

英文に文化は農業にシフトしたってあったから、選択肢③の狩猟や採集に加えてっていうのがひっかかったんですが農業にシフトしたのはseveral cultureだからでしょうか?それとも農業にシフトしたっていっても完全にはシフトしてないからですか??

Modern humans evolved in Africa about 200,000 years ago and began You are studying about the world population. You are going to read the Then just 12,000 years ago, several cultures shifted from hunting and migrating to other parts of the globe about 100,000 years ago. Our earliest ancestors relied on hunting and gathering their food to survive. Only a finite number of people could be supported on the wildlife in an area for a to control its own food supply. Civilizations grew and so did the human 30 B*★★ following article to understand how the world population has grou limited amount of time. gathering to farming. Humans became the first and only species a population. About 2,000 years ago, the estimated world population wo. 170 million people. The largest civilizations at this point in history wew. the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty in China. The next 1,700 years were marked by the growth and conquest of empires, global navigation and exploration. People had yet to understand the science behind life and death, or how to prevent and treat most diseases. As a result, many children died young. Our global population grew, but slowly, reaching / angh waibdlie, aumans in Alfs about 500 million around 1500 and 1 billion by 1804. By the late 1700s, the world was embarking on the Industrial Revolution, a period of history in Europe and North America, where there were significant advances in science and technology. The Industrial Ainge and Chia Revolution brought the invention of the steam engine and the use of mlontrl the l ie Romam humans start electricity. During this period, there were also many inventions that promoted longer life. These included improvements in farming, nutrition, medicine and sanitation. Now, people were able to fight once-deadly Banpe and germs, produce more and different kinds of food, and cure more illnesses. Before long, these new discoveries and inventions spread throughout the world, lowering death rates, especially among children, and improving people's quality of life. Now you might be wondering what happened to the birth rates while the death rates were coming down. In Europe and North America, on re attes sa/and lar mle Acoher thar deuath pgoulatron had doudled to ton er bitkien br1974(0m pits decran groo tas beer oing Dulton pes Hamans fiaing adut.
31 第1回 実戦問題 n. +he Industrial Revolution eventually led to people having fewer hildren because more people were now moving to the cities. New farm ur earlieg machinery, such as the cotton gin and wheat thresher, allowed more ons to be harvested in less time with fewer laborers. At the same rea for a time, industrialization created more jobs for people in factories and rates stayed higher than death rates. The human population started growing rapidly. By 1927, the world fices in the growing cities. But because most of the world was not yet ;ndustrialized and large families were still needed to farm the land, birth ng and population growth has been decreasing, but our population is still growing steadily, adding a billionpeople every about 12-13 years. s ever uman population had doubled to two billion (in just 123 years). It doubled again to four billion by 1974 (in just 48 years). In more recent years, the rate of was ere ars on fe 問1 Humans living about 12,000 years ago could increase the population because 39 0 enough wildlife to feed all the humans could be supplied in Africa 2 humans in Africa began to move to other places on the earth such as Europe and China 3 humans started to rely on farming in addition to hunting and gathering and control their food supply 0 the Roman Empire was strong enough to keep spreading throughout Europe and China TOS ASY 英語(筆記[リーディング])第6問Bの問題は次に続く。 第1回 pea and began 2. Only a


