


数学 高校生


A = ありおう 長文問題 (1~3回のまとめ) ものがたり 長 有王の決断 『平家物語』 国語週間課題 第25回 1月15日(月)配布→1月22日(月)提出→1月29日(月)答え合わせ済み再提出 鬼界が島の三人の流刑人のうち、二人は赦免されて都に戻ったが、俊寛僧都一人が島に残された。 しゅんかんぞう 読解の手がかり る にん さる程に鬼界が島へ、三人流されたりし流人、二人は召しかへされて、都へのぼりぬ。俊寛僧都一人、 次の空欄を埋めよ。 しゅんかんそう す 俊寛僧都 うかりし島の島守になりにけるこそうたてけれ。僧都のをさなうより不便にして召しつかはける童あ ふじわらのなりつね たいらの ありわう 平氏政権を打倒しようとした「鹿ヶ谷 の陰謀」の主導者とされ、藤原成経、平 康頼とともに鬼界が島へ配流された。 り。名をば有王とぞ申しける。 鬼界が島の人、今日すでに都へ入ると聞こえしかば、鳥羽まで行きむか やすより はいる ろくはら うて見けれども、わが主はみえ給はず。「いかに」と問へば、「それはなほ罪深しとて、島にのこされ給 ひぬ」と聞いて、心うしなんどもおろかなり。 常は六波羅辺にたたずみありいて聞きけれども、いつ敵 5 免あるべしとも聞きいださず。僧都の御娘のしのびておはしける所へ参って、「この瀬にももれさせ給 ひて、御のぼりも候はず。いかにもして彼の島へわたつて、御行方をたづね参らせんとこそ、思ひなつ て候へ。御ふみ給はらん」と申しければ、泣く泣く書いてだうだりけり。 霞をこふともよもゆるさじと 政治闘争に敗れた皇族や貴族などを から離れた場所に流すこと。罪 が重いほどから離れた場所へ流さ れた。 「(僧都は)この機会にも 文化人が配流先の文化に影響を与え ることも多々あった。 なつごろも て父にも母にも知らせず、もろこし舟のともづなは、卯月五月にとくなれば、夏衣たつを遅くや思ひけ 高倉天皇の中宮・徳子(平清盛の娘) の安産を祈願する恩赦で、俊寛以外の 二人は赦免されたが、俊寛は反乱の主 導者であったことによって赦免されず、 島へ残された。 なみち さつまがた ん、やよひの末に都を出でて、多くの浪路を凌ぎつつ、薩摩潟へそ下りける。 注 *鬼界が島・・・中世に日本の極南の流刑地として利用された島。薩摩(現在の鹿児島県) 沖の島。 *僧都僧官のうち、僧正に次いで二番目に高い官位の名称。 *六波羅京都市東山鴨川の東岸あたり。平氏政権の中心地であった。 *たうだりけり… 「たびたりけり」の音便形で「お与えになった」の意。 *もろこし・・・中国(宋)と行き来する交易船。 問一 助動詞 二重傍線部A~Cの助動詞の活用形と意味を記せ。 各2点 問五内容 傍線部3の説明として最も適当なものを次から選べ。 ア 俊寛僧都から御娘への手紙 イ 御娘から俊寛僧都への手紙 ウ 御娘から有王への手紙 有王から父母への手紙 形 尚六 助動詞 傍線部5について、 1 「せ」の助動詞の活用形と意味を記せ。 各2点 問二語句 波線部アイの意味として最も適当なものを、それぞれ次から選べ。 各3点 ア うたてけれ 嘆かわしいことだ ② 困ったことだ 意外だ 興ざめだ しのびて 隠して 恋い慕って ③人目を避けて 美しさに感心して 4点 (有王が傍線部5のようにした理由として、最も適当なものを次から選べ。 ア 有王は、自分が俊寛僧都を鬼界が島へ訪ねることを父母が許さないだろ うと思ったから。 イ 有王は、自分が俊寛僧都と決別することを願い出たとしても、父母が許 さないだろうと思ったから。 問三 内容 傍線部1・4の主語をそれぞれ次から選べ。 ア 俊寛僧都 イ 有玉 ウ僧都の御娘 ウ 有王は、自らが遠い鬼界が島へ行くことを知らせると父母が大変心配す るだろうと思ったから。 工 有王は、俊寛僧都の御娘に手紙を書いてもらったことを知ったら、父母 が叱るだろうと思ったから。 問四 内容 傍線部2について、 1 「それ」 の指示内容を本文から抜き出して記せ。 問七 内容 次の各文が本文の内容に合っていれば、間違っていれば×を記せ。 ア有王は主人が赦免されたと思って鳥羽へ迎えに行った。 5点 (②) このときの有王の心情として最も適当なものを次から選べ。 アせっかく出向いてきたのに、空振りに終わりばかばかしくなった。 イ事情を何も知らない相手に聞くのではなかったと後悔した。 イ 有王は俊寛僧都だけが赦免されなかったということを知った。 ウ有王は主人の娘の依頼で鬼界が島へ渡ることになった。 有王は夏になるのを待って鬼界が島へ向かった。 ウ言葉では言い尽くせないくらいつらい気持ちになった。 ウ エ嘆かわしくは思ったが、すぐに次の手を打とうと思い直した。 形 エ 有王の父母 1 4 各2点 Tw C F 目安20分 合計 形 検 H 点 9

未解決 回答数: 0
英語 高校生

大学受験の長文問題です。 解答がないので答えをお願いします🙏

問題 3 以下の英文を読んで、次の問いに答えなさい。 (*のついた語には語注が ある。) If you are able to step outside and hear many types of birds, you might also have a greater feeling of well-being. Two studies show that hearing diverse birdsongs may help increase our happiness. (A) One study was done by researchers at California Polytechnic State University. A research team studied the effects of birdsong ( 1 ) people walking through a park in the U.S. state of Colorado. A biology graduate student, Danielle Ferraro, led the study. "There could be an evolutionary reason why we like birdsong so much. And the idea is that when we hear birdsong it could signal safety to us," Ferraro says. There could be many other reasons, too. Ferraro states that in some areas around the world birdsong can also signal the arrival of spring and nice weather. Bird diversity, she adds, can also mean a healthy environment. She explained her study to Voice of America (VOA). Ferraro and her team played recorded songs from a diverse group of birds native to the area. They did this on hiking trails in a park in Boulder, Colorado. (2) several weeks, the researchers played recorded birdsong at certain times of the day and other times they did not. Then they talked with hikers after they ( 3 ). Hikers who heard the recorded diverse birdsongs reported a greater sense of well-being than the people who heard simply the natural birds. The researchers suggest that both the bird sounds and biodiversity* can increase feelings of well-being. Ferraro explained that she used native birdsong for the study. This way it would sound as natural as possible. They also did the study during the summer. She explains why this is important. "So the study ( 4 ) in the summer and that's kind of important because the spring is most birds' breeding* season. And if we play the birdsong during breeding season, that might have disturbed them. (B) We didn't want to disturb the birds too much." The study was published in an academic journal called the Royal Society B in December 2020. - 10- ◇M2 (310-15)

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英語 高校生

教えてくださる方お願いします!!至急です!! 長文が苦手で教えてください

26 Unit 4 長文問題 もしも時間を戻せたら? 1 Do you ever wish you ( ) able to change the past? If you had (2) that ability, maybe you would spend more time practicing soccer, learn the instrument that you always wanted to play, study harder for that big test, or try to save more money for the future. 2 What would you do if you had the ability to turn back the clock? This was a question which Mr. Woodall, a high school teacher in Philadelphia, asked his students. Mr. Woodall wanted to know what was important to his students but was pleasantly surprised to see the results. I think their answers will be very interesting to you, too. 3 Mr. Woodall expected to see answers (which were connected to the own good of the students, but (3) he was wrong. The majority of the answers (5)which he received from his students were for the good of others. 4 A very common answer he found was, "If I could turn back the clock, I would take back some things that I said to a friend." Apparently, many of the students regretted saying something (5) ) hurt their friends and wanted to change that. Surprisingly, close to 40% of the students answered this way. 5 Another common answer was about pets. If I were able to turn back the clock, I would spend more time with my dog," or "I would be nicer to my cat," were some common answers. Almost 25% of the students missed their pet very much and wanted to show more love. These pets included dogs, cats, birds, rabbits and other animals. 66 6 There were other answers about reading more books, studying harder, or eating less junk food. However, Mr. Woodall was quite impressed with his students and their concern for others. He decided to share all of the answers with his students, and the students enjoyed hearing the different answers. Mr. Woodall decided to try this activity with his students every year. By asking, he felt he would learn a lot about his students. Target ①関係代名詞 ②仮定法・間接疑問文 turn back (時計を) 巻き戻す pleasantly 心地よく expected to 〜するだろうと思う good majority , t take back 取り消す apparently どうやら~らしい close to 〜近く be nice to 〜にやさしい concern for 問1 (1) ( 〜への気遣い配慮 Pag 2 junk food ジャンクフード 問3 い。 ( 問 問 (4) (6) 1

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英語 高校生

至急!!!この問題が分かりません! わかる人教えください!問1から問10までお願いします🙏

Unit 2 長文問題Ⅱ ミツバチは女社会? 1 Have you ever experienced a bee sting? If you have, you may (1) not be fond of bees. However, they are very interesting and honeybee society is very similar to ours. Let's look at some interesting facts about it. 2 Honeybees live together in groups of 20,000-80,000 in a beehive. This group is call] a colony and the bees in the hive can be categorized into three types: a single queen, tens of thousands of worker bees and hundreds of drones. 3 A queen bee's job is to lay eggs all her life. Each day the queen bee lays around 2,000 eggs. The average lifespan of a queen is three to four years. Does the queen "rule" the colony? No. Her duty is simply egg- laying. In fact, the queen bee has a smaller brain than a worker bee. Target ①現在完了形 現在完了進行形 ② 名詞・冠詞 人称代名詞 ③ 受け身 (6) sting 刺すこと,~を刺す be fond of lifts honeybee ミツバチ be similar to ~に似ている beehive ハチの巣 colony コロニー categorize ~を分類する tens of thousands of 何万もの〜 drone 雄バチ lay eggs 卵を産む lifespan (5) 4 The worker bees are the largest population in the hive. They are all female bees but can't lay eggs. A worker bee's life is rather short. They live around 40 days. Their job is to keep the queen bee happy. They do all the work but change jobs as they grow. For about a week after birth, they mainly clean the hive. Sometime between five to sixteen days after birth, they usually take care of the babies and help to build the hive. When they become twelve to eighteen days old, they carry food. After that, they guard the hive entrance. When they are three weeks old, they fly out the hive, pollinate plants and collect food. If you're a drone bee, life is hard. You're [ bear ], live for a month or two, and then die. During that time, you're not a productive member of the hive-you can't collect pollen or help to look after eggs, like worker bees-and you can't even sting anyone. Drone bees live with one thing in mind: mating with a queen. When they're lucky, they (7) can, but they die soon after that. 5 (8) 6 Every bee in the hive has a part to play in the survival and success of their kind. Bees have been living like this for ages. They work together and live in harmony. rule ~を統治する duty. female 雌の rather かなり as ~につれて guard 守る pollinate 授粉する productive pollen E Poj (2) C (7) in mind 考えて mate with ~と交尾する success, ** in harmony 問 1 調和して、仲良く PLE (4 (E

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英語 高校生

SDGSの英語長文問題です。 答えが配られなくて困っています、、 どなたか問題を解いていただきたいです

Before World War II, Japanese Consul-General Chiune Sugihara was sent to Kaunas to open a consulate service. Kaunas was the temporary capital of Lithuania at the time Reading Refugees in Recent Years J次の英文は第2次世界大戦当時、ナチスに迫害されていた多くのユタヤ人を救った杉原干動。 ついて書かれたものです。英文を読んで、問いに答えなさい。 For Chiune Sugihara u入 boobi 30 signi follim . Ba wrot be o chos. and was strategically situated between Germany and the Soviet Union. After Hitler.。 invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, a wave of Jewish refugees living in Poland streamed into Lithuania. They escaped from Poland without possessions or money. By 1940, most of Western Europe had been conquered by the Nazis. Most free countries barred the immigration of Jewish refugees from Poland or anywhere in Nazi- occupied Europe. Germany and Soviets were approaching Lithuania rapidly. In July 1940, the Soviet authorities instructed all foreign embassies day to g 35 Lith the Ko all left immediately, but Sugihara managed to obtain permission to extend his Kaunas. Almost a 40 the STTOS stay. in 0quion as taqe On a summer morning in late July 1940, Consul Sugihara and his family awakened to a crowd of Polish-Jewish refugees gathered outside the consulate. Desperate to flee the q ynem CH approaching Nazis and Soviets, the refugees knew that their only path lay to the east. If Consul Sugihara them Japanese transit visas, they could race to possible re freedom. Sugihara was moved by their plight, but he did not have the authority to issue hundreds of visas without permission from the Foreign Ministry in Tokyo. Sugihara wired his government three times for permission to issue visas to the Jewish refugees. Three times he was denied. 45 u d 1 MOLIG- KOinE After repeatedly receiving negative responses from Tokyo, the Consul had a dificult decision to make. He was a man who was brought up in the strict and traditional : discipline of the Japanese. He was a career diplomat, who suddenly had to make a very difficult choice. On the one hand, he was bound by the traditional obedience he c all his life. On the other hand, he thought that he had to help those who were in need. He knew that if he defied the orders of his superiors, he might be fired and disgraced, and would probably never work for the Japanese government again. This # would result in extreme financial hardship for his family in the future. Sugihara even feared for the lives of himself, his wife and children, but in the end he just followed his conscience. The visas would be signed. 72

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英語 高校生

【 至急⠀】raise3の長文問題なんですけど、単語が難し過ぎるので答え教えて欲しいです!!!!

Grammar Expression| Listening|Speaking /12 Total 12 /9 /100 Reading /14 /21 /44 O Reading 2 速読 問題 次の英文を3分15秒で読んで, 1.の問いに答えなさい。 But the Scottish national costume for In Europe men don't usually wear skirts. men is a kind of skirt. It is called a kilt The Scottish like to be different. They are also proud of their country and its history. and they feel that the kilt is a part of that ほこリにう history. That's why (nthe men still wear kilts at old-style dances and on national 5 holidays. They believe they are wearing the same clothes that Scottish men always used to wear. That's what they believe. However. kilts are not really so old. Before 1730, Scottish men wore a long shirt and blanket around their shoulders. These clothes (2)got in the way when the men started to work in factories. So, in 1730 a factory owner changed 10 the blanket into a skirt: the kilt. That's how the first kilt was made. Then, in the late 1700s Scottish soldiers in the British Army began to wear kilts. One reason for (3this was national feeling: the Scottish soldiers wanted to look different from the English soldiers. The Scottish soldiers fought very hard and became famous. The kilt was part of that fame, and in the early 1800s men all around Scotland began 15 to wear kilts. laThese kilts hadcolorful stripes going up and down and across. Scottish people often believe that the colors of the kilts are part of their family history. In fact, each family just chose the colors they liked best in the late 1800s. This is not the story you will hear today if you are in Scotland. Most Scottish people 20 still believe that kilts are as old as Scotland and that the colors are as old as the Scottish families. Sometimes feelings are stronger than facts! (287 words)

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