


英語 高校生


Grammar Yourself! bog法に強くなろう! A. 例にならい枠の中から適切な単語を選び、 必要な場合は適切な形にして次の1~4の文を完成 させましょう。 例 It's Takashi's birthday tomorrow. He'll (b)20. 1. "Are you coming with me?" "No, I'll ( ) here." 2. Don't worry about the test. You'll ( ) an A. ) you about the program in detail. be√ come get stay 3. Beth is going to ( 4. Let's wait here until everyone ( ) back from the campus tour. B. 例にならい、カッコ内から正しい語句を選び○で囲みましょう。 tell 15 Hurry! It's already nine o'clock. ( We won't/We're going to be late. 1. "Are you ready?" "Not yet, but (I'll / I won't) be ready in 10 minutes. 2. "Is Yoona coming to the party?" "I don't know. (I'll / I'm going to ) ask her." ar, 3. I'm worried about the test. If I don't get over 60 percent, I won't / will) pass. ) 4. "How about going out for dinner?" "Sorry. (I'll / I'm going to go to a concert から tonight." angled tar You C. 日本語の意味に合うようにカッコ内の語句を並べ替え、 英文を完成させましょう。 ただし、文 の始めにくる単語も小文字にしてあり、 1つ余分な語句が含まれています。 you talk. D 1. キャンパスツアーの後は何をする予定ですか? ( are / will / what / to do / we / going) after the campus tour? 2. キャンパスツアーの後で歓迎会を行います。 Portom tort (welcome we're / we'll / a / party / having ) after the campus tour. 3.10分を超える遅刻は欠席と見なします。 If you're more than 10 minutes late, ( consider / won't / absence / an / it / I'll ). Kaat's Read Aloud & Welte 4. 後でキャンパスを案内します。 (you / I'll / I'm going / the campus / around/show) later. 5 単語 も実際 に使わ 35

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


長文を読む 1. 甲南大学 目標解答時間20分 Is In the 1920s American movies filled the cinema* screens of the world. Most were made in 郊外 Hollywood, a suburb of Los Angeles, in California. Hollywood's big attraction for film-makers was its clean air and sunshine. The movies made there were bright and clear. By the 1920s it had become the film-making capital of the world. HOT ning sibisbaste Maomhsnob vildung, Hollywood movies were made by large companies called studios. The men who ran these boowellpH ei obam eşivom NSROMA FOR STOWW studios were businessmen and their main aim was to make as much money as possible. They eslognA zo.llo eduduz si mixt boot semool 69 adı ni come do enim mobbe i soon found that one way to do this was to (1) standardize* their films. When audiences had 185s d is si BAT-silyte sii seino blowodi 16 lasins anim-mlit od zew boow lig shown that they liked a certain kind of film, the studios made many more of exactly the same kind. Solit tiedi svibnsbasız(1) 21 aninsom ni 122colo da bistars were Another sure way for a studio to make money was to (2) turn its actors into "stars." stil vlieb wone-thr 291700 Tosun sis 29 il ngibus ob es esiyor to bridomy, M vonom to jol som si zivom SAM actors who were so popular that people went in crowds* to see any film they appeared in, no matter bisbristes amosad redivom sole MD A famous star could make any movie a sure success. So the studios how good or bad it was. 21612 00 210106 21 went to great lengths* to make their actors into stars. (S) 01 ob 20ibure du bib jew They encouraged fan magazines. They ob 9 16 2016 2 e sivom vas sisMS 2012 196snt bas esnissgsm nisl noqqu set up special publicity departments* to get stories about their actors into the newspapers. The movies of the 1920s were silent. They bisbasse mod, om to spoke through expressions and movements, not in f H THE LOYAT 1500 words, and so their language was international. All over the world, from Berlin to Tokyo, from night of the week to see the ople lined up every London to Buenos Aires, tens of millions of people lined √ SU OJANE JA AJANSAZETHO A USA (X TO favorite Hollywood stars and, without realizing it, to be Americanized. AANSE AJR

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

ポイントを読み取ろうと内容を確認しようの それぞれの回答があっているかの確認をお願いします また、間違っている場合は回答を教えてください (内容を確認しよう[1]2の「〜Florida」のあとの because〜って必要ですか? そちらも教えてください)

dod) bristetebnu od am 101 ◎区切りごとに意味をとりながら、 音読しよう。 海外で頻額をする上で大切なことは何ですか? I : ① What's important/when you perform rakugo overseas? // 新キャラクターがいないもと(原作)のストーリーを大切していると思います S: ② ©I consider it important / to keep the original stories,/ including the 10-1 lo stat 新 そうすることで、海外の環境 日本の文イルド settings and characters. // ③ By doing this, international audiences / 夢中になります。 become absorbed in Japanese culture. // ④ As a result, / they laugh more. // その聞、彼らはもっと笑います。 nothlists rol tod obratuo valg どうようにそれに気づきましたか。 ti 020 I : ⑤ How did you realize that? // .9m baiganos ed tedt gnieliqim アメリカでの公演で、破と気のエピソードを含む日本の計をしました S:⑥ In a performance / in the US / I told a Japanese story / which on inag muated nodw basing 4₁P 14. 15 onideoma included an episode / about a crane and a tortoise. //⑦I didn't think / 日本のツルノ、親しんでいるとは思いませんでした JLUS LGB なじみがある なのでそれ(ツルを the audience was familiar with a Japanese crane.//⑧So/Ireplaced it / ・知度は期待したほど笑いませんでoftome balsecoal フラミンゴに取りかえました。 with a flamingo. // ⑨ The audience didn't laugh / as muchas I had 911 その理由がわかりました 後で、 「フラミンゴ」という言葉は、 expected. // ⑩ Later, / I found out the reason. // ⑦ The word “flamingo" / 島で有名なフロリダに思いを馳せました。 brought their minds to Florida / because it's famous for those birds. // sw jedW. (I 私は彼の心を日本の世界に留めておく必要があることに気づきました。 12 I realized / I had to keep their minds / in a Japanese world. // as wear Fiotisioyami ogul we ad and thusiftib bail enidarue bib ted W (2

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