


英語 高校生

赤丸をつけたところが分かりません。ちなみに、【】は副詞句・副詞節、()は形容詞句・形容詞節、〈〉は名詞句・名詞節です。 1つ目の赤マルは、なぜthat以下が副詞節なのか(自分は名詞節だと思った) 2つ目はの赤マルは、何のofか

[At the turn of the twentieth century, a remarkable horse (named Hans) was paraded [through Germany] [by his owner Wilhelm von S M Osten, a horse trainer and high-school mathematics teacher. Not only could "Clever Hans" understand complex questions (put to him 同格のカンマ 「すなわち」 V S in plain German) 構文図解 M M O 過去分詞の名詞修 [If Tuesday falls on the eighth of the month M - but he could answer them by 0 M M what date is the following Friday?" not only A but (also) B S C S tapping out the correct number] [with his hoof]. [Using this simple V M with 「~を使って」 分詞構文「~して」 M response], it appeared [that Hans could add, subtract, multiply, and S V M add, subtract, multiply, divide divide, tell the time, understand the calendar, and both read and add ~ divide, tell the time, understand the calendar, both words spell words]. Suspicious, the German board (of education) appointed S M M V Being 省略の分詞構文 a commission, (including circus trainers, veterinarians, teachers, and 0 「~を含んだ」 M circus trainers, veterinarians, teachers, psychologists psychologists), to investigate the situation. Surprisingly, they to do C M S concluded [in 1904] <that no trick was involved>. This did not satisfy V V M S O 名詞節のthat the board, and the case was passed [to psychologist Oskar Pfungst) O S V M [for experimental investigation]. [Braving both the horse's and M 名詞節のthat observer of human behavior >. M owner's notoriously bad tempers], Pfungst finally was able to 分詞構文 「~して」 S M V demonstrate <that Hans was no mathematician, but rather a fine not[no] A but (rather) B[ATTB 20 t を使っ 教育

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英語 高校生

答えをなく困っています。 教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

I 次の英単語で最も強く発音する部分(第一アクセント) を、 それぞれ記号で答えなさい。 1. del-i-cate アイウ Ⅱ 次の英文を読み、 設問に答えなさい。 How many hours a day do you spend on your *cell phone? Today, more and more young people are spending more and more time on smartphones and computers. According (D) a 2013 *survey carried out by the *Japanese Cabinet Office, 97.2% of high school students owned a cell phone; of these, 82.8% had a smartphone. This is a *drastic increase from 2010, when only 3.9% of those with cell phones had smartphones. The survey also shows that the spread of smartphones has led to increased access to the Internet among children, whose average access time on a weekday is 107 minutes. The Cabinet Office also found that 40% of Japanese children *log on to the Internet more than two hours a day, and that 8% spend more than five hours a day online. This has led to some serious social and *psychological problems. Heavy Internet users become *obsessed with staying online and @develop an *addiction to games, social media sites, and free communication systems such as LINE. The various *adverse effects of such addictions have been reported in most developed countries. Many young addicts suffer (2) headaches and sleep disturbances such as *insomnia. They fail to maintain normal weight *due to eating irregularities. And many are more likely to experience emotional distress, isolation, anxiety, and depression. A British study suggests a clear link between excessive Internet use (3) lower self-esteem. Those young people who spend more than four hours a day looking at a screen are particularly *vulnerable to mental *disorders. Several related studies conducted in China make clear the effects of Internet use on brain structure. One study has shown that *volume @losses were seen in the *gray matter areas of Internet addicts' brains. These areas are involved in people's ability to develop *empathy and compassion for others. Another Chinese study used MRI scans to look at the brains of Internet-addicted teenagers and found significant damage in the *white-matter nerve fibers connecting the brain areas governing emotions, decision-making, and self-control. Similar (4) can be seen in the brains of heavy alcohol and drug users. 2. a-bil-i-ty 3. access 4. va-ri-e-ty 5. in-tro-duce アイウエ アイ アイウエ アイウ () cell phone: ## 1. ( survey: drastic: 極端な log on : アクセスする obsessed with~: ~に夢中になる addiction: insomnia: I due to~: ~のため volume: disorder: # U empathy: # white-matter: Japanese Cabinet Office: psychological: 心理的な adverse effects: vulnerable to~: ~になりやすい gray matter: K Я, + ①~④に入れるのに最も適した語をそれぞれ一つずつ選び、その記号で答えなさい。 1 ( with into A to = at) 2 ( from in on = above)

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

答えがなく困っています。 どうかよろしくお願いします。

Ⅰ 次の英単語で最も強く発音する部分(第一アクセント)を、 それぞれ記号で答えなさい。 d 2. a-bil-i-ty 3. access 4. va-ri-e-ty 5. in-tro-duce del-i-cate アイウ アイウェ アイ アイウェ アイウ Ⅱ 次の英文を読み、 設問に答えなさい。 How many hours a day do you spend on your *cell phone? Today, more and more young people are spending more and more time on smartphones and computers. According () a 2013 *survey carried out by the *Japanese Cabinet Office, 97.2% of high school students owned a cell phone; of these, 82.8% had a smartphone. This is a *drastic increase from 2010, when only 3.9% of those with cell phones had smartphones. The survey also shows that the spread of smartphones has led to increased access to the Internet among children, whose average access time on a weekday is 107 minutes. The Cabinet Office also found that 40% of Japanese children *log on to the Internet more than two hours a day, and that 8% spend more than five hours a day online. This has led to some serious social and *psychological problems. Heavy Internet users become *obsessed with staying online and develop an *addiction to games, social media sites, and free communication systems such as LINE. The various *adverse effects of such addictions have been reported in most developed countries. Many young addicts suffer (2) headaches and sleep disturbances such as *insomnia. They fail to maintain normal weight *due to eating irregularities. And many are more likely to experience emotional distress, isolation, anxiety, and depression. A British study suggests a clear link between excessive Internet use (3) lower self-esteem. Those young people who spend more than A four hours a day looking at a screen are particularly *vulnerable to mental *disorders. -No H Several related studies conducted in China make clear the effects of Internet use on brain structure. One study has shown that *volume @losses were seen in the *gray matter areas of Internet addicts' brains. These areas are involved in people's ability to develop *empathy and compassion for others. Another Chinese study used MRI scans to look at the brains of Internet-addicted teenagers and found significant damage in the *white-matter nerve fibers connecting the brain areas governing emotions, decision-making, and self-control. Similar (4) can be seen in the brains of heavy alcohol and drug users. () cell phone: ## survey: drastic: 極端な log on: アクセスする obsessed with ~ : ~に夢中になる addiction due to~: ~のため volume: white matter: insomnia: TRE disorder: , empathy: # 1. ( ) ①~④に入れるのに最も適した語をそれぞれ一つずつ選び、その記号で答えなさい。 (with into A to = at) 2 ( from = above) □in Japanese Cabinet Office: A psychological: 心理的な . # adverse effects: vulnerable to~: ~になりやすい gray matter: K ハon

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


44 1 次の文章を読み, 下線部(1)~(3)を英語に訳しなさい。 2017年度 〔4〕 地球の表面の70%を覆い, 人類の生活に欠かせない海の環境が, 今のままでは 危機的な状況を迎える。 貴重な栄養源である海の魚は乱獲によって減少し, プラス (1) チックごみなどの海洋汚染が深刻だ。 大気中の二酸化炭素(CO2) 濃度の上昇は、 海水温度だけでなく, 海水の酸性度が高くなる 「海洋酸性化」 を招くと懸念されて いる。 【出典: 「海の日/環境保全の努力強化を」 「山陰中央新報』 2016年7月19日 (共同通信配 信)】 2人はコミュニケーションによってさまざまな恩恵を受けている。他者に何かを知 らせる,必要なものを入手する、新しい知識を得るというだけではない。誰かに気 持ちを話すことで心の安らぎが得られることもある。また, ことばによって協力し あい、助けあうこともできる。 テレビ,ラジオや新聞などのマスコミも多くのこと を伝えてくれる。近年はさらにインターネットによる多様な情報の発信,受信な ども加わり, コミュニケーションの恩恵は計り知れないものになっている。 【出典 : 岡本真一郎 「悪意の心理学』 中央公論新社, 2016年】 (2) 3 「折々のことば」 鷲田清一 「これもいい」 「あれもいい」という発想のほうがおいしい料理を作れる。 小林カツ代 すぐに作れるおいしい料理を紹介し, 忙しい親たちに支持されていた料理家は, 自然派とか安全派,「食育」などと肩ひじはらずに、おいしい料理を食べさせるほ うが子育てにはいいと言う。実際、おいしいものを作って喜ばせてあげようと腕 を鳴らす人が輪の中心にいると、その集団は華やぐ。 ほんとうはそれがいちばんい いのかも。 「学びの場.com」 の取材に答えて。 (3) 【出典: 鷲田清一 「折々のことば」 「朝日新聞」 2016年2月5日】

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