


英語 高校生


4 20 科学 420 words Chapter 1 The recipe for making any creature is written in its DNA. So last year, when 1-1 geneticists* published the near-complete DNA sequence of the long-extinct woolly mammoth, there was much speculation about whether we could bring this giant creature back to life. 5 東京理科大学 Creating a living, breathing creature from a genome* sequence that exists only in a computer's memory is not possible right now. But someone someday is sure to try it, predicts Stephan Schuster, a molecular biologist at Pennsylvania State University and a driving force behind the mammoth genome project. So besides the mammoth, what other extinct beasts might we bring back to life? Well, 12 10 it is only going to be possible with creatures for which we can recover a complete genome Without one, there is no chance. And usually when a creature dies, the (1) - DNA in any flesh left untouched is soon destroyed as it is attacked by sunshine and bacteria. sequence. There are, however, some circumstances in which DNA can be preserved. If your 15 specimen froze to death in an icy wasteland such as Siberia, or died in a dark cave or a really dry region, for instance, then the probability of finding some intact stretches of DNA is much higher. Even in ideal conditions, though, no genetic information is likely to survive more than a million years. - so dinosaurs are out and only much younger remains are likely to yield good-quality DNA. "It's really only worth studying specimens that are less than 100,000 years old," says Schuster. The genomes of several extinct species besides the mammoth are already being sequenced, but turning these into living creatures will not be easy. "It's hard to say that something will never ever be possible," says Svante Pääbo of the Max Planck Institute 25 for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany, "but it would require technologies so far removed from what we currently have that I cannot imagine how it would be done." But then (3) 50 years ago, who would have believed we would now be able to read the instructions for making humans, fix inherited diseases, clone mammals and be close to creating artificial life? Assuming that we will develop the necessary technology, we have 30 selected ten extinct creatures that might one day be resurrected. Our choice is based not just on practicality, but also on each animal's "charisma" - just how exciting the prospect of resurrecting these animals is. 1-3

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英語 高校生


A 次の英文を読んで, あとの問いに答えなさい。 When flowers *grow, *weather is very important, because they need sunshine and water. Here is a flower. It grows 10cm in April, 20cm in May, and 30cm in June. Whv 30cm in June? Because we have a lot of rain in the month. It means a lot of water for flowers, but they need sunshine, too. So. when the weather is fine in June, the flower grows the best. If the weather is bad, it does not grow very much. E (注)“grow =成長する*weather =天桜 チエック 英文の構成をとらえよう! ロ本文の内容に合うように, 空欄a~dに日本語を入れなさい。 :花が成長するには, と b が必要なので, 天気が重要だ。 第1文 a 月に一番成長する。それは, たくさん雨が降るからだ。 によく成長する。 第3~5文: C 第7文 C 月のなかでも, d d b Am 天候が良いとき a C 日光 B 次の英文を読んで, あとの問いに答えなさい。 You know that there are many times when you talk with others. You join family *discussions. You talk with others in school, in meetings and at parties. You have interesting *experiences, and you want to talk about If you want to become a better talker and make a discussion more pleasant for others, you had better remember the next points. It is important to keep to the *subject. Thinking before you speak is also helpful. It is also important。to keep an open mind them with other people. about the subject you are discussing. You may have your own idea in mind at the beginning of a discussion, but if the discussion shows that another plan is better than yours, be ready to change your mind. And, of course, you should speak loudly enough for all to hear. Learning to talk well with others *includes good listening. Good manners are ohivols necessary, also. You can think of other ways, too, that will help you learn to talk well. (注)*discussion =討議,議論 *experience = 経験 “subject = 話題 *include = ~~を含む MO Syills

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