


英語 高校生

答えを無くしてしまい丸つけをお願いしたいです。 多分中学生レベルの英語だと思うのですが英語はあまり得意ではないので合ってるか分かりません…。お願いします。

and ise yi galijquls og rhillOS DATOS A Grammar 1回目 2回目 参考書: pp.287~324/テキスト: pp.58~63 A Grammar BWriting /15 /15 NAVEGHENDA 1 Choose the correct word or phrase in the brackets. (1) 私にはいとこは1人もいません。 [一般動詞 (1語) の否定文] /25 /25 ■解答・解説書: pp.20~21 CReading 32の各文の下線部を尋ねる文を書きなさい。 (1) Where does Yuri work? (2) What did Roi make? (3) When is her birthday? (4) Who did write this poem? (5) How many beetles did Yuta catch? /8 /8 Total 148 /48 263 bribute irl dek«) (0) I [ haven't/ don't have any cousins. (2) 予定は変更されないだろう。 [それ以外の否定文] (1) The schedule [ will be not/ will not be ] changed. (3) その部屋にはエアコンはありましたか。 [一般動詞(1語)の疑問文] [Had the room / Did the room have ] an air-conditioner? (4) あの魚は英語で何と呼ばれていますか。 [それ以外の疑問文 ] What is that fish called / is called that fish ] in English?di bad og 576 (5) これが何だか知っていますか。 [間接疑問] dunibor Brw of this ootisli snob bila Ind Do you know what [ this is/is this ]? noo gniwollo) ert bes à bns notice of veinque i ind W politiq a to attrrent oli jon otamso tanī sablick: Ting nguo & bas 1979) s hari semas all bad oolele lid ② 各文の下線部を尋ねる疑問詞 (1語または2語) を答えなさい。 (1) Yuri works at a hospital. (ユリは病院で働いている)[場所] (where (2) Roy made a doghouse. (ロイは犬小屋を作った)[物]ei woled songinsa do (what (3) Her birthday is June 20. (彼女の誕生日は6月20日だ [時] (4) Sayaka wrote this poem. サヤカがこの詩を書いた) [人] A diw to (when (who (5) Yuta caught five beetles. (ユウタは5匹のカブトムシをつかまえた) [数] B 1 C (how many)

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英語 高校生

高一英語、複合関係詞です。 副詞節である、whoever(誰が〜しても)、whatever (何を〜しても)、whenever (いつ〜しても)、wherever(どこで〜しても)、however (どんなに〜でも)は、未来のことでも現在形だと習いました。じゃあ、whoev... 続きを読む

24 関係詞 ⑤ 複合関係詞 5-1 複合関係代名詞 whoever, whichever, whatever V 0 30. Whoever opposes my plan, I won't change it. 31. Whatever you do, do your best. 28. Whoever wants to join our soccer team will be welcome. 〈名詞節> 「~する人はだれでも」 V C S 29. Meg accomplishes whatever she decides to do. S pp.278-281 28. 29. 文全体の中で,主語 目的語 前置詞の目的語になる名詞節を作り, whoever 「~する人はだれでい whichever「~するものはどれ[どちら] でも。 whatever 「~するものは何でも」の意味を表す。 any ~ を使って,次のように言い換えることができる。 〈名詞節〉「~するものは何でも」 〈副詞節》「だれが~しても」♪ <副詞節>何をしても」 28 → Anyone who wants to join our soccer team will be welcome. 29 → Meg accomplishes anything that she decides to do. Help yourself to whichever (=any one (that)) you like. 〈前置詞の目的語〉 ⑤-2 複合関係副詞 : whenever, wherever, however 32. Contact me whenever you are in trouble. **********... 30.31. 主節の動詞を修飾する副詞節を作り、「だれ/どれ/何が[を]~しても」という譲歩の意味を表す。 この関係詞節中では、 未来のことでも現在形を使うことに注意。 ◆日常的には, 〈no matter + who / which/what> を使って表現することが多い。 30→ No matter who opposes my plan, I.... / 31 → No matter what you do, do...... !注意 <whatever/ whichever + 名詞〉 「どんな / どの (名詞)」 I'll follow whatever decision you make. 33. You may sit wherever you like. 34. Whenever I visit this temple, I feel calm. 35. Wherever I am, I will never forget you. 36. However hard the training is, I won't give up. 20 参 p.280 「~するときはいつでも」 「~するところはどこでも」 whenever 「~するときはいつでも」, wherever 「~するところはどこでも」という意味の副詞節を作る。 32→ Contact me (at) any time (when) you are in trouble. 33 → You may sit (at) any place (where) you like. 「いつ~しても」 「どこで~しても」 「どんなに~しても」 「いつどこで / どんなに~しても」 という譲歩の意味の副詞節を作る。 未来のことでも現在形を使う。 話し言葉では〈no matter+ when/where/how〉 をよく使う。 34 → No matter when I visit this temple, I.... / 35→ No matter where I am, I.…... 36→ No matter how hard the training is, I.... 注意すべき関係詞の用法 • pp.97~98 発展学習) Wezwoy

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英語 高校生

高校英語の比較のよくわからなかった問題です 答えとできれば簡単な解説をお願いします

5) blugp,bluow). 2 Complete a new sentence with a similar meaning. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. No other sport in the world is as TIJE popular as soccer. is as popul in evi 1) Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. 4) 命ほど大切なものはない。 URSORS) +2+N [asw] stow AKO led Furth nbluow nifee POSICIER tikk. Jenif and on bein [nothing, life, precious] stel omso er ti ld is more. No other sport in the world is more 2) Makoto can jump the highest in our team. No one in our team can jump as 3) Sae finished the test the quickest of all the students in the class. sest of all 1 Jeroe2 ria it.E O Sae finished the test noom llut s moge ever blyos ew tripin tesi benis ton bad ti ll.A the test quicker t 3 Choose the better option. 1) Which is (the better / better) of the two plans? 2) Unfortunately, no (more/less) than fifty people were injured in the accident. 3) This village is very small. There are not (more/less) than twenty houses in it. 4) Getting enough sleep is no (more/less) important for health than nutritious* food. nee bonutritious 「栄養のある」 AND! an 11 4 Put the Japanese sentences into English. Use the word in the brackets. 1) アラスカはアメリカのどの州よりも大きい。 [any, state] Unca JASNOST Alaska is 2) 雨が降っているので、 外出するより家にいたい。 [prefer] It's raining, so 3) ジャックはたった1年でスペイン語を習得した。 [more, master] pniwanb (▶6 (▶5-2) in the US. od now I reiw 1.8 new1.c RX KERAL PO HEWOR gniwerb to boop lon mis I (tarii) yrios ma 1-a

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英語 高校生


問題番号に対応 効とする。 うち受験票お researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna, Austria, have found. Dogs won't give food to a human, even if that person gave them some food first, and that they would help other dogs that had helped them before. Therefore, the team Previous studies have shown that dogs can recognize cooperative and uncooperative humans, "reciprocal altruism"- that is, doing a good thing in return to a human who had given expected to find that their test subjects would put these two things together and show To start, the team trained a group of 37 dogs to press a button which would activate a them food first. *enclosure with the dispenser, while one of (2) two humans was in a separate enclosure with the button. One would press the button to food dispenser. Then, they put each dog in an would not. Each dog was paired with both humans in give food to the dog, and (4) unhelpful one. turn. After that, the researchers switched over the button and the dispenser. They expected that the dogs would press the button to give food to the helpful human but not to the though the dogs did press the button, they did it just as often when either human had the food dispenser, and even when no human was there at all. "In these kinds of studies (5) [perform / to / dogs / which/ trained / are in a particular behavior for an experiment, they will usually do the behavior a few times as they have simply learned the association between the behavior and getting a reward, and it may be enjoyable for them to do the behavior," said Jim McGetrick, a PhD student at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna who led the research. 身を正しく が本冊子 1番 2 次の英文を読んで下の設問に答えなさい。 (3) giving us some food? Are they a combination of reasons. "It is (6) Why wouldn't our best pals want to help us out by secretly all bad boys and girls? McGetrick believes there is possible that the dogs did not understand enough about the task to realize that only one of the humans was providing them with food," he said. It could also be because they didn't fully understand the button and dispenser system, or because they were too focused on the food to notice whether a particular human was pressing the button or not. "Having said all that, even if they did completely understand the task and were fully attentive to the actions of the humans, there is still a good possibility that they wouldn't have given food back in return," he added. "It could be that providing food to a dog as they do not typically do that in everyday life." After all, humans are the ones who human is something very strange for (7) already have food, from a dog's perspective. why would your pet need to worry about (8) making sure you have enough? However, all the humans in the study were people the dogs didn't know. "It is quite 5

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英語 高校生

しっかり理解のところ 名詞 whom/which to do はないんですか? 名詞 前置詞 whom/which to do だけですか?

249 発展 Pets should not be given more food will gain too much weight. 1 which 3 than Section 075 250 発展 ② that ④ what (a) Mary needs a well-equipped office to work in. (b) Mary needs a well-equipped office ( )( ) to work. しっかり理解 | 011 名詞+前置詞+ whom/which to do olms i [terlas Nood 〈名詞+前置詞+ whom/which to do〉の表現は,以下のような変形で理解すればよい。 (例1) I am looking for a partner with whom to work. 「私は一緒に働くパートナーを探している」 I work with a partner. 「私はパートナーと一緒に働く」(文) ATO (例2) Wealth is just a means by which to enjoy life. 「富とは人生を楽しむための手段にすぎない」 → a partner with whom I work 「私が一緒に働くパートナー」(関係詞節) → a partner with whom to work 「一緒に働く (ための) パートナー」 * I work が to work に変わったと考える。 Section 076 251 is dou MAP 例外のない規則など存在しない。 You enjoy life by a means. 「あなたはある手段で人生を楽しむ」(文) → a means by which you enjoy life 「あなたが人生を楽しむ (ための)手段」(関係詞節 → a means by which to enjoy life 「人生を楽しむ(ための)手段」 * you enjoy life が to enjoy life に変わったと考える。 You should give this CD to ( ) wants it. 1 who ② whom ③ whoever 4 whomever 24 <東京家政学院

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英語 高校生

250番 Mary needs a well equipped office to work in. はwork in の目的語のoffice が省略されている形ですよね。 後、冠詞のaってどういうときに使いますか?

248 発展 249 RIN There is (has / rule/exceptions/1 発展 |Pets should not be given more food ( ) they need. Otherwise, they weight. will gain too much ① which than Section 075 250 (2) that (4) what (a) Mary needs a well-equipped office to work in. (b) Mary needs a well-equipped office ( )( ) to work. (例2) Wealth is just a means by which to enjoy life. 「富とは人生を楽しむための手段にすぎない」 しっかり理解 011 名詞+前置詞 + whom/which to do 〈名詞+前置詞+ whom/which to do> の表現は、以下のような変形で理解すればよい。 (例1) Ⅰam looking for a partner with whom to work. 「私は一緒に働くパートナーを探している」 I work with a partner. 「私はパートナーと一緒に働く」(文) → a partner with whom I work 「私が一緒に働くパートナー」(関係詞節) → a partner with whom to work 「一緒に働く (ための) パートナー」 * I work が to work に変わったと考える。 You enjoy life by a means. 「あなたはある手段で人生を楽しむ」 (文) → a means by which you enjoy life 「あなたが人生を楽しむ (ための手段」 → a means by which to enjoy life 「人生を楽しむための)手段」 * you enjoy life が to enjoy life に変わったと考える。 Section 076 251 You should give this CD to ( ① who 3 whoever W <南山大 W <山梨大) 24

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