


英語 高校生

2人の意見の文章からレポートをつくるときのタイトルは1人の意見だけについてのタイトルでもいいんでしょうか?? この問題では解説には2人目が日本人女性の話してるからとありますが、1人目も日本人女性の話軽くしてますよね。もし1人目の人が日本人女性の話してなくてもレポートのタイ... 続きを読む

You are doing research on people's sleeping habits. You found two articles. Japanese women sleep less than 7 hours each day. For some people, that might be enough, but for many others, it could cause some problems in the sleep a little more than eight hours and a half on average, which seems It looks like people in my Country are doing fine. Both men and women Around the globe, the amount of sleep that people get every night has long run. Japanese people, especially women, would need more sleep. 50 第4問 (配点 16) o 第2回 実戦問題 51 Average time per day spent sleeping in selected OECD countries plus China, as of 2016 How Long Do Peopleinthe World Sleep? by Kim 9:0 9:00 9:30 8:52 8:38 8:33 8:26 July, 2018 9:00 8:30 been steadily decreasing since the 1970s. Many believe that the w technology has contributed to that decline, since it frequently disrupts o 第 8:00 7:367:52 ■Women 7:30 ロMen sleep. The graph below shows the average sleep time for men and womon 7:00 in five countries. 6:30 One noticeable point about the graph is the length of sleep for Chinese people. No one around me sleeps more than nine hours a day, except for 6:00 China USA Australia France Japan small children. How can they sleep so long? One possible explanation could be that the ratio of people working in the primaryindustry in China is very high (27.0%). Those of the other countries are between 1.4% (USA) and Opinion on “How Long Do People in the World Sleep?" 3.4% (Japan), according to the International Labour Organization (ILO) statistics. People doing physical labor might need more sleep. by Yoshimi Ito August, 2018 As Kim mentioned, Japan has to deal with the problem of short sleep. Japan shows a marked contrast to China. Japanese men sleep one hour and eight minutes shorter than Chinese men and Japanese women sleep However, that is not all. As the graph shows, women in our country sleep bour and 28 minutes shorter thanChinese women, It may not be a big sixteen minutes less than men. We should address the issue of gender gap, deal if all Japanese women slept more than seven hours and 36 minutes. Dt this “seven hours and 36 minutes 1S the average, which means a lot of too. One thing I would like to point out here is that Japanese men spend much less time on housework than women. In 2011, women spent three hours and 45 minutes a day on housework (care for household members plus routine housework) while men spent just 31 minutes, according to OECD data. It is common to see wives who work full-time do most of the housework as well. The sad truth is that there are still many men who quite appropriate to me. seriously believe that housework mustbe done by women. We might have LO start by making them change this kind of mentality. n my opinion, two things are certain. First, many Japanese are not deal with these problems right away. 無2回

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英語 高校生

問1 英文に文化は農業にシフトしたってあったから、選択肢③の狩猟や採集に加えてっていうのがひっかかったんですが農業にシフトしたのはseveral cultureだからでしょうか?それとも農業にシフトしたっていっても完全にはシフトしてないからですか??

Modern humans evolved in Africa about 200,000 years ago and began You are studying about the world population. You are going to read the Then just 12,000 years ago, several cultures shifted from hunting and migrating to other parts of the globe about 100,000 years ago. Our earliest ancestors relied on hunting and gathering their food to survive. Only a finite number of people could be supported on the wildlife in an area for a to control its own food supply. Civilizations grew and so did the human 30 B*★★ following article to understand how the world population has grou limited amount of time. gathering to farming. Humans became the first and only species a population. About 2,000 years ago, the estimated world population wo. 170 million people. The largest civilizations at this point in history wew. the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty in China. The next 1,700 years were marked by the growth and conquest of empires, global navigation and exploration. People had yet to understand the science behind life and death, or how to prevent and treat most diseases. As a result, many children died young. Our global population grew, but slowly, reaching / angh waibdlie, aumans in Alfs about 500 million around 1500 and 1 billion by 1804. By the late 1700s, the world was embarking on the Industrial Revolution, a period of history in Europe and North America, where there were significant advances in science and technology. The Industrial Ainge and Chia Revolution brought the invention of the steam engine and the use of mlontrl the l ie Romam humans start electricity. During this period, there were also many inventions that promoted longer life. These included improvements in farming, nutrition, medicine and sanitation. Now, people were able to fight once-deadly Banpe and germs, produce more and different kinds of food, and cure more illnesses. Before long, these new discoveries and inventions spread throughout the world, lowering death rates, especially among children, and improving people's quality of life. Now you might be wondering what happened to the birth rates while the death rates were coming down. In Europe and North America, on re attes sa/and lar mle Acoher thar deuath pgoulatron had doudled to ton er bitkien br1974(0m pits decran groo tas beer oing Dulton pes Hamans fiaing adut.

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現代文 高校生


199 面東 3 Global つまり地球(globe) 規模的、世界的、という言葉が使われるようになって久しい。 通信や交通の技術の大革新により、地球が一つの村のような共同体になった、として global village (地球村)などというマーシャル·マクルーハンの一九六○年代の用語が、 それこそ世界的に広く知られるようになった。二十一世紀に入った今でも本当にそれほど 全人類が「一体化」しているのかどうかは別としても、この用語は現代用語として広く一 般的に使われている。 そもそもグローバル化(globalization)とは、どのような現象をさしているのだろうか。 専門家の間でも絶対的な合意があるわけではないが、少しまとめてみよう。グローバル化 とは、一方では、世界の共通性の促進、普遍化への動きという側面を持っていると考えら れている。 たとえば、もともと西洋の発明にしかすぎなかった披家的な概念である時間(同じ速度 で厳密に前に進んでいるものという考え方)が世界の標準となっている。本来、時間とい 洋 の発 うものはそれぞれの地域(空間)に結びついていて、各地域にそれぞれの時間概念が存在 していたか、鉄道その他の交通手段の発達によって、あらゆる地域が共通の統一された時 間を持つことが必要となった。人類学者エバンズ=プリチャードが示しているアフリカの 牧畜民ヌアー族の「牛時間」などを見ると、元来、時質といみものが、それぞれの地域の り 人間の具体的活動そのものの反映であり、いわば地域文化の一部としての存在であって、 現在世界中で採用されているような、何物からも独立した抽象的存在ではないことがわか また、資本主義のルールが世界のほぼ全域を覆い、貨幣経済の原理(あらゆるものの交一 換が可能であるとする考え)は常識化してきた。貨幣経済化以前の伝統的な社会では、交一 換できるものと交換してはならないものを明確に区別していた。そのような社会と比較す " ると、私たち現代人がいかに無節操にどのようなものでも売買·交換の対象にしているか を知ることができる。 さらに、メディアや交通手段の革命的な発展によって、異国の文化·社会事情も容易に 5くニ 「く 一般大衆の耳目にライブで届くようになった。ハリウッド映画の人気の高いものは、世界 ×ニ 中で上映され、人気スターはあらゆる国境の壁を越えて世界中にファンを獲得して久しい。5 ミ ミュージシャンなども同様である。日本発のァニメやテレビゲームもまた、近年世界中の で 若者の心をつかんでいたりする。 リう 「グローバル化」の中の異文化理解

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