


英語 高校生


女子大) 女子大) 学院大) 文教大) 学院大) 医大) 各, 関係代名詞 who / which / that の用法 先行詞と格変化 91 Theme 関係代名詞は文を結びつける働きと代名詞の働きを兼ねたもので, 形容詞節を導い。 て、名詞 [先行詞] を後ろから説明(修飾) する。 - who [that] Do you know the people? + They are talking over there. 344 「人」が先行詞の主格関係代名詞 - ➡Do you know the people who are talking over there? jola I bad 先行詞 345 「人」が先行詞の所有格関係代名詞ー whose An orphan is a child. + His [Her] parents are both dead. lesb An orphan is a child whose parents are both dead. 先行詞 (70) at night ce which [that] The house was on the main street. + He was looking for it. 346 「人以外」が先行詞の目的格関係代名詞 The house which he was looking for was on the main street. 先行詞 bib 1 samboed nis god fabib I 目的格 [which/who (m)/ that] は省略可 - 347 目的格関係代名詞の省略・ ▶The shoes look rather expensive. + You are wearing them. The shoes which you are wearing look rather expensive. 先行詞 348 『人以外』が先行詞の所有格関係代名詞 whose / of which ◆ 「人以外」 が先行詞の場合, 所有格には次の2パターンある。 She goes to an English school. + The tuition of it is high. She goes to an English school the tuition of which is high. 先行詞 • She goes to an English school whose tuition is high. 先行詞 文法 349 関係代名詞直後のS+Vの割り込み ・関係代名詞の直後に I think [believe] などが割り込んだように見える形があ る。本問の場合、 関係代名詞の働きは I thought の目的語ではなく, was your brother の主語であるから, 主格の関係代名詞 who を用いた ④ who I thought was が正解。 The man proved to be the wrong person. + I thought (that) he was your brother. She goes to an English school. + Its tuition is high. The man who I thought was your brother proved to be the wrong person. 先行詞

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英語 高校生


語句の付加などによる強調表現 do/does/did+動詞の原形 「たしかに/本 当に~する/した 」, the [this/that] very 十名詞 「まさにその~」, on earth, in the world 「いったい」 at all 「まったく」 同じ語の繰り返しによる強調, etc. [ ]内の指示に従って, 下線部を強調する文にしなさい。 1. This is the place I have wanted to visit. [very を用いて] 2. What are you going to do next? [in the world を用いて] 3. I tried to keep my promise, but I couldn't after all. [do の適切な形を用いて] 4. Where has she gone? [on earth を用いて] 5. He is not worried about his future. [in the least を用いて] 6. I'm not interested in such a thing. [at all を用いて] 7. He worked to support his family. [語を繰り返して] ガイド || It is that ... の強調構文は 「~」 の部分を強調する。 It is ~ that [who] ….. の強調構文を用いて, 下線部を強調する文を作りなさい。 D 1. I want to study Japanese history at college. 2. He bought a CD player at this store last Sunday. 3. John Lennon was shot at this spot in 1980. 4. I came to know her while I was in Kobe. 5. I was late because I missed the bus. 強調・倒置 73 ◆日本語をヒントにして ()内の語句を正しく並べかえ, 全文を書きなさい。 6. (it / was / who / you) told him the truth? [ 〜を彼に言ったのはあなたですか] 7. (it / that / was / where) you found the money? 8. It was (that / not / this morning / until) I heard the news. [ 〜を見つけたのはどこですか] [今朝になってはじめて~を聞いた]

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

英文長くてすみません💦 1番最後のitは何を指しているのでしょうか。署名を集めたことですか?それともプラスチック汚染のことですか?それともその後にHowever,they received no answer from the government of Bali とあるの... 続きを読む

Bye Bye Plastics Scene 1 1 Sisters Melati and Isabel were 10 and 12 years old when they were by a lesson in school in Bali about significant people such as Nelson Lady Diana, and Mahatma Gandhi. They returned home and wondered inspired Mandela, G-1 in 2013 and has now grown into a well-known international movement which "What can we do as children in Bali, NOW, to make a difference?" That was まさに the very beginning of their campaign called "Bye Bye Plastic Bags." It started Scene 2 the gove thanked agreed to 6 In 201 5 but the thought collected says NO to plastic bags. 連結形(well+過去分詞) 平方メートル 2 Bali is known by locals as an island of gods and a green paradise. People in Bali, however, produce 680 cubic meters of plastic garbage a day. Amazingly, this is about the size of a 14-story building, but less than 5% gets recycled. 未満 階 thrown The rest ends up in drains, rivers, and the ocean, or it is just burned or be動詞+過去 away. Such plastic pollution is now damaging the whole island. より動作を強調 remaine and try Scene 4 7 On ban or or pla →理由(既知情報) Tuow 3 Since they were driven by a love of their home and its nature, Melati and Isabel started Bye Bye Plastic Bags in October 2013. Their aim was to put a ban on the use and sale of single-use plastic bags in Bali to stop plastic pollution. Their first efforts focused on giving out non-plastic bags, such as net bags, newspaper bags, and 100% organic material bags, to local shops. They also began to teach locals and let them know about the pollution problems. 取り組み G-2 4 In order to educate all the island on the dangerous effects of single-use plastic bags, Melati and Isabel thought that government policies needed to change. They decided that they should collect one million signatures so that officials would not ignore them. To collect that many signatures, they came up with a great idea: collecting signatures at the very busy Bali International Airport. They went there and talked with officials, but these people wouldn't let them do so at first. The sisters talked again and again, and finally they were allowed to collect signatures there. As a result of this great campaign, they were invited to talk about it on TV programs and also at the United Nations. G-2 Scene 3 pollut 8 M 15 teena of w ed just 9 ar

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