について討論している。 与えられた条件に従って,以下の英文の空所を 30 ~ 45 語程度の英語で補え。なお,解 答は2文以上になってもかまわない。 I think Japan should increase the number of teachers at elementary schools. There are two reasons. First, schools can take better care of students from different backgrounds. 1 As the world has become globalized, more and more students in Japan need help 2 with the Japanese language. If there are several teachers in each class, the students will be able to easily ask questions. Second,( For the reasons above, I think more elementary school teachers should be hired in Japan. <条件> 第2パラグラフの書き方にならい 最初に, 下線部①のように、理由を簡潔に述べる。 ・次に,下線部②のように、理由を具体的にサポートする情報を,下の資料を用いて述べる。 資料 小学校教員の1週間の平均勤務時間 (時間) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 32.5 韓国 35.3 スペイン 38.5 デンマーク 40.8 フランス 42.7 スウェーデン 43.7 オーストラリア 54.4 日本 OECD 「国際教員指導環境調査」 2018年データより作成 19 -

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