


英語 高校生


III. Aaron と Mayuka との間に, 自然な会話が成立するように,空欄 ( 31 ) から ( 40 ) に入る最も適切な表現を, a.〜d. の中から1つ選びなさい。 解答は解答用紙1枚目 (マークシート方式) の所定の解答欄にマークしなさい。 Aaron: So, Mayuka, after you graduate, ( 31 ) Mayuka: Well, I'm thinking of taking some time off and traveling for a while. Do you know about working holidays? Aaron: I've heard of them, but I don't know very much about them. Mayuka: Aaron: Mayuka: Aaron: Mayuka: Aaron: Mayuka: Aaron: Mayuka: Aaron: Mayuka: Aaron: (31) (32) (33) (34) Well, in certain countries you can work while you travel. (32) it's easy to extend your trip. (33) But actually, I think I want to start work right away. Oh really? What kind of company would you like to work for? (34) A big company would be great for long-term stability. But it might be a little bit boring. That's true. How about ( 35 ) I think I'd really love that. It seems really exciting and I think it would involve innovative thinking. But I'm a bit worried the pay might be lower than I want, and of course it's always possible that the company ( 36 ) Yeah I guess it's tough making decisions about where to work. If you could work anywhere, what would your dream job be? I'd like to work somewhere where ( 37 ) Maybe a green business of some sort? What would your dream job be? I'd like to start my own business and help to revitalize the economy in my hometown! It's in the countryside, here in Japan. Oh! What kind of business ( 38 ) I'm not exactly sure, but I'd like to use the experience I get on my working holiday to try to figure out what kind of business would be best. I'd like to start a business that combines (39) with international marketing opportunities. Wow! (40) a. do you have anything to do? b. what do you have to do? c. what do you want to do? d. do you want something to do? a. Since you can earn money while you're abroad b. You should add more days to your trip so c. Since it's interesting to work abroad d. Because you have never been abroad a. Keep telling me! b. It doesn't make sense. c. What a shock! d. That sounds great! a. It's already been decided! b. It's hard to decide. c. What have you decided? d. That's not a difficult decision.

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英語 高校生


Step 2 1 次の各文の 1. Tom |内に入れるのに最も適当なものを、一つずつ選びなさい。 be living in London now; he moved to Tokyo two months ago. ② would 3 can 4 cannot (愛知工大) ① ought to 2. After a lot of practice he was ① able ② easy 3. Under the circumstances it ① might to understand spoken English. 3 good ④ possible ought 4. I promised that I would lose weight, so I ① don't have to ② must ③ have You must not ③ No, you have to 7. Miki and her family no answer. ① could go be best to wait for a few weeks. needed ④ seemed 5. The room is full of gas, so you ① didn't ② needn't 6. A: Do I have to finish this work today? B: must be strike a match. ③ couldn't ③ should go eat snacks between meals. ④ mustn't ④ mustn't (センター試験) would be ② No, you may not ④ No, you don't have to lout of town. I have called several times, but there is (東京経大) 10. 彼女は長い間歩いておなかがすいているにちがいない。 She (be / after/ hungry/must/ walking) for a long time. (芝浦工大) (日本大) Notes, 8. performance 「演技,芸当 」 3. under the circumstances 「そういう状況では」 9. unlike ... 9. in time 「間に合って (治療が可能な段階で)」 「…..と違って」 (近畿大) 2 ► ( 内に与えられた語句を並べかえて文を完成させなさい。 8. Monkeys learn tricks (give great performances / they will / that / be able to / so easily) in a short time. (名古屋工大) (南山大) 9. 他の病気とは異なり,ガンは適時に適切な手当てをしても治るとは限らない。 Unlike other (be/by/cancer / cured / diseases / may / not / proper) treatment in time. (金沢工大 ) Par 1 ( 大阪学院大 ) 文法編 7

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英語 高校生


表すことが をあとに 投的ではな を話すこと (3) 適した仕事を見つけることが重要だ。 化するという している。 ている。 ることが好き しいとわかっ 定詞を用 なっている EXERCISES 束する)な と起こ 1 日本語に合うように (1) その試合に勝つことはほぼ不可能だろう。 ob i ()() the match will be almost impossible. (2) ケンの夢はアメリカで事業を始めることだ。 & Ken's dream ( ) ( ) () a business in the U.S. 表現はあり )に適語を入れなさい。 不定詞① (名詞用法) 3 (3) We're planning ) ( (4) I found it expensive () () London. (5) It was necessary ( )( [finish / visit/ hold / go / take ] 日本(に合う) is important()( ) a suitable occupation. (4) インドで大学に入るのは難しいですか。 + doidiw) - (he Impe) (thing) difficult () enter university in India? lint at watale M (5) 彼は夜ひとりで外出するのは危険だとわかった。 He found() dangerous () (s ) a welcome ceremony. wondl f'nob sauj 10 womal fnasob ade ⓘ 2 下 [ []内から動詞を1回ずつ選び、適切な形にして、英文を完成させなさい。 (1) Mami promised ( ) ( ) care of the cat. (2) I want()() to that school. A B 1) out at night alone.inu roirfw. ) the homework on time. ow Jadwe Hat pp. 195 3 与えられた状況に合うように ( )内の語句を並べかえ, 全文を書きなさい。 ただし、不要な語 句が1つずつ含まれています。 (1) 状況 駅から徒歩3分のところに引っ越したユキ。つくづく思うのは... It is (live/convenient/the station / to / near / for). (2) 私の~(夢・目標)は・・・することである。 [is] $$ sreda > mode 0 A B A B 3419 (2) 状況 受験生になったケンは、夜型の生活から朝型に変えようとしたが….gi vivainl He (it / change/ had / found/ hard / to) his daily schedule. cotto bebisshIO (3) 状況 台風の被災者の方々が取材で次のように語ってい We are all fully aware of how important (to/it/ for / prepare / is / very) natural disasters. F+(19van) 4 [ ]内の語を参考にして~…に自由に語句を入れ, オリジナルの英文をつくりなさい。 AB (1) 私の~(人) は将来 ・・・することを希望している。 [hope] 49

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