

問題 3 以下の英文を読んで、次の問いに答えなさい。 (*のついた語には語注が ある。) If you are able to step outside and hear many types of birds, you might also have a greater feeling of well-being. Two studies show that hearing diverse birdsongs may help increase our happiness. (A) One study was done by researchers at California Polytechnic State University. A research team studied the effects of birdsong ( 1 ) people walking through a park in the U.S. state of Colorado. A biology graduate student, Danielle Ferraro, led the study. "There could be an evolutionary reason why we like birdsong so much. And the idea is that when we hear birdsong it could signal safety to us," Ferraro says. There could be many other reasons, too. Ferraro states that in some areas around the world birdsong can also signal the arrival of spring and nice weather. Bird diversity, she adds, can also mean a healthy environment. She explained her study to Voice of America (VOA). Ferraro and her team played recorded songs from a diverse group of birds native to the area. They did this on hiking trails in a park in Boulder, Colorado. (2) several weeks, the researchers played recorded birdsong at certain times of the day and other times they did not. Then they talked with hikers after they ( 3 ). Hikers who heard the recorded diverse birdsongs reported a greater sense of well-being than the people who heard simply the natural birds. The researchers suggest that both the bird sounds and biodiversity* can increase feelings of well-being. Ferraro explained that she used native birdsong for the study. This way it would sound as natural as possible. They also did the study during the summer. She explains why this is important. "So the study ( 4 ) in the summer and that's kind of important because the spring is most birds' breeding* season. And if we play the birdsong during breeding season, that might have disturbed them. (B) We didn't want to disturb the birds too much." The study was published in an academic journal called the Royal Society B in December 2020. - 10- ◇M2 (310-15)
The other study is done by scientists in Germany who examined for the first time ( 5 ) a diverse nature also increases human well-being across Europe. It was recently reported in a website called The Science Daily. The researchers looked at the "2012 European Quality of Life Survey" to study the connection between the different kinds of birds in their surroundings and life satisfaction. They looked at more than 26, 000 adults from 26 European countries. "Europeans are particularly ( 6 ) their lives if their surroundings have a high species diversity," explains the study's lead author, Joel Methorst. He is a researcher at the Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre. His team found that the happiest Europeans are who can experience many different kinds of birds in their daily life, or who live in near-natural surroundings that are home to many species. They reported their findings in Ecological Economics. (C) So, if birdsong is good for our mental health, how can we increase the different types of birdsong we hear? I would ( 7 ) planting native trees and flowers because we have a lot of, you know, pretty ornamental* plants in our cities. And they might look nice to us, but birds can't necessarily use them. So, I think it's important to have species that are native to the area to increase bird diversity. (VOA Learning English - 注 biodiversity: 生物の種が多様であること breeding ornamental: 観賞用の - 11 - ◇M2 (310-16)
1. 下線部(A)と同じ意味で使われている名詞を本文中から一語抜き出しなさい。 2. 本文中の( 1 ) ~ (7 に入れるのに最も適切な語をア~エからそれぞれ 一つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 (1) ア on (2) ア Since (3) ア passed out (4) ア took place ウ held out イ of イ Among イ passed by (5) ア where (6) ア anxious about ウ dependent on (7) ア operate wherever ウ into ウ Over ウ went on イ carried out I put together ウ either I about I Between I went along satisfied with I indifferent to イ recommend ウ recognize 工 organize I whether 3. 本文の流れと意味が合う文章になるように, 下線部(B)を適切な時制に変えなさ い。 4. 本文の流れと意味が合うように, (C)にあてはまる英単語一語を書きなさい。 - 5. 本文の内容に合うように,以下の英文の( D ) ~ (F)にあてはまる英単 語一語を書きなさい。 本文中に使用されていない語を利用してもよい。 12 - Ms. Ferraro says there are many reasons why people love birdsongs, including the following three: ① Birdsongs tell us that we are (D). ② Birdsongs mean that the nice and warm season has (E). ③3③ We feel that our environment is healthy if we hear many(F) of birds singing. ◇M2(310-17)
英語長文 英語 英文法 大学受験


