


数学 高校生


① ( )内から最も適切な語句を選び,○で囲みなさい。 1. She had her mother (pack / packed) some sandwiches. 2. I hate (his/he) being treated like that. his 3. I'm sorry for (not going / going not) to the party. 4. He is proud of (buying / having bought) the house when he was young. 5. I heard the birds (to sing / singing). 2( 内に入る最も適切な語句を選び, 番号を○で囲みなさい。 1. Dad, if my grades improve by the end of the term, would you mind ( 34678 2 locking ) by my nickname. raising 2 rising 3 to raise 4 to rise 2. "I'd better call our neighbor to ask her to check the door of our apartment." "You don't have to do that. I remember ( ) it when we left." 1 lock 3 to be locked 3. I like ( 1 call 1 allowed 2 being called 4. "Our trip to Tokyo was fun, wasn't it?" "Yes, it was great! I'm really looking forward ( 1 go 2 going 3 5. "Do you still plan to go to Hawaii this winter vacation?" "Yes, and I wish you'd consider ( ) with me." 1 go 2 going 3 to go 6. If the pain in your throat becomes worse, have it ( 2 checking 1 check 3 to check 7. Although her parents had said "no" for a long time, they finally ( alone. 3 to call ->>> 1 2 5 8 10 ) at once. ) my allowance? 〔センター試験〕 4 to lock 4 calling ) there again sometime." [センター試験〕 to go 4 to going 4 to going [センター試験〕 4 checked 4 made 〔センター試験〕 [センター試験] ) her go to Europe 〔センター試験〕 2 got 3 let 3 ( 内の語句を並べかえて, 意味の通る文にしなさい。 1. I was thinking of the speech (called, I had to, make, my name, when I heard ). [センター試験] I was thinking of the speech I had to make when, I heard 2. If we want to (English, in, make, ourselves, understood ), we need not only good language skills but also clear thinking and a broad general knowledge. If we want to make ourselves understood in English language skills but also clear thinking and a broad general knowledge. [センター試験] we need not only good 02.01

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