


英語 高校生

なぜ04はNot at all.がだめで 07のNot at all.は良いのですか?

第章 英会話 04 A: You speak English really well. B: () I'm afraid I still have a lot to learn. **No, thank you. 3 It's kind of you to say so, but 4 Not at all.) [1 BOXE □ 05 次の状況に対して,もっとも適当な表現を選べ. 40 help. (1) Thanks anyway, but I can do it myself. That's ery kind of you, thanks. (2) 3 Okay, thanks. I don't need your help. No thanks. I will help myself. (2) (3) (立命館) Someone offers to help you with your homework. You don't nee Thanks a lot. 44 Thanks a lot. 06 May I help you with that heavy suitcase? Thanks a lot. o Thanks a lot. Welcome. I'd rather not. \W THE JO2 ANDR4 26 3 No, I don't.RS, 1 SBILAR & BA I'd like to appreciate that. za I'd really appreciate that. I'm really appreciated. I'm really appreciating that. 30.1#4 07 A: Thank you for seeing me, and I do hope I haven't taken up to A much of your time. B: ( ) It was my pleasure. 1 Enjoy yourself! (3) BOY Food 08 下線部を英語に直した場合, もっとも適当なものを選べ。 Lead a happy life! 試験に合格したそうですね. おめでとう」 (2) Have a good time! (4 Congratulations! 2 Not at all. 4 No, I'm afraid not. 12 2 Happy (立命館) 09 日本文の意味を表すように空所に1語入れよ. 「A : ようやく運転免許試験に合格したよ. B: よかったね。」 A: I finally passed my driving test! B: () for you. 1 Good 3 Lucky 4 Jos (関西学院大 (立命館大 THON (東海大) (学習院大)

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英語 高校生

英語長文についてです。大問に、下線部➁のthisが示す内容を日本語で書け、とあるのですが、初見のとき、その問題を見た私は一通り考えて一番最初の文のthat以下を訳したもの(殆どの日本の学生は英語で会話できないということ)をこたえました。実際それは当たっていたのですが、見返し... 続きを読む

② 次の英文を読んで,下の各問いに答えなさい。 It is a well-known fact that most Japanese students cannot converse (1) English. This is sometimes because they have nothing to say and are poor conversationalists even in Japanese: in order to talk, one must usually have something to talk about! But often their lack of fluency in English is the result of a kind of false modesty: they are unwilling to "show off" their knowledge of English in front 5 (3) other Japanese. Or they simply fear to make mistakes, and this fear prevents them (4) expressing themselves fluently. It is a fear frequently expressed in the unnecessary apology: "Please excuse my bad English" or "I wish I could speak better English." Also, when I am with a group of Japanese students for the first time - perhaps we have met casually on the street or on a train-and one boy in the group starts trying to speak to me in English, his brave efforts are nearly always met 10 with laughter from his friends who probably know less English than he does. (1) (①) (③) (④)に入る適当な語を次の中から1つずつ選び、記号

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