


英語 高校生


3人の王の こめ to 62020 年度 英語 防衛医科大学校-医 道具の跡=工でついたキズ "This kind of system has never been discovered anywhere else |Gourdon said. "The study of the tool inarks and the presence of two G of Khufu's inscriptions (as to thé conclusion that this system in Giza," he added. SI dates back at least to Khufu's reign, the builder of the Great Pyramid クフ王建設者 碑文に書かれたもの (As) unler this system dates back at least to Khufu's reign, that means that during the fime of Khufu, ancient Egyptians knew how to move huge blocks of stone) using very steep slopes) Therefore they • very steep money have used it for the construction of his pyramid," Gourdon but said. 可能性 ココは 仮定の話よく見て~!! The Great Pyramid if the largest of the three Giza Pyramids) built for each of three pharaohsKhufu, Khafre and Menkaure / Khufu's is the largest pyramid ever constructed in Egypt, standing 481 feet (146 一存在 統治 技術 m)tall when it was first built / It (WS) Cordeled ba) wonder )the world by ancient writers) )( (of) 驚嘆すべきもの、奇跡 While archaeologists generally agree that workers at this pyramid ピラミッドまで used a ramp system (to move stone blocks up the pyramid, how exactly this system worked has been a long-standing mystery, one C which this discovery may help solve. 1-5 (1)~( 防 Co (4 )に下記より選び、その番号を記せ。 could (2) ramp flanked (4) led (6) haul es lattached 3 (3) 4(4) 5 6 次の文を挿入すると第何段落目の後に来るか。 "Thé ropes attached to the sled acted as a force multiplier, making it easier to pull the sled up the ramp", said Roland Enmarch, the other 増装置

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

3枚までしか載せれず、解説が後半からしか無く申し訳ないです汗 写真2枚目の最後のパラグラフの最後の英文 while〜に付いてです。 和訳では、今回の発見がその謎に答えを与えるのに役立つかもしれない。 とかいてありますが、ここの構文の構造がよくわかりません。 one whic... 続きを読む

傾斜路 1~15 次の英文を読み,設問に答えよ。 Archaeologists have long wondered exactly) Egypins) Constructed th how. the ancient a)(b)(c the world's biggest pyramid the Great Pyramid Now, they may have discovered the system used to )massive stone blocks into place Some 4,500 years ago. ・採石場 システムとして残ったもの遺構 Shank 運ぶ、引きずる They discovered the remains of this system at the site of Hatnub, an ancient quarry in the Eastern Desert of Egypt The contraption E would have been used to transport heavy alabaster stones up a steep Nam according to the archaeologists (working at the site, from the Institut français d'archéologie orientale (French Institute for Oriental Archaeology) in Cairo and from the University of Liverpool 東洋の 階段 in England // And it was (possibly) (how Egyptians built the Great Pyramid, in the name of the pharaoh Khufu. の名において AV BAR "This system is composed of a central ramp 法 ~の脇に立つ flank~側面に位置する by two staircases with numerous post holes," Yannis Gourdon co-director of 3. the joint mission at Hatnub old Live Science. Using a sled which carried a stone block and was attached with ropes to these wpoden posts, ancient Egyptians were able to pull up the alabaster blocks out. very steep slopes of 20 percent or more." of the quarry 合同の そり fout of ~から 引き上げた。運びたせた

解決済み 回答数: 2
英語 高校生

写真1枚目の一番上のパラグラフの英文について。conclusion以下のトコなんですけど和訳には、 ギザの大ピラミッドを造ったクフ王の治世にまで遡れる(クフ王=builder) とかいてありますが、自分は、英文を見るとKhufu's reignの説明としてthe build... 続きを読む

3人の王の こめ to 62020 年度 英語 防衛医科大学校-医 道具の跡=工でついたキズ "This kind of system has never been discovered anywhere else |Gourdon said. "The study of the tool inarks and the presence of two G of Khufu's inscriptions (as to thé conclusion that this system in Giza," he added. SI dates back at least to Khufu's reign, the builder of the Great Pyramid クフ王建設者 碑文に書かれたもの (As) unler this system dates back at least to Khufu's reign, that means that during the fime of Khufu, ancient Egyptians knew how to move huge blocks of stone) using very steep slopes) Therefore they • very steep money have used it for the construction of his pyramid," Gourdon but said. 可能性 ココは 仮定の話よく見て~!! The Great Pyramid if the largest of the three Giza Pyramids) built for each of three pharaohsKhufu, Khafre and Menkaure / Khufu's is the largest pyramid ever constructed in Egypt, standing 481 feet (146 一存在 統治 技術 m)tall when it was first built / It (WS) Cordeled ba) wonder )the world by ancient writers) )( (of) 驚嘆すべきもの、奇跡 While archaeologists generally agree that workers at this pyramid ピラミッドまで used a ramp system (to move stone blocks up the pyramid, how exactly this system worked has been a long-standing mystery, one C which this discovery may help solve. 1-5 (1)~( 防 Co (4 )に下記より選び、その番号を記せ。 could (2) ramp flanked (4) led (6) haul es lattached 3 (3) 4(4) 5 6 次の文を挿入すると第何段落目の後に来るか。 "Thé ropes attached to the sled acted as a force multiplier, making it easier to pull the sled up the ramp", said Roland Enmarch, the other 増装置

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

写真2枚目の和訳についてです。石を斜面路に向かって持ち上げる(イメージ図3枚目)かと思ったんですが、日本語では、傾斜路を運び上げるために と書いてありよくわかりません。これはどういうことなんでしょうか?

傾斜路 1~15 次の英文を読み,設問に答えよ。 Archaeologists have long wondered exactly) Egypins) Constructed th how. the ancient a)(b)(c the world's biggest pyramid the Great Pyramid Now, they may have discovered the system used to )massive stone blocks into place Some 4,500 years ago. ・採石場 システムとして残ったもの遺構 Shank 運ぶ、引きずる They discovered the remains of this system at the site of Hatnub, an ancient quarry in the Eastern Desert of Egypt The contraption E would have been used to transport heavy alabaster stones up a steep Nam according to the archaeologists (working at the site, from the Institut français d'archéologie orientale (French Institute for Oriental Archaeology) in Cairo and from the University of Liverpool 東洋の 階段 in England // And it was (possibly) (how Egyptians built the Great Pyramid, in the name of the pharaoh Khufu. の名において AV BAR "This system is composed of a central ramp 法 ~の脇に立つ flank~側面に位置する by two staircases with numerous post holes," Yannis Gourdon co-director of 3. the joint mission at Hatnub old Live Science. Using a sled which carried a stone block and was attached with ropes to these wpoden posts, ancient Egyptians were able to pull up the alabaster blocks out. very steep slopes of 20 percent or more." of the quarry 合同の そり fout of ~から 引き上げた。運びたせた

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

問題を解いたのですが、答えがなくて分かりません😭 教えてください🙏

中間 UNIT 7 Reading 1 忌み数(縁起の悪い数字)を意識して行動することがありますか。 テーマ *superstition incomplete 未完成の pyramid ピラミッド 思想・哲学・宗教 VED Which number sounds lucky or unlucky to you? In many cultures around the world, people believe that some numbers are unluckier than others. Turkey In most Western cultures, many people consider the number 13 to be unlucky. In the United States, for example, many cities do not have a 13th street; many buildings 5 do not have a 13th floor. You might have seen the 13th floor ( 1 ) as 14 in ~412 つまり the elevator. There are also those who believe that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day - one on への人々 which many things can go wrong. The exact origin of *superstitions about Friday the 13th remains unknown. 10 However, superstitious fears about this date have grown and spread over the years, thanks, in part, to unfortunate events. In the 19th century, a ship - the HMS Friday which was launched on a Friday the 13th, disappeared at sea. On a Friday the 13th in 1992, an earthquake in *Turkey killed thousands of people. Note It is surprising, though, that the number 13 is considered unlucky in the United 15 States. The country was originally divided into 13 states. On the dollar bill there is a picture of an *incomplete *pyramid with 13 steps. The *bald eagle carries an *olive branch in one of its *claws with 13 leaves and 13 *berries on it. In the other claw it is holding 13 arrows, and above its head there are 13 stars. In different cultures, other numbers are believed to be unlucky. In Japan, Korea, 20 and China, for example, people consider the number four to be unlucky because the *pronunciation of the word meaning four is very similar to the pronunciation of the word that means death. Many hotels and hospitals in these countries do not have a room number four. Also, people (4) give a gift consisting of four items. bald eagle ハクトウワシ olive オリーブ claw かぎつめ berry # pronunciation 分詞① (補語になる分詞) Track 35-36 (302 words) Note HMS Friday 戦艦フライデー 金曜日に航海を開始すると不運にみまわれるという迷信を払いの けようと、英国海軍がジェームズ・フライデー船長の指揮下で金 曜日に出港させたが, 直後に消息を絶った。 広く語られているが, 史実としてその存在は裏づけられていない。 HMSはHis [Her] Majesty's Ship [Service] の略で 「英国海軍艦 いう意味 ア 1 2 (5

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生


bs has (a) Kate says that the concert starts at 12. (ピラミッドが墓かどうかという問題は,何世紀にもわたって議論されてきた) TS) の動詞句を説明する節 oleV Chapter 1 の「レポート文」 (→p.46), の形です。 この形は動詞句の後ろに文を並べて説明する形でし た。次の(a) は「ケイトは言っている」 と述べてから その内容を節で展開しています。レポート文はif / whether 節,Wh 節でも作ることができます。 節 動詞句 whe ther は使える ? ote (ケイトはコンサートが12時に始まると言ってますよ) She told me that she doesn't love me anymore. s(彼女はもう僕を愛していないと言った) 1ot fisw c He asked me if l wanted to have Iunch with him. 5) (彼は私に一緒に昼食を食べたいかどうかを尋ねた) o (c) は asked me(私に尋ねた)の内容を「~かどうか」 で説明しています。1E) mio ud psd opt op onyslg, CS VGia (d) Can you tell if this singer's autograph is real? (この歌手のサイン, 本物かどうか見分けられる?) (e) Everyone knows who he is. He's famous! (みんな,彼が誰なのか知ってるよ。彼は有名なんだ!) (f) 'm not sure where my keys are. (私の鍵がどこにあるのかわからない) 00 の () nould (g) Could you ask when the movie starts? (いつ映画が始まるのか聞いてくれない?) m m (n) Does anyone know who sings this song? (誰がこの歌を歌っているのか知っている人はいますか) VTDU ACnb 12 nue 50 artT (h) は疑問文ですが,疑問の気持ちは Does anyone know (知っている人はいま or e 9か)にあり、 who 以下にはないことに注意しましょう。 who sings this song 誰かこの歌を歌っている(のか)」はただの部品です。 wh 節に疑問の気持ちはない angin yubi 一だから平叙文で構成されているのです。 E

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生


1日本文の意味を表すように,( )内の語句を並べ替えて英文を完成させましょう。 の スペインは,私が訪れたい世界遺産が多い国です。 Spain is a country (a lot of/Iwant / theré are / whére / World Heritage Sites) to visit. where. there are 'a lot.of World Heritage Sites I waht 2ある場所が世界遺産として選ばれる理由を知っていますか。 Do you know the reason (are / as World Heritage Sites / certain places / selected / why)? why certain places. are selected.as Werla Hleritage Sites. ③ イエローストーンの間欠泉盆地がどのようにしてできたのかば私にとっての謎です。 It is a mystery to me (at Yellowstone / created / how / the geyser basins/were). how the geysen basins. at.Yelowstone were Crea ted ④私はギザのピラミッドが建設された時代にとても興味があります。 Im (in the time / really interested / the Pyramids of Giza/were built / when). teally_interestedn the. fime when the. Benamias. ef.Gize were ⑤ 慶州は人気のある観光地ですが、そこでは多くの歴史的な建造物が見られます。 Gyeongju is a popular (can see/ many historic buildings / tourist site, / whére / you). fourist site, where you can see many historic buildings 2 Fielder先生が世界遺産について授業で説明しています。以下の口の語の中から①~⑤の( する関係副詞を選んで入れてみましょう。 )に適 The United Nations began selecting World Heritage Sites in 1978, o( when) twelve sites were put on the list. Yellowstone in the US and the Galápagos Islands in Ecuador were two of the first sites selected. The reason e( why ) particular sites are registered as World Heritage Sites is to preserve the relics and buildings of historic value. o(How ) they are chosen, that is, the process of registration, is shown in the United Nations website. Do you know any countries e (uhere) there are many World Heritage Sites? Countries with more than 40 sites are Italy, China, and Spain. If you have a chance to go (Nhereve) you like, which World Heritage Site will you visit? how when where wherever why |mol mest

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