


英語 高校生


will interest anyone who has recently attendeda class reunion - or plans to. Bahrick and 記憶」に関する英文だよ。パラグラフごとに内容を確認しながら読んでみよう。 the 1970s, the noted psychologist Harry Bahrick conducted a landmark study th. Is "colleagues asked hundreds of former high school students to look back at th yearbooks and see whether they could remember the faces of their classmates. What tho 5 discovered is (ア)proof of the power of human memory. For decades after graduation t. memory of fofmer students for the faces of their classmates was nearly undamaged. Evos after nearly half a century had passed, the former students could still recognize seventw three percent of faces of their classmates. But when it came to names, Bahrick found, memories were much worse; after nearly fif.. 10 years the former students could remember only eighteen percent of their classmates names. Names, for whatever reason, donot stick very well in our memories, or they stick only partway, causing us to call our brother-in-law Bob, Rob, or to mistake the author Ernest Hemingway for the actor Ernest Borgnine. Why should we remember faces, but not the names that go with them ? Part of the answer 15 is that (イWhen it comes to memory, meaning is king, Our long-term memory, even for things we've seen thousands of times, is limited. It is prúmarily *semantic, which means that in most daily instances of.remembering what_we mist recallis meaning, not surface details. Take the common *penny, for instance. How well do you think you can remember its features ? In a well-known test, two researchers, Raymond Nickerson and Marilyn Adams. 20 asked just such a question. The answer they got surprised them - and may surprise you. In the test, Nickerson and Adams asked twenty people to do something that sounds really easy: from memory, draw the front and back of a penny. After the drawings were done, Nickerson and Adams graded them to determine how accurately the participants had drawn eight critical features, like the placement of Lincoln's profile on the front of the coin 25 and the placement of the Lincoln Memorial on the back. The results wereA Of the twenty people tested, only one - an *avid penny collector 一 accurately recalled and located all eight features. Of the eight features, the average number recalled and located correctly was just_three. Interestingly, the most frequently forgotten feature was 30 the word “LIBERTY," which appears on the front of the coin, to the left of Lincoln's profile. The findings from the penny-drawing test were conducted a series of follow-up tests to try to confitm what was going on here. Among othe= things, they wondered: If people couldn't recall exactly what a penny looks likeg would the (at least be able to tell the real thing from a fake ? To find out, they showed a new group of people fifteen drawings of the heads side of penny. Only one of the drawings was accurate; the rest were not. The participants' job w to pick the right one. Again, the results were disappointing. the right one. NT ONTO POINT B |enough that Nickerson and Adam: POINT C than half of the people in the study picls (51 注)*colleague =同僚 *vearhook 京竜アル

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