

令和6年度 2学期中間考査 論理・表現 解答用紙 1 N - M E 3 4 8 2 - 25 usefal read _promise to me 3 It of do T How 15 herds To be 6 can't 3 知識・技能 [記号] With 341 1925 動詞 1½ 13 5 15 Jo to hand 4 知識・技能 help 2 To 30 76 serve 1 have segas 70 2 appeared To be 13 Ave Ken Said 14 Tikely 5 知識・技能 1 2 AL- 和6年度 2学期中間考査論 ( 1 useful, halphil promise afford 31 4 1 5 needs 1 3 spart to fail 2 I'm Jadso 12 het Start A 14 Needless 15 Be-sare 3 Y A 5 767xfiel 6 - Was read to comme ta To 14 how te 197e ti ba 6 can't affard 3 能 WAY to help * hit ウ to hand 3 ta go イ serve 4 - 1 seems to have 2 appeared to be 3 said have been 4 likely have spent 5 - 1 I'm happy(glad) to 2 to fail 3 her to start 4 Needless to 5 Be sure 3 9 Th
19 次の英語は日本語に、日本語は王線を主語にし、英語に直しなさい。 (23) 1. この旅行の主な目的はローマ (Rome) を訪れることだ。 2. This area is too dangerous to go out in at night. 3. この本は初心者が理解しやすい。 10 ( )に入る最も適切な語句を①~④の中から選び、記号で答えなさい。 (1×10) 2 forget 1. A: I came here for an important meeting with Janet, but she's not here yet. B: She seems rather careless ( ) the appointment. Dto forget forgetting for forgetting 2. Don't expect ( ①me to cover ) for you this time. ②me cover 3me covering 1 cover 3. Juliet was studying the map to decide which route ( ). ①takes ②taking ③to take Dtook 4. This city is easy ( Dfor reaching ) by public transport. 2to be reaching 3 to have been reached to reach ②to 5. They have three dogs to look after, not to ( Dmention ②say ③speak 6. He is prepared to help you if you want him ( Ddo ③it ) the cat and the bird. Otell ). ①do it 7. It was not long before Paul ( Dbecame ②came ) to realize how serious the situation was. ③went ①turned 8. I was ( ①very busy to ) pay attention to what he was saying. ②too busy to ③so busy that 9. To ( ①give ) matters ( ), he got pneumonia after breaking his leg. pause ②take - bad 10. The president of our company is ( ②being delivered ①deliver Dquite busy that ③make - worse Oput double a speech at the party tomorrow. 3delivered Oto deliver
6 トマトケチャップについて述べたものを、以下にない eseni ya ag Even the most trivial of classification can A le particular point of view. the US government created something of a sensation ([Blwhen it decided to classly tomato hel as a "vegetable" in order to save money on school lunch programe. At the time. (Clic (m JC ) defend this reclassification of ketchup from "sable autob IAに入れるのに最も適切なものを選び、記号で答えなさい。 (1×1) ( be seen sometimes conocal (7) see it sometimes to conceal (イ) see sometimes concealing () be seen sometimes to conceal 2.下線部(B)に基づいて以下の空欄を埋め、 日本文を完成させなさい。(1×3) 政府が学校給食の トマトケチャップを12 として18. をした。 するむなしい 3.下部が「ケチャップを『テーブルソース』から『野菜』に再分類したことを われた」という意味になるように )に適切な語を入れなさい。なお、頭文字が与えられているものは、 その文字から始まる語を答えること。 (21) 7 )内の語句を並べかえて ( 内で3番目と6番目に来る語句を書きなさい。 *文頭に来る語句も小文字にしてある。 (2×6) 1. She (blind/guide/ nice / person/the/to/was). 2. Can you (a hole / lend / make / me / a tool / to / with )? 3. (for / him/is/ it / rare / stay up/to) late at night. 4. (like/me/show/to/ would / you / you) around the city? 5.(be/no/that seen / stars to were night. no to be teen 6. He (as carry/help/kind/me/so/to/was) my baggage. was kind It as help the to carry 8 各文には1か所ずつ誤りがあります。 下線部①~③の中から適切なものを選び、訂正しなさい。 (2×3) 1. 兄は住むアパートを探している。 My brother Dis looking for ②an apartment to ③live. 2. 私はこの車を買わないことに決めた。 1 decided to not buy ③this car, 3. 父は私に長距離を走らせた。 My father Dmade me 2to run a long distance.
ST 018 0 015 O 00000 )に適切な語を入れなさい。(×4) ほぼ同じ意味になる 1. (g) It seems that the medicine has moveral side offects. (b) The medicine ( > 2. (a) It appeared that the politician was full of energy (b) The politician ( )( ) several side effects )( ) full of energy 3. (a) They say that the old lifestyle was good for health. (b) The old lifestyle is ( ) to ( 4. (a) It was likely that he had spent all the money. (b) He was ( ) to ( )( ) good for health. > ( ) all the money. 5 日本語に合うように, 下線部に適切な語句を補いなさい。 (2×5) 1. あなたと友達になれてうれしい。 become friends with you. 2. 全力を尽くしたが、 結局失敗した。 I tried my best, only 3. 就職活動を始めるよう彼女を励ました。 I encouraged 4. 言うまでもなく, 環境を守ることは大切だ。 job-hunting. say, it's important to protect the environment. 5. 困った時は必ず私に電話しなさい。 to call me when you are in trouble.
Name: *8*1* 18 -1.1 いこと!数字や記号のみ書きなさい。 その中から答えなさい。 (26) 文部分になります。 名文を完成させるのに、1.5.のつづきである 1 I hurried to the station 21 woke up 4. He introduced a man We have the work How stupid he in WA to wurk with us. (B) to finish today. (C) to catch the last train D to believe such a rumor! (E) to find that I had gone past my stop. [2] 日本に合うように、 1 に適切な語を入れなさい。 (26) 1本を読むことが役に立つとわかった。 I found it ( サムはまでに帰るという約束を守った。 Sam kept his ( > > ) books. ) home by five. 8. もに約束を思い出させてくれた。 was nice ( ) her ( ) remind me of my appointment. 4. 私たちはどのように戦争を回避したらよいか考えるべきだ。 We should consider ( ) avoid war. ) delivered by tomorrow. ) to buy a new laptop. この小 までに届ける必要がある。 The package ( )( 6.新しいノートパソコンを買う余裕がない。 14 B (ア)~(ウ)の中から適切な所を選び、[ 内の動詞を入れて各文を完成させなさい。その際、 内の動詞は不定詞あるいは原形不定詞の形にすること。 解答欄には選択した記号と適切な動詞の形を 書きなさい。 (25) 1. Our teacher (7) told(イ) us (ウ) one another. [help] 2. My mother wants (ア) me (イ) to (ウ) the grocery store. [go] 21 (7) saw (4) a car (9) a roadside tree. [hit . He had (7) the waiter (イ) ber (ウ) glass of water [serve] 5. Could you (7) allow (4) me (7) in the paper next week? [hand]
論表 論理表現 論表i 論理表現i 不定詞 高1 高校1年


