


英語 高校生

この文の下から8行目のstream jumping とはどういう訳し方が正解ですか?

B You are reading the following article as you are interested in studying overseas. Summer in Britain Chiaki Suzuki November 2022 This year, I spent two weeks studying English. I chose to stay in a beautiful city, called Punton, and had a wonderful time there. There were many things to do, which was exciting. I was never bored. It can get expensive, but I liked getting student discounts when I showed my student card. Also, I liked window-shopping and using the local library I ate a variety of food from around the world, too, as there were many people from different cultural backgrounds living there. Most of the friends I made were from my English school, so I did not practice speaking English with the locals as much as I had expected. On the other hand, I came to have friends from many different countries/ Lastly, I took public transport/which I found convenient and easy to use as it came frequently. If I had stayed in the countryside, however, I would have seen a different side of life in Britain. My friend who stayed there had a lovely,/relaxing experience. She said farmers sell their produce directly. Also, there are local theatres bands, art and craft shows restaurants, and some unusual activities like stream-jumping. However, getting around is not as easy, so it's harder to keep busy. You need to walk some distance to catch buses or trains, which do not come as often. In fact, she had to keep a copy of the timetables. If I had been in the countryside, I probably would have walked around and chatted with the local people. I had a rich cultural experience and I want to go back to Britain. However, next time I want to connect more with British people and eat more traditional British food. Day 08 2023年度: 共通テスト追試験 第2問B 115

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英語 高校生


かつ わ 身 フ Practice 日本語に合うように,( Hop に適切な語を入れましょう。 学校を卒業したあとも,たえず新しい目標を設定することが大切です。 ) for you to ( 1. It is ( from school. ) a new goal continually even after you ( ) 2. 私は1週間に1回くらい、自分のブログを更新します。 I( ) my own blog about ( ) a ( ). 3. 国民の3分の2以上がその新しい政策に反対しています。 More than ( ) ( ) of the nation are against the new policy. ytio 4. 本を読めば読むほど,ますます多くのことを学ぶことができます。adidded The() books you read, the ( ) you can learn. WASH 000, Jis Juods lood lond visidid swisH Step 日本語に合うように,( 内の語句を並べかえましょう。 xonem Gashaqst no aslood mabiharedT Ons skala pod 1. 私たちのクラスのほとんど全ての生徒は、学校に弁当を持ってきます。 I OUTO ( almost / all / in / our / students / the) class bring lunch to school. 2. 彼女は、いつも自転車で学校に行きます。 She (always/bicycle/by/goes/s 3. クラスの約半分は、その話を理解できませんでした。San belduob. (about/class/could/ half / of / the) not understand the story. school to). stuoT and a do ei visidil » smaraiv fet 4. 中国の人口は, 日本の人口の約10倍です。 The population of China is about (as/as/large / of / ten times / that) Japan. (ASP) 日本語に合うように、 Jump 日本語に合うように,英語に直しましょう。 1. 私はたいてい, 朝コップ1杯の牛乳を飲みます。 2. 中学生の頃は,ほぼ毎週末,川に遊びに行っていました。 all avod 3. 私が予想していたよりも,たくさんの人がパーティーに参加しました。〈 take part in 〉 4. 天才とは, 1%のひらめきと99%の努力のたまものです。〈inspiration, perspiration〉 Hilw wol ore ared Booir

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