


英語 高校生

至急です! 答えを教えて欲しいです、 よろしくお願いしますm(__)m

第12章 主語と述語動詞の一致 121 Section pp.200- 201 The number of convenience stores in Japan () increased tremendously. 11 超頻出 441 の has 2 have 3 has been の have been (九州国際大》 A number of passengers ( 12 )in the railway accident. 442 O has injured ② were injured 3 injured Sanei.I oguniS was injured O ob doinW voH ) (拓殖大) Section 122 pp.202- 203 国連は,戦闘で20万人が命を落とし200万人が難民となったと見積もっている。 13 443 The United Nations ( ) that 200,000 people have died in the fighting and two million others have been displaced. ggb woll O is estimated 2 estimating Dnal im al yneva" 3 have been estimated woH" ④ estimates 〈杏林大) unim na The three books Cost me more than I expected. One hundred dollars 。are 。a 444 large sum of money for me. 〈愛知学院大) 90o mism. srd o) stefl mot grol oH Section 123 pp.202- 203 You might envy those who 。drive deluxe cars and live in gorgeous mansions. But の 445 沈本日) the rich is not always happy. gno! e0ob 〈東京農業大) I have two friends from high school who () injured in the crash. Suoy ③ have 1Ot ④ has 16 超頻出 446 (帝京大) 1 was were )about people who lived in the nineteenth century. (法政大) That book on famous artists ( 超頻出 447 の tell ② is 3 are O show 1ohw Vblot Verle 図図図 図図図 図図図 図図図 図図図 図図図

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

SDGSの英語長文問題です。 答えが配られなくて困っています、、 どなたか問題を解いていただきたいです

Before World War II, Japanese Consul-General Chiune Sugihara was sent to Kaunas to open a consulate service. Kaunas was the temporary capital of Lithuania at the time Reading Refugees in Recent Years J次の英文は第2次世界大戦当時、ナチスに迫害されていた多くのユタヤ人を救った杉原干動。 ついて書かれたものです。英文を読んで、問いに答えなさい。 For Chiune Sugihara u入 boobi 30 signi follim . Ba wrot be o chos. and was strategically situated between Germany and the Soviet Union. After Hitler.。 invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, a wave of Jewish refugees living in Poland streamed into Lithuania. They escaped from Poland without possessions or money. By 1940, most of Western Europe had been conquered by the Nazis. Most free countries barred the immigration of Jewish refugees from Poland or anywhere in Nazi- occupied Europe. Germany and Soviets were approaching Lithuania rapidly. In July 1940, the Soviet authorities instructed all foreign embassies day to g 35 Lith the Ko all left immediately, but Sugihara managed to obtain permission to extend his Kaunas. Almost a 40 the STTOS stay. in 0quion as taqe On a summer morning in late July 1940, Consul Sugihara and his family awakened to a crowd of Polish-Jewish refugees gathered outside the consulate. Desperate to flee the q ynem CH approaching Nazis and Soviets, the refugees knew that their only path lay to the east. If Consul Sugihara them Japanese transit visas, they could race to possible re freedom. Sugihara was moved by their plight, but he did not have the authority to issue hundreds of visas without permission from the Foreign Ministry in Tokyo. Sugihara wired his government three times for permission to issue visas to the Jewish refugees. Three times he was denied. 45 u d 1 MOLIG- KOinE After repeatedly receiving negative responses from Tokyo, the Consul had a dificult decision to make. He was a man who was brought up in the strict and traditional : discipline of the Japanese. He was a career diplomat, who suddenly had to make a very difficult choice. On the one hand, he was bound by the traditional obedience he c all his life. On the other hand, he thought that he had to help those who were in need. He knew that if he defied the orders of his superiors, he might be fired and disgraced, and would probably never work for the Japanese government again. This # would result in extreme financial hardship for his family in the future. Sugihara even feared for the lives of himself, his wife and children, but in the end he just followed his conscience. The visas would be signed. 72

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生

解答があっているか確認していただきたいです。 1番4番は直接やってあり、2番4番English compositionはノートにやってあります。

「日本語の意味に合うように, ( ) に適語を入れなさい。 り父が石油会社に勤めていたときは, 私たちはクウェートに住んでいた。 We lived in Kuwait ( When )my father worked for an oil company. 2)あなたが昼食で外出しているあいだに,ゲーツさんから電話がありました。 ABC There was a phone call from Mr. Gates ( while ) you were out for lunch. 3彼が昨年町を去ってから,彼のことを聞いた人はだれもいない。 No one has ever heard of him ( since) he left town last year. 赤ちゃんが眠るまでその歌を何度も歌わなければならなかった。 彼女はo sing the song many times ( until ) her baby fell asleep. )トムは宿題をするのにとても忙しかったので, 私たちと会う約束のことを忘れた。 Tom forgot about our promise to meet ( bemue ) he was so busy doing his homework. 6)彼は,あなたがあやまらない限り,あなたを許してくれないだろう。 He will not forgive you ( whless ) you apologize. 7) その難民たちは, たとえ戦争が終わっても, 村には二度と戻らないだろう。 The refugees will never return to their village again ( even ) ( ) ) the war ends. 2 as の表す意味に注意して, 次の英文を日本語にしなさい。 1) Hopeless as the situation may seem, there must be something we can do. AB の As time passed, everyone in the room got used to each other and began talking. )As there was no bus service, we had to take a taxi from the station. 3( )内から適切な語句を選び, 英文を完成しなさい。 1) a) You may keep the cat (as far as, aslong as ) you take care of it. b)(As far as, As long as ) I can remember, he was a gentle person. AC 2) a) What are you planning to do ( dúring, while) your summer vacation? b) Someone stole her bag ( during, while) she was sleeping on the train. 4()内の語句を並べ替え, 英文を完成しなさい。 1) Iwill call you ( finish / I/ this work / as / as / soon). 22(his son / glad / he is / has / that) passed the examination. )(you / in case / is / here / forget,) my telephone number. 91left home early (I/the first train / so that/ miss / wouldn't). り(or not, / whether / they / succeed / you) will respect your efforts. 1Sul young, / she / she / though / has / is) a wide knowledge of classical music. まとめ English Composition 1.寝る前に歯をみがきなさい。 *miracle 2.奇跡*が起きない限り.そのチームは試合に負けるだろう。 3.もし推理小説*が好きなら,あなたにこの本を貸しましょう。 *mystery h other They look in th.

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