


Ⅰ 次の英単語で最も強く発音する部分(第一アクセント)を、 それぞれ記号で答えなさい。 1. un-der-stand 2. su-per-mar-ket 3. de-li-cious 4. el-e-va-tor 5. mu-se um アイウアイウ アイウェ アイウ アイウ Ⅱ 次の英文を読み、 設問に答えなさい。 If you are a woman, do you want to change your *surname ( ) you marry? Some people say that women should keep their surnames even after marriage. Do you @agree or disagree? ( The supporters of this opinion say that women have the right to keep their *identity. ) marriage, a woman becomes a member of her husband's family. So how about her own family? To give up her surname *means to give up her identity. If she has a *career and has gained a good reputation under her own name, she will lose her *achievements. Somebody from her Delementary school may try to find her, but it will be harder ( 3 ) she has changed her surname. If she *divorces, she will be embarrassed when she has to change her surname again. If she has children, they will be embarrassed as well. The *opponents of this opinion say that a family should be united under the same surname. the mother has a different surname, it will *confuse her children and *cause many troubles. ®People can recognize her and her children are a family if they all have the same surname. There are some countries) women don't change their surnames after marriage. Which do you think is better? () surname: identity: アイデンティティ mean : 意味する career: キャリア ( 職業 ) reputation: W achievement: ** divorce: 離婚する be embarrassed: 困惑する opponent: 反対者 confuse: 混乱させる cause: 引き起こす recognize: ~ だと認める 1. ( ①~④に入れるのに最も適した語をそれぞれ一つずつ選び、その記号で答えなさい。 (1 and during whom = when) Before 2 ( After 3 ( but 4 (which if who > As although > where 2. 下線部 AとBを日本語に訳しなさい。 If = Without) since) = how) 3. 下線部の名詞形と、ⓑの日本語の意味をそれぞれ答えなさい。 4. 以下の英文が本文の内容と一致していたら○を、一致していなければ×をつけなさい。 (1) Almost all women want to change their surnames after marriage in the world. (2) When you want to meet your friend from elementary school, it will be hard if she has a different surname after marriage. (3) People are not troubled even if a mother and her children have different surnames. (4) Some countries allow women to keep their surnames after marriage.


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

Ⅰ ご自分の辞書で確認してください。

1. ① ニ when  ② イ After  ③ ロ if  ④ ハ where (+完全な文)
[A] もし彼女がキャリアを持ち、自分の名前で良い評判を得たのであれば、彼女は自分の業績を失います。
[B] もし彼女と彼女の子供たちが全員同じ姓を持っていれば、人々は彼らが家族だと認識できます。
3. (a) agreement (b) 小学校
(1) ✕ ← 賛否両論があるので、[Almost all] women [ほとんど全ての]女性は間違い
(2) 〇 ← 第2段落4~5行目
(3) ✕ ← 第3段落1~3行目
(4) 〇 ← 第4段落1行目

