

Before World War II, Japanese Consul-General Chiune Sugihara was sent to Kaunas to open a consulate service. Kaunas was the temporary capital of Lithuania at the time Reading Refugees in Recent Years J次の英文は第2次世界大戦当時、ナチスに迫害されていた多くのユタヤ人を救った杉原干動。 ついて書かれたものです。英文を読んで、問いに答えなさい。 For Chiune Sugihara u入 boobi 30 signi follim . Ba wrot be o chos. and was strategically situated between Germany and the Soviet Union. After Hitler.。 invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, a wave of Jewish refugees living in Poland streamed into Lithuania. They escaped from Poland without possessions or money. By 1940, most of Western Europe had been conquered by the Nazis. Most free countries barred the immigration of Jewish refugees from Poland or anywhere in Nazi- occupied Europe. Germany and Soviets were approaching Lithuania rapidly. In July 1940, the Soviet authorities instructed all foreign embassies day to g 35 Lith the Ko all left immediately, but Sugihara managed to obtain permission to extend his Kaunas. Almost a 40 the STTOS stay. in 0quion as taqe On a summer morning in late July 1940, Consul Sugihara and his family awakened to a crowd of Polish-Jewish refugees gathered outside the consulate. Desperate to flee the q ynem CH approaching Nazis and Soviets, the refugees knew that their only path lay to the east. If Consul Sugihara them Japanese transit visas, they could race to possible re freedom. Sugihara was moved by their plight, but he did not have the authority to issue hundreds of visas without permission from the Foreign Ministry in Tokyo. Sugihara wired his government three times for permission to issue visas to the Jewish refugees. Three times he was denied. 45 u d 1 MOLIG- KOinE After repeatedly receiving negative responses from Tokyo, the Consul had a dificult decision to make. He was a man who was brought up in the strict and traditional : discipline of the Japanese. He was a career diplomat, who suddenly had to make a very difficult choice. On the one hand, he was bound by the traditional obedience he c all his life. On the other hand, he thought that he had to help those who were in need. He knew that if he defied the orders of his superiors, he might be fired and disgraced, and would probably never work for the Japanese government again. This # would result in extreme financial hardship for his family in the future. Sugihara even feared for the lives of himself, his wife and children, but in the end he just followed his conscience. The visas would be signed. 72
かった杉子を Lesson 10★★ For 40 days in July and August 1940, Sugihara sat for endless hours writing and signing visas by hand. Hour after hour, day after day, for more than one month, he wrote and signed visas. He wrote hundreds of visas a day, 30 sent to Kaun d would normally ja at the in be one month's worth of work for the consul. He did not even stop to eat. Sugihara Ater Hirtler chose not to lose a minute because people were standing in line in front of his consulate ng in Polan day and night for these visas. Hundreds of applicants became thousands as he worked to grant as many visas as possible before being forced to close the consulate and leave Lithuania. Consul Sugihara departed Kovno for Berlin on September 1, 1940. 2 bnalo 35 money. S. Most fre dere in Nai. then by trans-Siberian railroad to Vladivostok. From there, most of them continued to stay in Japan for a short period and were After receiving their visas, the refugees got on trains that took them to Moscow, and adly. In Julh e nas. Almos Kobe and Yokohama, Japan. They| in safety in Shanghai. As many as six thousand refugees made their way to Japan, China and other countries in the following months. They had escaped the Holocaust. then sent to Shanghai, China. Thousands of Polish Jews with Sugihara visas survived 40 S stay. vakened to sd-Shi to flee the Despite his disobedience, his government found Sugihara's vast skills useful for the 45 unceremoniously dismissed Sugihara from the diplomatic service. His career as a from he east. I. remainder of the war. But after the end of the war, the Japanese government 624 words p possibe y to issue diplomat was shattered. ane what Sugihan -efuges 1)英文を読んで、WPM を測りなさい。 WPM into 2)本文の内容と合うものには T、異なるものには Fを書きなさい。 の杉原はリトアニアに派遣された当初からユダヤ人を救おうと考えていた。 2 ソビエトがリトアニアの領事館へ退去命令を出したとき、杉原はすぐに応じ退去した。 ③ 杉原は領事としてビザ発行の権限をもっていたので、外務省の許可なく発給できた。( ④ 杉原は当初、今後の家族のことを考えてビザ発給を勝諾した。 ⑤杉原は1か月で何百通ものユダヤ難民のためのビザ発給手続きを行った。 6 杉原はときどき食事を取るために手を休めたが、ビザを書き続けた。 ⑦ 杉原は最後、ベルリンでビザを発給した。 8 ビザを手にしたユダヤ人は直接、上海に向かった。 9およそ6,000人ものユダヤ人が杉原のおかげで救われた。 0 杉原はユダヤ人救出の功績をたたえられ外務省から好待遇を得た。 dliffcuk Titional ちゅうちょ a very Ice he who D。 fired This eren / his 73
に入る適切な語句を選びなさい。 ウ leaving エ left sue 3)本文中の ng bangia bns g0 a e ア leave イ to leave a ア grant イ to grant ウ would grant エ will grant ェ had been taught om sno st ア taught イwas taught ウ had taught ア that イwhich ウ when エ in which エ were allowed to ア allowed イ were allowing to ウ were allowed 4)次の問いの答えに該当する箇所に下線を引き、その概要を日本語で答えなさい。 の Why did many Jewish people living in Poland escape to Lithuania? bns mo marh bns sdo bms buinen 22 What did Sugihara do after he saw a lot of Jewish refugees in front of the consulate? 6 10 mean Tiodb sbem baseyod iedte 3 How did Sugihara have find it difficult to decide to issue visas to Jewish refugees? 109 1abn の How was Sugihara treated by the Foreign Ministry after he wrote visas? denind. 5)本文の内容と直接関係していると思われる SDGS の目標を番号で書きなさい。 celvinr he の文本 (S be 持 はの 人 人00.35は 74


