


英語 高校生


Grammar Practice ● Change the form of the verbs in parentheses. (1) She said she (leave) her umbrella in the train. (2) Bob broke the camera his grandfather(give) him three years before. ② Fill in each blank with a suitable word. (1) その塔が建てられてから10年になる。 = It()( ) 10 years( ) the tower was built. (2)明日の朝までに私はこの長編小説を読み終えているだろう。 =I( )( ) reading this novel by tomorrow morning. (3) 彼は就寝する前に宿題を終わらせるつもりだった。 ( = He ( (4) 私たちは来週金曜日の今頃には京都を訪れているだろう。 = We ( ) ( ) to finish his homework before going to bed. )visiting Kyoto this time next Friday. ③ Put the words in parentheses in the correct order. (1) コンサートは私たちがホールに到着するまでに始まっているだろう。 (by/concert/started / will / the / have) the time we arrive at the hall. (2) 彼はいつも上司について不満をこぼしている。 (complaining/he/about/always / is) his boss. Put the Japanese sentences into English, referring to the passage. Use the words in the parentheses, changing their form if necessary. (1) 英語力にかかわらず生徒全員が, 講座を選択する前に同じ試験を受験させられた。 (regardless of, make) 参照 p.20 ll.12-14 (2) 彼女がパーティーで会った人の多くは、日本語を勉強したいと思っているアメリカ人だった。 (those, were) 参照 p.22ll.3-5

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


IV. (1) から (5) の各問いにおいて, 1.~6. の語句を並べ替えて空所を補い, 最も適当な英文 を完成させなさい。 解答は解答用紙2枚目 (記述式) の所定の解答欄に, (A)と (B)に入る語句の番号を記入すること。 (1) I like English because I feel like a different person when I am speaking it. Although it is difficult to speak well, I enjoy the challenge. Someday I hope ( ) (A) ( ) ( ) (B) ( ) in English. 1. even dream 5. the level 1. young people 2. acquire 5. provide (2) Volunteering is a good thing because it teaches young adults valuable lessons about life. For one, it teaches them that charity is an investment. By helping others you also help yourself. Volunteering can also ( ) ( A ) ( ) ( ) ( B ) ) practical experience. 1. health 5. to 2. where 6. I can. 1. lacking 5. found of what roles physical activity, exercise and nutrition play. neither prevent nor manage disease. 6. an opportunity (3) There are at least four kinds of education people should get when they are young: physical education, moral education, intellectual education and nutrition education. Those ( ) (A) ( ) ( ) ( B ) ( ) have an understanding Without them we can Q wear 5. we 3. reach 2. in 6. interested 3. with 2. and 6. more (4) E-mail and other SNS applications are now the primary means of communication in much of the world. While this is certainly one form of socialization, it seems to be replacing social interaction in person. As a result, more ( ) ( A ) ( ) ( ) ( B ) ( ) in the social skills and values that are essential to their integration into a group or community. 2 clothes 6. to 4. to 3. need 4. to 3. are (5) Presumably fashion reflects our personalities. The ( ) ( A ) ( :) ( ^_-) (B) ( ) who and what we are. Many people wear clothes to try and fit in, some to impress others, and some just wear the clothes they own. Your clothing is a reflection of who you are one way or another. 3. like 4. mental or physical 4. people 4. show Basic Elements for Communication (t, 2019 4), 7, 35, 59, 71, 87 ( 改変)

解決済み 回答数: 2
英語 高校生

写真下の、青く囲んでいるところらへんについてです。(And the fact that〜perceptions of her) 回答の和訳が、 写真 2枚目のようになっていたのですが 、「アジア人以外による彼女についての認識」の意味がよくわかりません。教えていただきたいです。

【必問題】 bonch of Bumagana ndanese farve boft 4 次の英文は,ある大好きな映画の新作を誰よりも早く観たくて、公開日の3日前から劇場 に並んでいる高校生の Elena の話である。 英文を読んで、あとの問いに答えよ。 (配点 39 ) →手足などが)悪感覚で 彼女の左足はしびれていた Her left foot was asleep. 立ち上がってピョンピョン 跳んだ She kept kicking the sidewalk, then stood up to bounce. ここでは A: 血液循環" "Is your leg asleep again?" Troy said. "I'm worried about your circulation." foot. 20 us to ov "It's fine," Elena said, stamping her foot.ro]" binn She'd only been sitting for two hours) but she was so bored she could hardly (7) 3 it. She could literally hardly (7) even her blood vessels were bored.top ov ~ 渇 all be She'd brought lots of books. She'd planned to read Star Wars books whenever she 静かな瞬間 had a quiet moment in line. Which was every moment so far. But the wind kept blowing the pages, and the paper was so bright in the sun that reading made her eyes water. None of that seemed to bother silent Gabe, who read his paperback without (イ) seeming to notice the sun, the traffic, Troy, Elena or Elena's mom, who kept driving by 1 2 slowly. "The Imperial March" started playing, and Elena answered her phone. Why don't I pick you up now?" her mom said. Then you can get back in line when S there are more girls there." borra "I'm fine," Elena said. 5 to'l- & FOU ELfordd ²1" "You don't even know those men." J V D Elena glanced over at Gabe, who was still absorbed in his book) He was pale with curly, milk-chocolate-colored hair and fosy cheeks. He looked like Clark Kent's skinny cousin. バラ色の頬に赤みがかかっていた やせこけた "You know you have to be extra careful, her mom said. "You look so young." "We've been through this," Elena said. adem They'd been through it a lot: "You look twelve," her mom would say. And Elena couldn't really argue. She was short and small, She could shop in the kids' section. And the fact that she was Vietnamese seemed to confuse non-Asians' S perceptions of her. She was always being mistaken for a kid. 12 - よく言っていた(習慣)

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

最後の行のwho kept driving のとこなんですが和訳を見ると、 車で 立ち寄ろうと し続けている となっていました。運転し続けている、だけならわかりますが、立ち寄るというというのはどこから来たんですか?

【必答問題】 4 次の英文は、 ある大好きな映画の新作を誰よりも早く観たくて、公開日の3日前から劇場 に並んでいる高校生の Elenaの話である。 英文を読んで、あとの問いに答えよ。 (配点 39) →手足などが悪感覚で blusor 彼女の左足はしびれていた Her left foot was asleep. sasleep./ S ・立ち上がってピョンピョンblo 跳んだ She kept kicking the sidewalk, then stood up to bounce. ~ 72 ここでは "Is your leg asleep again?" Troy said. "I'm worried about your circulation." 足踏み “It's fine,” Elena said, stamping her foot, n'P bise an C43 「血液循環” 本 on etten avT She'd only been sitting for two hours) but she was, so bored she could hardly (ア) in e 5 it. She could literally hardly (ア); even her bloodyvessels were bored. to avi Ta. 1927 She'd brought lots of books. She'd planned to read Star Wars books whenever she 静かな瞬間 had a quiet morent in line. Which was every moment so far. But the wind kept blowing the pages, and the paper was so bright in the sun that reading made her eyes water. 気 tog eview 08 None of (イ) that seemed to bother silent Gabe, who read his paperback without seeming to notice the sun, the traffic, Troy, Elena or Elena's mom, who kept driving by slowly. 2 3 Yes th Triquod La vered her phone. DEBTis ev 1ª

解決済み 回答数: 1