


英語 高校生

この文章の4行目にある、because they would harm whatever bacterial life forms might be present on the planet の文構造についてなのですが、might の前にあるはずの関係代名詞の主格whi... 続きを読む

次の文章を読んで、 問1~4に答えなさい。 The establishment of a colony on Mars has been a dream for decades. Inevitably some people have objected to the idea of colonizing Mars on both ideological and practical grounds. Some object to humans living on Mars because they would harm whatever bacterial life forms might be present on the planet. Others oppose Mars settlements because they disagree with the idea of using the Red Planet as a "backup" in case the Earth is destroyed. Those in favor of colonizing Mars, however, look to spread the human race beyond our single planet. The practical considerations of surviving long term on a world without a breathable atmosphere, no surface water, exposure to radiation, and extremes of heat and cold all have to be addressed first. Mars colonists could survive in domed cities, extracting and recycling resources from the Martian environment. However, a more interesting plan for the settlement of the Red Planet involves a process called terraforming, turning the dangerous environ- ment of Mars into something resembling Earth. Billions of years ago, Mars was more like Earth, with a thick atmosphere as well as oceans and rivers of surface water. The planet may well have had complex life forms. However, sometime in the distant past, Mars lost its (A ). When Mars found itself without the protection of that field, solar wind relentlessly stripped it of its atmosphere, quickly turning the planet into the frozen desert it currently is. While a number of schemes exist to restore Mars' atmosphere, creating a runaway greenhouse process that would raise its temperature, NASA and some academic researchers recently came up with a simple way to achieve the process naturally. The idea involves the creation of an electromagnetic shield between Mars and the Sun to protect the Red Planet from solar wind. Without the solar wind stripping it away, the atmosphere of Mars would gradually become thicker. Soon the temperature on the Martian surface would become high enough to release the trapped ( B ) at the poles, accelerating the (C). Water ice at the poles would melt, giving Mars back some measure of its oceans and rivers. All humans would have to do is introduce

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